Dec. 10, 2024

Is There Really Only One God? (249)

Is There Really Only One God? (249)
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Revealing The True Light with Mike Shreve

When discussing the nature of the Godhead, Christians, Hindus, Sikhs, and New Agers all passionately insist, “There is only one God!” Do they all mean the same thing by that terse, five-word statement? Or are there drastically different ways of interpreting this simple phrase? In His conversation with the woman at the well, Jesus unveiled the mystery—profoundly.

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Mike Shreve’s other podcast

Discover Your Spiritual Identity—a study on the biblical names given to God's people:

Mail: P.O. Box 4260, Cleveland, TN 37320 / Phone: 423-478-2843

Purchase Mike Shreve’s popular book comparing over 20 religions:

In Search of the True Light