Read Charisma Magazine articles by John Burton
Oct. 1, 2019

A Most Important Podcast - Why Do You Minister?

A Most Important Podcast - Why Do You Minister?

The amount of dysfunction regarding ministry, identity and motive in Christians and ministers today is troubling.

The topic of this podcast will touch every single Christian alive, including yourself. Why do you (or don't you) minister? What is your motive?

If all ministry was taken from you, would you still be full of life and joy? Or, is your identity wrapped up in what you do or in what you enjoy doing?

Further, so much of what we see in churches today is absolutely unnecessary. Why do pastors keep adding in these programs, activities and focuses? Why don't they zero in on the main thing? What if half the people left the church and took their money with them? Would the leader and those who remain still be full of joy, knowing nobody can stop them from moving the way God has called them to? Or would they spin out and get depressed?

There are so many questions, and I deal with several of them in this podcast. What do you think?