Welcome to the Strang Report podcast!
Feb. 27, 2024

Countering Anti-Semitism with Susan Michael

Countering Anti-Semitism with Susan Michael
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Strang Report

This episode of The Strang Report explores the rise of anti-Semitism in America and how Christians can stand up against hatred, as Stephen interviews Susan Michale a longtime friend and director of the International Christian Embassy in Jerusalem about their efforts to educate believers and support Israel through decades of pioneering work.

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Hello everyone, I'm Stephen Strang and welcome to the Strang Report podcast.

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I'm excited today to interview my longtime friend Dr. Susan Michael, who is the US director

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of the International Christian Embassy, Jerusalem, which has been doing a great work since the

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early 1980s when I first became familiar with it and I'm sure we'll get a catch up today.

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But a few days ago, I was at the National Religious Broadcasters and they were handing

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out this book that Susan wrote called Anti-Semitism, What Every Christian Needs to Know and How

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to Counter it. So I reached out to her and I said, we need to do a podcast on this and

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now she has fit me in. She's actually still at National Religious Broadcasters. You may

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hear a little noise in the background and we're going to play this later. But I'm interested,

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first of all, to say welcome to you Susan. I appreciate it. I know it wasn't convenient,

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but you fit me in. So thank you. And what kind of response have you gotten there at

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NRB to your ministry and also this book that I was talking about?

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Well, Steve, first I wanted to say how great it is to be with you today and we just so

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honor you and appreciate you and Christmas media and all that you do. So, love being

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with you today. You know, the NRB, it's just really booming this year. It is so many people.

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It's the biggest one ever and it is such a pro-Israel group. So we have been received

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with a lot of enthusiasm and this little booklet on anti-Semitism, so many have told me, you

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know, they're so concerned about the rising anti-Semitism in America and I really appreciate

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this book because it's really just a booklet. It's small. It's very easy to read and very

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easy to understand what is really a quite heavy subject. And so we just wanted to get

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it out to as many people this weekend have been giving it out. It's such a big concern

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today. Well, of course, anti-Semitism is something

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that's been going on for centuries and it's nothing new. But it seems that there is a

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real uptick with anti-Semitism with the attack that Hamas did on Israel on October 7th and

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with anti-Israel protests. Even the president of Harvard got fired for because the Jewish

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students there felt so unsafe and she would not condemn it and so forth. And of course,

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that's a discussion for a different day. But who would have thought that in America, the

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land of the free and the home of the brave, in which we have such a vibrant Jewish community

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that there would be this anti-Semitism? Why do you think that exists?

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Well, anti-Semitism, of course, it's a spiritual problem. And we describe it as it's like a

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virus. So you may think that you've defeated that virus only to find that it mutates and

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it comes back later with a slightly different look to it. And so anti-Semitism has been

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here throughout history, really, and it comes out in different times, in different places,

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through different people. But it's the same goal at the end of the day and that is the

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annihilation of the Jewish people and that's how you can recognize it. I'll tell you, as

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an American, I'm just shocked to see rising anti-Semitism in America. I really never thought

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that we'd be seeing what we're seeing today. We knew it was possible, but I didn't think

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it was probable. And the problem that we have on our universities and college campuses,

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especially distressing, and we even wrote a letter. It had over a hundred Christian

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leaders sign the letter and sent it to 300 university presidents, asking them to, first

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of all, define anti-Semitism and enforce it on their campus and then also to provide

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greater security for their Jewish students. And one of those schools came back and ordered

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30 copies of this booklet so they could use it in one of their courses, which is being

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taught this semester. So I felt it was really important that Christians stand up in support

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of the Jewish students on those campuses. I think that's important, too. You know,

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officials and the public expect Jews to stand up for their Jewish brothers and sisters,

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but they're often surprised that Christians would stand up. And I've had some Jewish friends

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tell me in private conversations that they understand that where there is persecution

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of Christians around the world and now more and more in our country, that it always goes

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hand in hand with anti-Semitism. And because of that, they will often stand up for our

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religious freedoms when, you know, people are persecuted for being believers, which

