Jan. 9, 2024

Faith, Finances, Freedom | #40

Faith, Finances, Freedom | #40
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More Faith More Life

Discovering the secret to thriving financially isn't just about getting a bigger paycheck; it's about the wisdom to manage the funds that remain after the bills are settled. I've learned through both biblical teachings and my own journey that integrating faith into our money matters can unlock a path to unexpected prosperity. In this candid conversation, I peel back the layers of cultivating financial wisdom in tough economic times, sharing anecdotes from my own life about conquering the debt monster, especially the snare of credit card borrowing. I'll walk you through the principles I've lived by to achieve a debt-free existence, sprinkling in practical tips for anyone aiming to take control of their finances.

During our discussion, you'll get an insider look at the trials and triumphs of marrying faith with creativity, all while maintaining a steady course towards financial well-being amidst the storms of economic uncertainty. Join us as we explore the melody of life where discipline and faith harmonize to create a symphony of success against all odds.

Key Takeaways:

  • Prosperity is not determined by how much money you make, but by how much money you have left over after paying off debts.
  • Stop using credit cards and live off the money you have.
  • Pay off existing debts and avoid buying things on credit.
  • Declare a month of lean living to cut back on expenses and save money to pay off debts.
  • Once debts are paid off, individuals can start living even and use leftover money to buy things with cash.

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About the host: Steve Gray is the founding and senior pastor of Revive Church KC. He has been in the full time ministry for over 40 years and was launched into national and international recognition in the late 1990’s as the leader of the historic Smithton Outpouring, and again in 2009 when he lead the Kansas City Revival which was televised nationally on the Daystar television network. Steve is also a veteran musician, songwriter, recording artist and published author. His books include When The Kingdom Comes, Follow The Fire, My Absurd Religion, and If You Only Knew.

More resources by Steve Gray >> https://www.stevegrayministries.com/category/all-products