July 14, 2022

No Shortcuts to Revival

No Shortcuts to Revival
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More Faith More Life

We want revival now, but there aren’t any shortcuts. No shortcuts exist for getting us the presence and power of God. In this episode, Steve talks about how we easily fall into corruption and the traps of instant gratification. Steve goes to the Book of Acts, where the first century believers knew how to live Spirit-filled lives and pursue God together.  


We live in a shortcut society. It has leaked into church. The mentality is: ‘If we just do this… then we’ll just get that.’  But that’s not how the Kingdom of God works! 

In Acts 2:40, Peter warns, “Save yourselves from this corrupt generation.”  

Today, in our shortcut world, we make some changes to our ministries, our church services, and our buildings. But changing those things does not separate us from corruption.   

How do we save ourselves from corruption? In the first century church, the believers “devoted themselves to the apostles’ teaching and to fellowship, to the breaking of bread and to prayer” (Acts 2:42). They had devotion without shortcuts—they committed to teaching, fellowship, and prayer every day! Also, “every day they continued to meet together in the temple courts” (v. 46). These believers were born again and filled with the Spirit, but they stayed with the framework of their Jewish upbringing. They didn’t need to go somewhere else to have the signs, wonders, and miracles happen. Going to church matters. 

In Acts 3, Peter and John go to the temple gate, and by the power of God, heal a lame beggar. The healed man can now enter the temple. As people are saved, the Kingdom and church family expands. No shortcuts will save us or bring us closer to God. We can shake off the corruption if we would just devote ourselves to teaching, fellowship, and prayer. Then revival will come.  










