Oct. 28, 2021

Why Not Revival?, Part 1

Why Not Revival?, Part 1
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More Faith More Life

Why not revival? Why are believers becoming stuck in life and facing spiritual stagnation? In this episode, Steve answers these questions. Learn what might be holding you back from being revived, so you can advance the Kingdom and run for God!

Why not revival? What is hindering revival? We desperately need God’s presence—for God to come and fill our churches and transform our lives with His power, presence, and glory. So why isn’t revival breaking out in churches everywhere? 

We must connect to the spirit of truth! Jesus is the way, the truth, and the life. Truth is a person: Jesus. We’re missing out on truth because we’re not focused on Jesus, what He said/says, and who He really is. Sermons that are like therapy—teaching you how to become a better you—miss the mark by telling us what we want to hear rather than what we need to hear. When we are focused on ourselves, we are not focused on Jesus. We must start listening to the spirit of truth about ourselves, our country, and our churches, along with where we need to go and what we need to be doing.  

The Bible teaches about the Kingdom of God, teaching us how to become somebody else. Peter the fisherman became the fisher of men. Saul the persecutor of Christians became Paul the preacher and servant of God. Forget improving who you are and let the Kingdom transform you into a new person!    

2 Chronicles 7:14 tells us what we need to know about becoming unhindered and ready for revival. God is calling His people to “humble themselves and pray.” Being truly humble means leaving behind what’s comfortable.  

So why is there no revival? Because the people of God are hanging onto their own wicked ways.  

Jesus prayed to His Father, “Not my will but yours.” If we’re going to have a revival, we need a Gethsemane experience, where the men and women of God are willing to let go of their own will and grab hold of the will of God. 
