Welcome to the Strang Report podcast!
April 9, 2024

Finding Hope for Haiti with Danita Estrella-Watts

Finding Hope for Haiti with Danita Estrella-Watts
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Strang Report

Finding Hope for Haiti with Danita Estrella-Watts

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Hello, everyone. I'm Stephen Strang and welcome to the special edition of the Strang Report.

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It's the podcast to help you with spirit-led living. In fact, I wrote a book recently called

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Spirit-Led Living in an Upside Down World. And we're going to talk about a part of the

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world that is really upside down. It's the nation of Haiti. And if you follow the news at all,

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you know that the country is in total chaos. This president was assassinated two and a half

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years ago. The prime minister had to leave the country. It's really being run by the gangs. The

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airports have shut down. They won't let non-Hatians across the border. And it's a very serious situation

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especially for missionaries who are doing the best they can to help the people. And what are

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these missionaries? And maybe that's not the right kind of word to use, but her name is Danita

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Estrella Watt. And we've known each other for a long, long time. In fact, her ministry, which is

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called Danita's Children, is 25 years old and just a couple of years after it started. And it's a

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very interesting story on how it started. We did an article in Charisma Magazine that got an

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enormous response. And today we're going to share the need, the need that we hope that God will

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touch your heart and that you'll respond. Stay tuned to the end and I'll tell you how to do it.

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But now I want to welcome Danita to my podcast. We had some trouble working this in, but thank you

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for being here. And so why don't you start by just giving us a little bit of background because

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your story is so interesting. And I think it can relate to a lot of people who are just living

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their lives, serving God, doing the best they can, wanting to do something more for God. But God

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actually placed this in your heart. You are sort of the most unlikely person, at least in my opinion,

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to do what you're doing. So why don't you bring us up to date on that story? Thank you, Steve. It

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was in 1998 that I went with a group of a mission team as an interpreter because I'm fluent in Spanish.

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And I had been praying a year before that I had a heart to go to the mission field. And during that

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trip we were with a group of doctors in the Dominican Republic. But at the end of that trip,

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we crossed the border into Haiti into a town called Juanamint. And as soon as I walked into this

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town, my heart was just connected to the children and the need that I saw and homeless children

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sleeping in the streets. And I always tell people this is very unusual. But I went back to Florida,

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which was my home at that time. And two months later, I moved to Haiti by myself. I moved there

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in January of 1999. So I story it out. Good. I've always found this very interesting because Haiti

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and the Dominican Republic share the same island. It's called Hispaniola. I think it's where we

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get the word Hispanic from, isn't it? And the Dominican Republic, I've been there. And it's a

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fairly typical Caribbean country. I know it gives us a lot of baseball players. And then when you

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cross the border into Haiti, it is so poor that I'm told that you can see the difference from the

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sky because the Dominican Republic has trees and Haiti doesn't. I mean, it's that poor. And it's a

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country, you know, we could talk a lot about Haiti, but it has a lot to do with voodoo. There are

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people who actually think that the country's been cursed. It's a very sad story. Haiti, I've been

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told that Haiti is the poorest country in the Western Hemisphere and one of the poorest in the

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whole world. And here you are, a young woman, you were single at the time, you've since married.

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And you saw a little boy. Weren't you eating at a restaurant or something? You saw a little boy

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going through the garbage. Tell me about it. Yeah. So after I was there for a year, almost a year,

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I cried myself to sleep one night and I said, Lord, thank you for sending me to Haiti, but why am I

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here? I was doing too many things. I was volunteering every chance I got. I was helping with food. I

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was helping with schools, helping in different churches. And I, I went to sleep crying, asking

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God to show me why I was there. The very next day, I had what I call a defining moment. It's a

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moment I can look back and say, this is a day that my life was changed. And God speaks to us

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through his word, through people, but he also puts situations in front of us that I believe happen

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daily sometimes. And it's our defining moment, how we respond to what he puts before us could be

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the key that unlocks our future. And that day, I was eating at a restaurant and it was market day. So

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the border was open and the Haitians and the Minnikans go into both countries and they trade,

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they sell clothes and food. And so there was a lot of street children, orphans and street children,

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staring at the windows, watching the people in the restaurant. And when a person was done eating,

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they would either go to the trash can, or they would go to the leftovers of the plate of food,

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and they would put it in a plastic bag and leave. But there was one particular boy that was staring

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at me and he wouldn't take his eyes off of me. And I knew what he wanted. He was kind of pleading

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for me to save my food for him. And I just waved at him so that when I was done, instead of giving

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him my leftovers, I would buy him his own plate of food. But before the time I would, before I

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was able to finish my meal, I don't know if it was a minute, two minutes later, I heard the screams

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of a child and I looked out the door, the door was open. And it was the same child that had just

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connected eyes with me. And I guess there was a farmer that had been hurting his cattle and he was

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angry with all of the street children at the windows. And he wanted to teach him a lesson and

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teach the kids not to come back to the restaurant. And so he dragged the boy to the center of the

