Dec. 23, 2021

Restore His Honor

Restore His Honor
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More Faith More Life

Why revival? We must restore His honor!  

Today we can look around and see the rumblings of revival. There is excitement and renewal happening. But it might not be TRUE revival. True revival is not just longer, louder church services. So what is it? 

Let’s go back to Genesis 1. Why did God create man and woman and put them in the Garden? Lucifer was the prideful archangel who led a third of the angels in rebellion against God and fell to the earthly realm. So when God created man and woman and put them on earth, He knowingly put them in the devil’s territory. Why?  

Lucifer’s rebellion left a hole in Heaven. God was unwilling to forget it but wanted to fix it. He purposely created man and woman and placed them in the Satan’s territory so that they would eventually be a humanity that would not be tempted or fall for the devil’s schemes. Adam and Eve did fall, but eventually Jesus the perfect man came. Jesus won in the devil’s territory! God’s honor, dignity, and name is restored. 

Through Jesus, humans could be born again. We are born again and can stand up for Jesus. We can do the only thing God cannot do for Himself. We restore His honor! 

We need a revival! The people of God need to stop cooling off and start burning for Jesus. We need the fire of God so that He is once again honored in His church. We must make God our number one priority! We do not want anything else but Jesus Christ and the Kingdom of God. 