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happens a lot with the woke philosophy and so forth. In fact, I'll just throw this in

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before we get into talking about the book. I was just scrolling stuff on Facebook and

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something popped up about one of these men on the street reporters who had was asking

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all these young people, they looked like they were maybe 20 to 25, what it meant from the

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river to the sea, Palestine shall be free. And they asked him, what was the river and

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what was the sea? And they didn't even know they were parroting some talking points from

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the left. They had no idea. And, you know, whoever did the video was, you know, trying

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to make a point, but I just thought that was kind of interesting and really kind of a sad

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commentary on the educational system and also on how, you know, probably very, very smart

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students are not thinking about some of these very important issues.

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Well, they're not being taught the facts, you know, why? Because the facts are on Israel's

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side. So I just heard this week of a study that came out of Berkeley, which we know is

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of course one of the most liberal campuses, but they did a study and they found that for

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a number of these young people that were actually participating in a pro-Palestine protest that

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once they called them aside and actually shared some facts that they were very willing to

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actually change their position once they were educated. And so this is a big drive for us

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as an organization and me personally as education. I think so many of our, especially students,

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but all of us, the issues of Israel in the Middle East are quite complex. They go back

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many years and it takes a little bit of study and education to really get a handle on them.

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And education is what is so needed. And so this little booklet is just one example of

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educational resources we've been producing. And that's what I wanted to highlight. And

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it is for sale on Amazon. I noticed it costs $3.99. There's not much that only costs $3.99

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anymore, but people can get a copy of it. And the back of it says anti-Semitism is surging.

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Can anything stop it? So why don't you just kind of walk us through what Christians can

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do. It says whatever Christian needs to know and how to counter it. What can the average

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person who's trying to raise their kids, trying to meet the mortgage payment, trying to show

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up at church on a regular basis and serve the Lord the best they can? What can they do

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to counter anti-Semitism? Well, first of all, pray. So pray for the protection of the Jewish

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people. Pray that this evil is pushed back and that it doesn't continue growing in our

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country because it is an evil force. And so we need to combat it with prayer. Pray for

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our government to make right decisions for our lawmakers. Pray for leaders to be raised

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up to speak out against it and to produce more of a movement against it. So these are

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things we can be praying for. Second of all, is educate yourself so that you will not be

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caught off guard by a comment or an issue. You'll know how to respond. And then thirdly,

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to have the courage to actually speak up and to begin to push back against this. And that

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may be, you know, it might just be in your church, you hear someone make a negative comment

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or it could be in your community, whatever your sphere of influence is to use it. And

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another thing that we suggest that people do is to, you know, when there is an anti-Semitic

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attack, say your local synagogue, somebody puts a swastika on it or something, just give

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them a phone call and say, we want you to know we're so sorry and we're standing with

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you. And just to let the Jewish community know they are not alone. Because there are

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millions of Christians that love them and support them, but we don't always know how

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to express that. And we're not always quick to express it. So these are some of the practical

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steps that we recommend.

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And just walk us through the book. Why you wrote it and, you know, you told us a little

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bit about the response, the university and so forth. But what response are you getting

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and how can people get this book?

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Well, the reason it's 399 is because it actually is really just a booklet. It's small. And

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that's because this is quite a heavy subject, anti-Semitism. There's a lot of history there.

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There's a lot of things to talk about. And we didn't want to overwhelm people. We wanted

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to give them something that was very, very easy to read and to take in and understand

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and digest. Then they can always, you know, get a larger book or go deeper if they want

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to. But we wanted to give them the overview of it. And this little book, the other thing

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that we always need to do with the Christian community, especially, is, you know, a lot

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of our Christians in the pews, whether they're a new Christian or an old, they may not know

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a lot of the history.

