The goal for the Ekklesia, for the church, is NOT personal experience or satisfaction.
Especially in the realm of charismania (of which I am a part), it's easy to get distracted <squirrel!> or attracted to the latest, greatest experience.
We must understand our assignment, what it is and what it is not.
Further, numeric growth is something that I don't get excited about. In fact, it's something I give no attention to in regard to strategy. It's not the goal. In can be a significant distraction.
As powerful as it can be, the church service is not the ultimate goal. It's simply a place of prayer, training and worship. The goal? It's to contend for a move of God on a city level.
#church #ekklesia #holyspirit #assignment #leadership #equipping #citychurch #localchurch #revival #branson #bransonmo