Aug. 15, 2023

OM - Mystical Sound or Empty Syllable? (183)

OM - Mystical Sound or Empty Syllable? (183)
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Revealing The True Light with Mike Shreve

Why is the word “OM” considered so sacred and powerful? How many religions recognize it as a spiritually potent word? Why is it connected to three of the most revered gods of the Hindu pantheon: Brahma, Vishnu, and Shiva? How should Christian believers react to the use of this word? Does it have anything to do with John 1:1, as some gurus propose? Many vitally important questions will be answered.

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All audio-podcasts are shared in a video format on our YouTube channel.

Mike Shreve’s other podcast
Discover Your Spiritual Identity—a study on the biblical names given to God's people:

Mail: P.O. Box 4260, Cleveland, TN 37320 / Phone: 423-478-2843

Purchase Mike Shreve’s popular book comparing over 20 religions:
In Search of the True Light