Aug. 11, 2022

The Good Father

The Good Father
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More Faith More Life

When is The End of The World? Is it NEAR?! The world is already so full of trouble and tribulation. Movies imagine an “apocalypse,” and preachers talk about the “end times” and the “rapture.” In this episode, Steve goes to 2 Peter to see what the Bible tells us. We don’t have to fear destruction if we live right because we have a good Father. 

There is no shortage of tribulation and trouble in the world around us. There are movies, TV, and books filled with speculation about an apocalypse. And if that's not enough, there are preachers filling the airwaves and churches with plenty of preaching about the “end times.” 

It's no wonder that it's so easy to get bogged down in the harshness of life and scared about the end. BUT... God is no deadbeat dad. He doesn’t give up on or abandon His Creation. He is our good Father. 

If you look at the Bible, starting in 2 Peter 3:10, it addresses the coming of “the Day of the Lord.” God's Word tells us that everything evil—everything that is anti-God, unrighteous, and wicked—will be destroyed. 

Although that may sound scary, we are His children and He gives us assurance and hope. In verse 13 it says, “in keeping with his promise we are looking forward to a new heaven and a new earth, where righteousness dwells.” 

In other words, you are born again in Christ. REMADE, not destroyed. You can look forward to the changes that will be made at the end to bring about the new heaven and new earth. All you have to do is “make every effort to be found spotless, blameless and at peace” with God, living “holy and godly lives” (verses 12-13). 







