Dec. 31, 2024

The Pope Opens Sacred Doors / Powerful Rite or Empty Ritual? (252)

The Pope Opens Sacred Doors / Powerful Rite or Empty Ritual? (252)
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Revealing The True Light with Mike Shreve

Four revered Catholic churches in Rome have “holy doors” that have been sealed for almost ten years but are now being opened by the pope for a Jubilee year in 2025. Catholics who pass through those doors are promised a plenary indulgence (an escape from all punishment awaiting them in Purgatory). Millions of pilgrims will be headed to Rome during the coming year. Is this a powerful rite or just an empty ritual?

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Discover Your Spiritual Identity—a study on the biblical names given to God's people:

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Purchase Mike Shreve’s popular book comparing over 20 religions:

In Search of the True Light