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And the first thing that we have to understand as Christians is that we actually have a history

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of anti-Semitism in church history. And if we are going to push back against anti-Semitism,

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we need to understand that history. And I think understanding that will also motivate

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us to want to make amends in a way. It'll make us want to make sure that the Christian

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community in America, that our church or, you know, our friends are not a part of this

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modern problem that we learned from the past. So we give a quick little overview of the

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history and the history of Christian anti-Semitism. And then we talk about anti-Semitism today,

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where it is in the United States, largely our college campuses. But it's also there

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in the far right, and it's there in the far left. So, and it's there in the Muslim community.

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So you have to know these pockets of where it is and where it's coming from. And then

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last at the end, we just listed a little what you what you can do section to encourage them.

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Look, I wish I could go out tomorrow and stop anti-Semitism, right? So I know it's a big

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problem and we may feel like what we're doing is just a little drop in the bucket. But I

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always say, well, if you're doing a drop and I'm doing a drop, it adds up. And if we all

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just do a little bit, it could add up. And so we wanted to give them just some really simple,

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practical things that they could do. I want to talk about the International Christian Embassy,

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Jerusalem. It's been around a long time, but a lot of people may not be familiar with it,

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or it's very interesting history. Now, most people who've been paying attention would know

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that Donald Trump moved the American Embassy from Tel Aviv to Jerusalem. And, you know,

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it has to do with politics and the fact that some people didn't want to acknowledge Jerusalem as

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the capital of Israel. In fact, most of the countries of the world didn't. And even though

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there were, I guess, resolutions of some kind from Congress again and again, several U.S.

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presidents promised to do it and didn't. But I say that to say that in the early 80s, when this was

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kind of a controversial thing, there were a group of Christians who say these countries won't move

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their embassy to Jerusalem, but we Christians will. So the International Christian Embassy,

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which I guess hadn't even existed, and with the word Jerusalem on it, to indicate it was in Jerusalem,

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was started in 1980, if I remember right, which wasn't long after the Christmas started covering,

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you know, the Christian community and what was happening in Israel. In fact, you have a great,

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I'm going to call it a conference, but it's a lot more than that. It's called Feast of Tabernacles.

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It's in the autumn. I went to it, I'm guessing maybe in 82 or 83. It wasn't the first year,

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but it had been around very long. And I remember it was a great event. And then, of course,

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it's even bigger since then. And you've been able to mobilize people around the country. If I

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remember correctly, it's in 140 countries. If I remember the number right, and you're the director

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of the US branch, you know, there's very strong leadership there in Israel. But I guess you're

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over United States getting support and organizing all the things that happened. So why don't you,

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you know, I'm giving my understanding of the I.C.E.J. based on my memory and covering it all these

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years, but you know much better than I do. So just tell us a little bit about this ministry and

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what your goals are, especially here in the United States. Well, Steve, you did a great job.

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You're hired. We will let you promote the I.C.E.J. And it's interesting because it does dovetail

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with our earlier conversation. In 1980 is when, I mean, look, Jerusalem had been the de facto

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capital of Israel since, I think, 49 or 50. So it really had always been the capital. But the

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issue was if the nations were going to recognize that. And in 1980, the Israeli government passed

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the Jerusalem bill where they put it into law that it is the capital. And there was tremendous

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international uproar against it. And the countries that did have an embassy in Jerusalem literally

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packed them up and moved them out. And that was when these Christian leaders seized the moment

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and said, we don't support that. We're starting an international Christian embassy, Jerusalem. But

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we were so aware in 1980 when we started that we were pioneering, we were really going to be

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pioneering a whole new relationship with the Jewish people because of this history that I was just

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referring to. And we were met with a lot of skepticism in Israel. Why? Because they know this

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history. They know the history of anti-Semitism that was there in the Christian church and how

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we mistreated them and how we taught actually contempt of the Jewish people at times in history.

