We can no longer shut down the activity of the Holy Spirit in the church. We must see the activity of the Holy Spirit wildly increase in our lives, our churches and our cities. This is the place where supernatural manifestati...
Get aligned with God’s dramatic, powerful and necessary end-time financial plan. The Great Wealth Transfer is a powerfully biblical truth that must be understood and applied as we advance in our ministries. Learn how to prepa...
7 Building Blocks to Kingdom Wealth Amy shares powerful revelation on how to break free from poverty, to defeat Mammon and to practically and spiritual align ourselves with God's financial plan.
EXPOSING A DEMONIC SCHEME In this teaching, Amy Burton will step you through clear, practical and supernatural freedom in your finances. Mammon is a demonic spirit, and it’s remarkable how easy it is to listen to its counsel....
Amy Burton brings the first of four powerful and life-changing messages on biblical prosperity and Kingdom wealth. In this first session, Amy answers the question, "Why Kingdom wealth?" God has called us to radical generosity...
Use your words! Discover the power of matching our authority in Christ with prophetic words that explode out of your spirit. When we decree, declare and command atmospheres to respond to the will of God, everything in our lif...
As we pray in what we at Revival X call "The 100," preparation for city-wide revival is being made. “And Ahab called Obadiah, who was over the household. (Now Obadiah feared the LORD greatly, and when Jezebel cut off the prop...
HOW TO DEAL WITH FALSE PROPHETS Get equipped in the prophetic. More than any time in history we must understand how to discern false prophecy and how to deal with false prophets. Listen to this powerful Revival X message! www...
There's a significant difference between Old Testament prophecy and New Testament prophecy. Learn how to discern the heart of the matter, how to judge prophetic words and how to promote a prophetic culture in your church. www...
God communicates is a wide variety of ways including dreams, visions, trances, prophetic acts, angels and much, much more. Discover how God uniquely speaks to you and develop a sharp prophetic spirit. #prophetic #prophecy #an...
God communicates is a wide variety of ways including dreams, visions, trances, prophetic acts, angels and much, much more. Discover how God uniquely speaks to you and develop a sharp prophetic spirit. #prophetic #prophecy #an...
Church as we know it is going to dramatically, radically change–so much that we will not recognize it. The city-church model will ensure revival can be launched and sustained. It's the only structure strong enough to do so. I...
The shift into the new wineskin will result in church looking absolutely nothing like what we see today. This podcast reveals unique strategies, tips and insights on how to beak out of the old model and into the new. A founda...
In this special Christmas Eve service, the dramatic and violent season of Jesus' birth is explained. While many were attempting to overthrow, Jesus was focused on revival that required humility, love and ultimately his death.
In this special Christmas Eve service, the dramatic and violent season of Jesus' birth is explained. While many were attempting to overthrow, Jesus was focused on revival that required humility, love and ultimately his death.
"I give myself an 80% chance of making Heaven." ~John Burton Discover the need to work out your salvation with fear and trembling as you endure to the very end. Many refuse to consider the ramifications of a message like this...
15 different barriers to healing and living a life of divine health are revealed in part three in the series, A Culture of Healing. Revival will bring a revelation and manifestation of supernatural healing and God is preparin...
15 different barriers to healing and living a life of divine health are revealed in part three in the series, A Culture of Healing. Revival will bring a revelation and manifestation of supernatural healing and God is preparin...
Prayer doesn’t typically come naturally. Actually, it comes supernaturally, but even so, there is a learning curve. In this podcast, I share 11 ways to break free from boring, powerless prayer. At Revival X , I am excited abo...
What makes us think revival is near (or even here)? Faithfully attending church, growing as a family, worshiping and studying the Word is GOOD...but woefully insufficient. Revival cannot launch with such a limited approach. S...
Reformation of systems and structures must come if we hope to host revival. I've spent years traveling to churches all over the nation and have been blessed to get to know some incredible pastors. They are hungry for revival ...
I applaud Christians who want to live pure, holy lives, but eliminating Christmas is not the way to do that. Christmas is truly the most wonderful time of the year as we exalt Jesus and enjoy family in ways that cannot happen...
The cross of Jesus dealt with both sin and sickness, and we must understand that relationship in order to walk in fullness AND to minister healing to others. Discover the wonder of walking as saved, healed, delivered and free...
The cross of Jesus dealt with both sin and sickness, and we must understand that relationship in order to walk in fullness AND to minister healing to others. Discover the wonder of walking as saved, healed, delivered and free...