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street with a long whip. And he began to hold the boy and just whip him. And I always tell everyone

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that when I first went to Haiti, I was a shy, quiet woman. And that day as I looked out the door,

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I noticed that people were seeing the same thing that I saw, but they gathered in a circle to

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watch. And I always tell people that that day something came over me. I forgot where I was, I

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forgot who I was, I got out of my seat, I ran out to the crowd, and I grabbed the man by the

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collar that was whipping the boy. And I pleaded for the boy and he threw the boy down and he was

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startled that, you know, I had run through the crowd and grabbed his collar. And I picked the boy

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up. And I remember that day that I was shaking and I was teary eyed. And I picked the boy up and I

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went to the restaurant. I got a few plates of food for him and his friends. And I walked him a couple

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of blocks away to safety. And here's the thing is, I never saw that boy again. But when I walked away

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that day, God had answered my prayer from the night before. I looked up with tears in my eyes. And I

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said, this is why you sent me to Haiti. They don't need to eat out of trash cans. And they need to

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know that you love them. So from that moment on, instead of focusing on so many different things,

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and in my prayer, I said, Lord, I don't want to do so many different things. I want to do one thing.

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And I want to pour my whole life into it. And that's exactly what happened. From that moment on,

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I had single vision. It was all about children, children's education, children's Christian discipleship,

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children's medical care, children's feeding program, all through that one defining moment

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with that child. That is how everything had started. And I remember that same week,

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the Lord gave me my mission statement. And I said, Lord, what am I to do? And I have read

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Proverbs 31 many times before, but there was a verse that I had never noticed before. It was

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almost like the Lord opened my eyes for the first time to verse eight and nine. And it says,

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open your mouth for the speechless. In the cause of those who are appointed to die,

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open your mouth, judge righteously, and plead the cause of the poor and needy. And I was like,

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you know, Lord, I can do this. I'm not a doctor. I'm not, you know, but I can, I can open my mouth.

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I can plead their cause. And so there was my mission statement. There was my vision.

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And we just celebrated in January 5th is our 25th year anniversary. Unfortunately,

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it's the year of all 25 years. This is the worst year for as far as the chaos and the suffering

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that we are seeing. I've never seen it like I'm seeing it today. Well, that's why we're doing

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this podcast because, you know, we see this on the news and, you know, it seems like Katie is all

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the time having an earthquake or some disaster and people respond. But this is different. This is

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governmental in a way and the gangs and everything else. And the journalist in me wants to find out

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really what's going on and how it's affecting your orphanage where you feed all these children and

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your school and your hospital because I want to do something to help. And I know a lot of the people

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that are watching are like me. They want to help too, but don't know how. So just kind of walk us

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through. You've been down there. They won't let you in, but you are there at the border. You're

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the closest thing to first an eyewitness that we have the first person I've talked to. And because

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I know you so well for so long, we have so much confidence in you and your ministry and what

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you're doing. So why does happening now and how wide are the needs that you have there in Haiti?

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Well, let me just say this. Haitian people are beautiful people, hardworking people. And I know

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that the worst of Haiti is what captures the news. But what really stole my heart was the children,

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which is why I started the work 25 years ago. And now I get to see those same children that I started

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the work with, started the ministry with. Some of them have graduated college. They've got married.

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They have children. So like now I have grandchildren through these beautiful kids. But in 2021

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of July, the president of Haiti was assassinated. Now, in 2004, 20 years ago, I was there when the

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rebels took over the country. And I'll never forget, I was told to leave and I needed to leave,

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and I needed to leave. But my children were only three, four years old, five years old back then.

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And I prayed and I said, Lord, what do I do? And I know that God speaks to us primarily through

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his word. But scripture also shows us that God can speak to us in dreams. And that night God

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gave me a dream where he showed me the orphanage, the children's home exactly was it was. And a huge

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storm came through Haiti and the waters that went through the country, everywhere these waters went,

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it destroyed the country. But when the waters came to our home, they went to the left and to the right,

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but they did not harm us. And that's exactly what happened. I woke up and I said, Lord, I will stay.

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And when the rebels came over in 2004, and they came with their trucks and their guns and their

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faces covered, they went home to home, breaking down doors, trying to get guns from people that

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businesses that have armed guards and have weapons. But they never came to our home.

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And when I was at the house went one day I was upstairs, and they were they broke down the doors

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of my neighbor's house. And I had gone upstairs to look and I thought they were going to harm him.

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His hands were up in the air. And as I looked, they began to yell Americans, Americans.

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But the people in the village were also on their roofs looking down and they said,

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leave them alone. They help us because their children go to our school. And so I stayed

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during that time. And in 2004, one of the rebels came to the front yard and one of my employees

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was in the yard. And he said, we hear there's a missionary here, mommy Danita, and that she

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has children. Let them know, let her know that if she needs help, we will help her. And back then,

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we didn't have generators and electricity. And so we got our food fresh every day. And I said,

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tell them we need food. They went to the border with wheelbarrows. My Dominican staff threw food

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over the gate because the gate was locked. They put the food in the wheelbarrow and they brought it

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to us. So just like my dream back then, the Lord protected us. But he also provided for us and they

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helped us. In this situation, 20 years later, it's different. I was just in Haiti. I was just there

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in February. We're now in March. And in February, I only went, I was getting ready to have a board

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meeting in Nashville. And I felt prompted by the Holy Spirit to go to Haiti to have an emergency

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meeting. And I did. And I was just there for three days. I said, listen, I wasn't planning on being

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here right now. The Holy Spirit has spoken to me. And the word he's giving me is to prepare.

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There's hard times ahead. There's a hard season coming ahead. So we need to prepare for what's

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coming. We're not going to be able to escape it, but we can prepare. And first and foremost,

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we're going to prepare spiritually. And so the whole campus, the church, the children,

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we had a time of repentance and prayer. For the country, for the people.

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And then after that, I said, now let's think of every scenario that could happen. If we can't get

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food, what are we going to do? And so we came up with a plan of having food. If the banks are

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closed, because in Haiti, let me just say we're in the town of Wanamint and this city that's truly

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suffering is Port-au-Prince. So we're quite a distance to drive from Port-au-Prince to where

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we are. Some of the banks are closed. People can't get money. They're suffering. They can't get food

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because the roads are blocked. They can't have delivery trucks because they can't get fuel.

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Therefore, they can't bring the food to the people. So fortunately, we're close to the border and we're

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able to get food. But while I was there, we came out with the list. How are we going to run the

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hospital? What are we going to do for cash? What are we going to do for food in an emergency

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situation? After that meeting, I went back to Nashville not knowing that a few weeks later,

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a month later, when I came back to the border again, I would not be able to get in. So they're

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allowing missionaries to leave, but the airports have been closed and they're getting a missionary

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flights, trying to schedule missionary flights to get some missionaries out. Now, if the border was

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open, I would go in so I could be with my staff and my children. But the Dominican director,

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I spoke to him in immigration. He said, absolutely not. They even, the UN, tried to get in the same

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day I tried to get in and they wouldn't let them in. And they just, the situation is urgent.

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And they're like, listen, if anything happens to you, they're going to ask us, why did you let

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foreigners into the country in a time when they're, when the embassy is giving warnings

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and evacuating everyone. So this situation is different than it was in 2004. So what we can do

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is we've been praying a hedge of protection around our campus. The school was closed for a month

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because it was not safe in the streets, but the school is since reopened. Our hospital is open.

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The children's home, our special needs home. And this week, our church is having prayer services

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every day. So anyone from our town that wants to come in for prayer is coming in. Yes, we are

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preparing for Easter, but it is also a time of repentance and praying for divine intervention.

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There's a lot of strong, godly believers in Haiti. And there's one thing that I have appreciated and

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I have experienced in Haiti that I did not experience in the States.

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When you have a way out, you have in the States, you have choice A, you have choice B, you have

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choice C. But when you're in the middle of nowhere and you don't have another option,

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your faith and your focus and your prayers are different. How you pray is different because

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you know that without divine intervention that there is no hope. But God's, what we have seen,

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God's protection, his provision and his faithfulness in 25 years. So what have we done differently?

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Not only did we prepare, but for the first time in my life, I have had to hire a security company

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and have armed guards on campus. I was always against that. We've got 400 kids, students in

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the school. We have a children's hospital. We have children's homes. I did not want guns on our

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property, but now the times have changed. So we now have hired a security company so that we

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have armed guards 24-7 to protect us in this difficult season. Well, I want to thank you for

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giving this update. It just really touches me in a very deep way. And I know it does our viewers

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and listeners. And I'm going to be back in just a minute to tell everyone how we can join together

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to help you. But before you leave, I want to let you give the last word. I just want to thank you

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and thank, you know, all of the donors to Christian Life Missions that in 2001 helped us,

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gave to us many years ago. And a lot of people have said, how, you know, how can we help? First

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and foremost, pray for our children, pray for our staff. I believe in God's protection, how He's

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protected us over these last 25 years that He will continue to protect us. And the most important

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thing Haiti needs right now, the Prime Minister had to step down. I think it was on March 12th,

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he was forced to resign. And now they're trying to create a council to decide who will run Haiti

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so that they can have elections and vote for a new president. That council is not working right now.

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And because of fear and threats, they've disbanded, I don't know if it's temporarily.

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So we need to pray for leadership, that there will be a leadership that brings peace to Haiti.

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Pray for the people in Haiti that are desperate for food. There's so much malnutrition,

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Christian that are running for their lives, praying, I mean, many trying to get to the states and

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trying to leave. And for us personally to pray for our children, I tried, I was just there last week,

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and I tried to cross the border, but they wouldn't let me in. So I came back physically,

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but I left my heart there. That is my life's assignment. It is a place I've given my heart to.

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And so to leave them and not be able to be there has been hard. But I trust the Lord,

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and he has been faithful all of these years, and he will continue to do so.

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Well, thank you, