Dec. 18, 2024

Revival X Podcast - 5 Ways Pastor-Led Churches Hinder Revival

Revival X Podcast - 5 Ways Pastor-Led Churches Hinder Revival

Reformation of systems and structures must come if we hope to host revival.

I've spent years traveling to churches all over the nation and have been blessed to get to know some incredible pastors. They are hungry for revival and are willing to allow God to move any way necessary.

It's also true that many who hold the office of Pastor either unwittingly or intentionally disrupt the pursuit of revival in their city. They simply aren't gifted or wired to understand the demands of revival much less the strategy to launch and sustain it.

I strongly believe we must embrace a shift away from pastor-led churches as apostolic and prophetic leaders advance the city-church toward an outpouring. The systems and structures must change dramatically allowing those with the gift of shepherding to eliminate the burdens of senior leadership.

What follows is a general analysis of the status of the church. By no means do I presume every pastor fits into this mold, but the definition and design of this spiritual office has its limits. Every biblical office and gift does. This is why reorganization is necessary as the entirety of the five-fold ministry begins to function together.

You can read the associated article HERE.