Read Charisma Magazine articles by John Burton
Oct. 18, 2024

Revival X Podcast - Ten Marks of the City Church

Revival X Podcast - Ten Marks of the City Church

A reformation of understanding in church government is necessary.

In Scripture, the church is defined not by the street corner, but by the city. Truly, there's one church in every city with multiple "departments" represented by local churches. Just as it would make no sense for various departments within a single local church to refuse to strategically and consistently support each other, it's imperative that local church leaders in a city consider themselves to be not only in the same family as Believers, but also on the same leadership team. Synergy and cooperation is mandatory if we hope to see a sustainable move of God hit a region. There are several marks or identifiers of a city church that, when embraced by local church leaders, will fast track the pursuit of revival. ONE: ZERO COMPETITION BETWEEN LOCAL CHURCHES TWO: REGIONAL GOVERNMENT PRIORITIZED OVER DENOMINATIONAL ALLEGIANCE THREE: REGIONAL EVENTS GIVEN PRIORITY OVER LOCAL SCHEDULE FOUR: MULTIPLE CHURCH PARTICIPATION ENCOURAGED FIVE: MINOR THEOLOGICAL DIFFERENCES A NONISSUE SIX: RESTRUCTURING OF LEADERSHIP COMMON SEVEN: SHEEP PROTECTION FALLACY REJECTED EIGHT: FIVE-FOLD MINISTRY EMPHASIZED NINE: REGIONAL VISION TRUMPS LOCAL VISION TEN: SHARED LEADERSHIP BETWEEN LOCAL CHURCHES

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