June 14, 2022

What Is the New Age Movement? 15 Foundational Beliefs / Part Two (125)

What Is the New Age Movement? 15 Foundational Beliefs / Part Two (125)
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Revealing The True Light with Mike Shreve

The term, “The New Age Movement,” stems from Astrology. It is based on the erroneous idea that the sun passes through twelve houses in its journey around the earth. Each house represents an age that is about 2200 years long. Those who subscribe to this worldview believe we are about to pass into “The Age of Aquarius,” a new age of enlightenment and peace on planet Earth. Is this the same as the biblical concept of a coming Kingdom Age when the Messiah (Jesus) will reign over a restored paradise world? Find out on this episode of “Revealing the True Light” as we explore eight more common beliefs that most New Agers embrace, comparing them to the biblical view. www.thetruelight.net