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And here we were coming forward in the middle of the newborn state of Israel. They were only

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what, 32 years old in 1980. And I may have that wrong, but they weren't very old. And we come

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forward in the middle of Jerusalem, this very international group of Christian leaders saying,

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we stand with you and we support you. We were met with a lot of skepticism. But over the years,

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I've been privileged to see the growth of Jewish-Christian relations in such a way it's astounding

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me. And it's because it took a while, but we've proved ourselves that we're genuine friends,

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that we do what we say and we mean what we say, and that we are a new brand of Christianity

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that has rejected that anti-Semitism of the past and that we're initiating a new relationship

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with the Jewish people based on mutual respect. And we had over the years in Israel, we've just seen

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amazing relationships and partnerships developed. Here in the United States, we're

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considered a branch office of the ICEJ. And so my priorities here are number one, of course,

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to help fund our projects in Israel. For instance, we have been placing bomb shelters in Israel for

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about a decade now. So we've placed over 200 bomb shelters. And we have been working consistently in

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that Gaza area for years. We knew all of the security chiefs, all of the community leaders,

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all of the school directors, the teachers, and because we've been placing bomb shelters and

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other assets down there. In fact, you mentioned the FISA Tavernachos this past year, 2023,

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the FISA Tavernachos held its last evening in the Gaza area. We took 700 Christians down

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to what's called the Gaza envelope, where those communities are. And we held what we call the

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Solidarity Rally. And the mayor of the region there, Ophir Lipstein, greeted us and thanked us

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all for coming. So it was such an encouragement to the people there. And he said, you can know

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that we are here. We are guarding the border with Israel. We are maintaining the land.

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And he was one of the very first fatalities 36 hours later when Hamas broke through the wall

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there. But it shows the depth of the relationship based on the practical assistance. So here in

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America, we raise funds for those projects. But secondly, our goal is to educate the Christian

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community in our nation. So I've put a lot of time and effort into building educational resources

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and have all kinds of open doors opening to us because there's great interest in Israel.

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And you know that, Steve, in the Christian community. There's a lot of interest in Israel,

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but there's varying levels of understanding of Israel, even of what the Bible teaches about

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Israel. And we're seeing that there's quite a hunger to understand more. And there's not that many

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resources out there to fill this gap. So we're being called upon more and more to educate.

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And thirdly, our last priority, of course, is advocacy and to stand for Israel in the public

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square when it's needed. We don't focus on the political, but sometimes you have to take a stand.

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And you've partnered with us many times when we felt the need to do a letter to the president or a

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letter to the UN and take a public stand for Israel. We've always appreciated that.

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Well, you know, you can count on me when you're taking one of these stands. Of course, I always

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read it, you know, so I'm aware of what's being said. But I love standing with you. Your ministry

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has had such integrity and you're right, there is an awful lot of love for Israel. And I was born

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a few years after the state was formed. I grew up in a Pentecostal church. And as I grew up,

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I just understood that the creation of Israel was a fulfillment of the prophecy where the

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prophet said, can a nation be born in a day? And I just understood as a child that we had Jewish roots.

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I didn't know a whole lot about it. But and the church we were in, the denomination we were in,

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they weren't particularly pro-Israel in the way the ICEJ is. But there was a lot of latent

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support for Israel, the land of the Bible, where Jesus is from. You know, Christianity was considered

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a Jewish sect for the first couple hundred years before it was recognized as religion on its own.

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But what's happened is leaders such as yourself, John Hagee, other people like that have really

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helped to coalesce that. And I've had Jewish friends, I'm talking about secular Jewish friends,

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tell me that they know that evangelical Christians are the best friends that Israel has. And a lot

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of these are secular Jews who barely even know what evangelical means. But you know, we use that term

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for people who believe in the Bible and believe that it's Jesus the only way to heaven. And those

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basic beliefs, because so many Christians are so liberal and so secular that what does it mean to

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be a Christian? So we've come to say evangelical Christians. And the point I'm making is that

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these secular Jews know what it means. They know who they're, in fact, it's hard for them sometimes

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to understand that the Christians actually love them and are trying to serve them. So I salute

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you and the others in ICEJ. And why don't you tell us as we wrap this up how people can get involved

00:23:01,480 --> 00:23:05,720
if they want to get on your mailing list or of course you have a website and all those kinds

00:23:05,720 --> 00:23:12,360
of things. And also, I haven't said yet, so I'll say it now. Also, I don't forget that to my viewers

00:23:12,360 --> 00:23:19,160
and listeners share this podcast, especially with those who, you know, have an interest in Israel

00:23:19,160 --> 00:23:25,560
or who are concerned with anti semitism. And while you're at it, be sure to subscribe. Our

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subscribe subscribers are going up in number all the time and hit the little bell so that when we're

00:23:32,200 --> 00:23:38,840
on every Tuesday and Thursday live at 4pm Eastern time that you'll be notified that we're on. So

00:23:39,160 --> 00:23:42,360
now that I put my little pitch, I want to give you the last word.

