July 28, 2022

Ego on the Outside, and a Good that Overcomes Evil

Ego on the Outside, and a Good that Overcomes Evil
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More Faith More Life

There is an ego on the outside, and a good that OVERCOMES evil… Unfortunately, those two things do not work together. Evil has invaded our world and surrounds us. Every Christian has the opportunity to overcome it! The question is, will believers do what it takes to stand against the evil? Steve discusses the choice we have, the power of God at our disposal, and the roadblocks that prevent us from being victorious. 

Romans 12:21 tells us, “Do not overcome by evil, but overcome evil with good.” Evil pervades our world and surrounds us. Evil can overwhelm and overtake us, or we can stand against it.  


What is good? What kind of “good” overcomes evil? 

We must overcome with inner good—not outer good. Jesus got at the heart of the problem, rebuking the religious leaders of his day, “‘you hypocrites! You clean the outside of the cup and dish, but inside they are full of greed and self-indulgence. Blind Pharisee! First clean the inside of the cup and dish, and then the outside also will be clean’” (Matthew 23:26).  

The motivations are wrong when Christians are out to boost their own egos rather than seek transformation and godliness. That’s what the Pharisees did in Jesus’ day! We get rid of the external and obvious examples of sin, creating outer good, but inside, we hold onto pride, anger, rebellion, deception, selfishness, ambition, etc. In order to overcome, we cannot have the same evil inside of us that we are fighting on the outside. 

We’ve got to get the good inside of us. If we have God, we don’t need any of the ego boosting and filth. If we clean the inside, then the good within us can overcome evil! A move of God is suddenly possible and imminent because the people of God are utterly filled with the Holy Spirit and empowered by good from the inside out.   













