Aug. 13, 2021

CHRISTIANS don't realize they can do this! HEALING the sick (Episode 115)

CHRISTIANS don't realize they can do this! HEALING the sick  (Episode 115)
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Revival Lifestyle with Isaiah Saldivar

Most Christians do not realize they have been given the power to heal the sick! Jesus said all power and authority I have I now give you and that includes the power to lay hands on the sick! Matthew 10:8 says Heal the sick, raise the dead, cleanse those who have leprosy, drive out demons. Freely you have received; freely give." Lets talk about it!

"When you are praying for the sick and praying for healing, you need to make sure you know about the spirit of infirmity so that you know if you need to deliver someone or just pray to heal!" -Isaiah Saldivar. 

-Scriptural proof Jesus wants everyone healed

Four reasons people get sick 

  1. Personal Sin
  2. Bitterness
  3. Poor Diet
  4. Spirit of Infirmity

To sow