00:23:44,360 --> 00:23:53,880
Thank you, Steve. Yes, our website is ICEJUSA.org. And there they can find our books in the store,

00:23:53,880 --> 00:24:05,240
our, we have online courses at ICEJU.org, the organization's ICEJUSA.org. But they can find

00:24:05,240 --> 00:24:13,400
all of our resources there, my podcast, the articles, and of course, these little booklets

00:24:13,400 --> 00:24:20,200
is there. It's also on Amazon. So we welcome them to sign up for our email list and begin to get

00:24:20,200 --> 00:24:27,720
informed. Well, thank you. And thank you for taking time to be on the String Report podcast today.

00:24:27,720 --> 00:24:33,480
And thank you to my viewers and listeners for watching and for helping the podcast to continue

00:24:33,480 --> 00:24:39,080
to grow. And I just want to encourage you to do what you can to support Israel. There's small

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ways. Sometimes it's just making a comment, writing an email, showing up at a rally. I know that the

00:24:46,520 --> 00:24:52,440
Jewish community here in Orlando, they'll have a rally for various things that they're concerned

00:24:52,440 --> 00:25:00,040
about. And if six evangelical Christians show up, they are so grateful. It's like you've done them

00:25:00,040 --> 00:25:07,960
a great favor. It's just a way that you can show solidarity and to pray for the peace of Jerusalem.

00:25:08,600 --> 00:25:14,600
And so thank you for watching. Tune in again every Tuesday and Thursday at 4 p.m. for the

00:25:14,600 --> 00:25:30,600
String Report. God bless you. Do you ever feel discouraged? Do you need hope? The world is so

00:25:30,600 --> 00:25:36,360
upside down that even if you believe there's power in the Holy Spirit, sometimes you need to be reminded

00:25:37,080 --> 00:25:43,400
that greater is He that is within us than He is in the world. My new book, Spirit-led Living in an

00:25:43,400 --> 00:25:50,520
Upside Down World, was written to give you hope, to remind you of things you know, to explain spiritual

00:25:50,520 --> 00:25:57,480
truths that you didn't understand or maybe have forgotten. I draw on my decades of covering the

00:25:57,480 --> 00:26:03,880
worldwide move of the Holy Spirit to give you examples and stories of great men and women of God

00:26:03,880 --> 00:26:11,400
from Jack Hayford to Catherine Coleman and many others explaining spiritual gifts and telling

00:26:11,400 --> 00:26:18,200
stories of victory in the face of trials and temptations. I wrote this book for you and I want

00:26:18,200 --> 00:26:25,480
you to read it. It's easy to read with lots of practical stories to help you. It is not a theological

00:26:25,480 --> 00:26:31,960
treatise on the Holy Spirit. In a way, it's a self-help book looking at the spiritual side of life.

00:26:32,680 --> 00:26:38,280
So if you long for more of God and to experience the power of the Holy Spirit and the power to

00:26:38,280 --> 00:26:45,640
rebuke the spiritual attacks in your life and boldness to stand for God, when the cancel culture

00:26:45,640 --> 00:26:51,960
wants you to sit down and shut up, then my book, Spirit-led Living in an Upside Down World, is for

00:26:51,960 --> 00:27:00,920
you. You can find the book wherever Christian books are sold, including amazon.com or mychorismashop.com.

00:27:00,920 --> 00:27:09,240
Remember, the Holy Spirit is here to help us now and for all the days ahead, no matter how

00:27:09,240 --> 00:27:33,800
upside down the world gets. Enjoy the book and God bless you.