Read Charisma Magazine articles by John Burton
Sept. 6, 2019

HERETIC! We Need to be CAREFUL When Using That Word!

HERETIC! We Need to be CAREFUL When Using That Word!

BE CAREFUL, use wisdom, be honoring, be teachable and walk in the fear of the Lord whenever you think of labeling someone as a HERETIC!

You need to be OK with supporting ministers who you don't always agree with.

For example, while I'm definitely in a different camp, you CANNOT DENY that Bill Johnson has some RIDICULOUS wisdom.

I'm not a Baptist...not even close...BUT can I grow through certain Baptist teachers? Heck yeah.

I'm not Word of Faith, but, dude, some of the truth bombs they release are legit.

The IHOP prayer movement is world changing and their teaching is deeper than most anywhere I've ever been...but I don't subscribe to the same model of intercession that they do. That's not a big deal.

So, where do I draw the line? When the core teaching is CLEARLY heretical (not simply debatable).

What does "heretical" mean? It means if you believe that thing, you most likely are not saved. That's the ultra-simple definition.

So, for example, false-grace, universalism, etc. are out. I'm not drawing from those wells.