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Sounding the alarm!
I love listening to this podcast on my commutes!! Isaiah is a truth teller and so refreshing in such a time as this! Definitely a passionate servant of the Lord waking us up! Thank you for all you do in obedience to God. You are needed

Such a great teacher and disciple of God!!!
Truly great content and a true example of what a man of God should be like.

Always on it
I really love this podcast because Isaiah stays on top of what’s going on and I love that he uses the word to show his perspective.

While Israel is going through a massacre, kids, moms, holocaust survivors, young woman are getting raped, soldiers getting beheaded, babies burned alive, Isaiah decides to make a live video of him talking about Alan Par. Unbelievable! Isaiah sorry brother but you got issues!

Love the podcast brother 🙏🏻🇺🇸

The fire of the Lord!
I was born again in 2005 but slipped away slowly in a couple years and ended up in old ways sinning, I recently came back in Christ and have been listening to this podcast the last few days and feel the fire of Holy Spirit every time, thankful to God!

Bringing the fire of deliverance
Isaiah has an anointing from God for deliverance.

Sooo impactful
May God bless this man of God.

Mark 8:38
Mark 8:38 If anyone is ashamed of me and my message in these adulterous and sinful days, the Son of Man will be ashamed of that person when he returns in the glory of his Father with the holy angels.”

Thank you for your spirit!

Thank you for taking the time to make these awesome videos/podcast! God bless you and your family.

I listen to this podcast all day at work thank you for your ministry Isaiah

God is so good
Man I had to write a review because, this podcast has truly fired me up. I just started listening to it yesterday and I can truly say God moved my heart just by listening to these. This podcast is so easy to grasp, it’s so powerful it is amazing and it’s all Gods work. This is helping me face my addictions and helping me get closer to God more than ever before

Received fire and passion for God
I know. I know. But seriously! I received, right through the frequency of this podcast the delivering power of Jesus! I also was set on fire and became more passionate about the things of God from listening to Isaiah’s preaching. If you want to go deeper with God and have personal revival in your life LISTEN TO THIS PODCAST 🔥 Listen to his first few episodes they are straight FIRE

True Annointing
Every time I hear him preach I feel the fire of the Lord. Isaiah has an anointing on his life! May God continue to advance this man of God!

Can’t say enough positive things
The content is deadly accurate-all backed with the Bible, fast passed and easy to grasp, very interesting guests and topics, good mix of straight up convicting life changing information and humor and personality. I send this podcast to friends and family and many have become regular listeners.

Got Delivered Thru YouTube!!!
Isaiah broooooo! I would never have thought it was possible to get delivered through a recorded YouTube video. Then God showed me it wasn’t “YouTube” it was my faith! COME ON! By faith we are healed. By faith we are saved. Someone sent me a Saldivar video and I was home alone all week so I had a little mini-revival by myself. One night while cooking I listened to his video about “How Jesus Cast Out Demons” and I think God knew this one would work on me because I’m very much about “if the Bible says it then I believe it.” Isaiah broke down verse after verse showing how the Bible clearly says casting out demons is real and how it’s done. At the end he said he was going to pray for us. I didn’t think or feel like I had demons but I wanted to say the prayer with him anyway. As I was saying it out loud with my arms held out I started gagging uncontrollably. My dog started freaking out. I was drooling all over my floor. Thank God no one was home or they would have thought I needed to go to the hospital. I got scared in the middle of it and almost backed down but something told me “no it lol get worse if you give in to the fear.” So I sat down and continued. Felt like I was gagging for hours but was probably minutes. After it calmed down I asked God in the spirit “am I done” and immediately a thought came back to me that said “All clean son!!!” I still didn’t even really know what had happened. I told a friend and he said you just got delivered and asked me what I got delivered from but I didn’t know. Next day I went to local farmers market and on my way out I realized I had just walked by and talked to at least 20 women without having a single lustful thought! I had been praying at the altar for months for God to remove these horrible thoughts. Even wondering if I was even saved because I was having these disgusting thoughts that I did not want to be having. They made me feel so guilty and shameful. I could barely even look at another woman. But now when I do, I just see a woman. Sure I notice her body but it’s different now. I’m not like studying her body or looking with thoughts about what I wish I could do. That’s all gone now! Thank you Jesus! Thank you Father! Thank you Holy Spirit! Isaiah NEVER STOP BRO!!!! Love you and see you in Georgia in November.

I took this incredible journey of faith seriously almost 8 years ago, and like the most of us—I knew of the spiritual realm but looking back I don’t quite remember any messages about it. I’ve learned a lot and my wife and I have been blessed. Thanks Isaiah

Great Podcast.
I really enjoy listening to Isaiah and his guests. They give great tips on a ton of topics such as parenting, how to grow your relationship with God, etc.

Jesus on Steroids
I love getting all pumped up on the Word of God and this does just that. Isaiah is full of energy and Holy Spirit fire. I love his dedication to walking our faith and I have been inspired in my daily life.

LOVE this podcast and his YouTube Chanel! It’s honestly life changing all the wisdom I’ve been learning and that. We need more Christian’s and leaders like you!

Isaiah and all his guest speakers have really helped motivate and inspire my walk with Christ! They are really life speakers! Thank you Jesus 🤍

Been listening to Isaiah for a couple years now, out of all the demons slayers i love his obedience. He preaches so bold and is not afraid to say it how it is. I learned so much from him on being obedient. When i mean obedient i mean controlling where his eyes go, places he goes, social media etc... its not that he is religious or anything like that its just that he has wisdom. Thanks to my gf I listen to Isaiah, we both listen to his live/podcast/ short videos. Its very hard to find Men of God these days that are true to his word but it shows through Isaiah its not impossible . The Lord is returning any day now and the life we live must be in obedience and discipline. God bless 🎤 🔥 🙏🏼

Fuego 🔥
For such a time as this! Thank you LORD for this vessel of Yours. Use him as a match that lights many and provoke us to yearn for more of GOD!

Thank you!
Isaiah, you are awesome! Thank you for all your teachings! Everything you talk about is on fire and Holy spirit led, and it helps me so much! I get so pumped to do kingdom work every time I listen to you! Keep up the great work brother! Thank you so much for all that you do!

Music reaches me different than most people
I am a believer. I started watching this in YouTube when it was live, and I found and subscribed to this Podcast and I’m listening to it now to finish. I will tell you, y’all are absolutely right! Music I listened to as a teenager brings back all of the old feelings I felt. I was a Billie Eilish fan until that Video Jenny speaks on came out. None of this clicked until 8 months ago I noticed a major shift on earth once COVID hit. Thank you for bringing all of this out, the Travis Scott concert shook me to my spirit I sat at work and cried!!!!! I knew something was wrong majorly wrong. I will not listen to any secular music ever again. Thank you for telling the truth. God Bless y’all both!

I’m not alone!!!! This podcast is all I want!!
My love for Jesus was lifelong but my passion for him came suddenly and powerfully through a strange spiritual warfare experience. Ever since I’m so on fire for him and and deliverance but there are few people who know half of the things I talk about and they just nod and don’t say much (because no one here talks about it!!!). I long for deep conversations about this and I feel like so many questions I’ve been piling up for the day I meet a deliverance minister are being answered via this podcast. This podcast makes me so excited that people elsewhere are on fire for this and sense the urgency of the battle ahead of us. Thanks so much for sharing! I’m going to check out your website and see ways to connect. Prayers of blessing your way! I will be sharing this podcast with everyone!

Not sugar coated
Gives me hope to have found a man who has found God and is not afraid to preach the truth. Talks on important controversial topics, also brings on others that share beautiful testimony from being in the tombs to being changed by Jesus Christ. A real help to growing spiritually, even if you are not Christian give a listen for real advise.

Incredible - Life Changing
This pastor/evangelist/Man of God has changed my life. The way he preaches Gods word and teaches EXACTLY what the Bible says with no alterations is exactly what this world needs. Thank you for your sermons and teachings!

Man this was awesome
Kevin keeps it’s real Straight to the point no begging for money he is awesome just like Isaiah…Thank u both for your obedience in the kingdom…