The Bible guarantees it. In his Jan. 1 sermon, Mike spoke about the “Certainty of Persecution and its blessing.” “That Sunday morning, I got before the IHOPKC community and told them that this is a really important message,” he says. “It’s not my version that makes it the most important, it’s the fact that it’s been talked about so little in the Western church. As a believer for the last 50 years, I haven’t heard or talked much about it. “But, I believe persecution is coming to the West, and it’s a very important subject for us to find out what the biblical narrative is. What does the Bible say about persecution, particularly in the generation that the Lord returns? We don’t know that we’re in that generation, but I have an opinion that there are people that live on the earth today—maybe the 20-year-olds, maybe the 2- year-olds, I don’t know—but I believe we are in that hour where there are people that live on the earth today that will see it with their eyes.” Most people don’t like to deal with this. It’s not a happy topic. In Christian circles, there are people that have talked about the end times. The Late Great Planet Earth came out about 50 years ago, and it was all about the Rapture. There are a lot of different views on the subject.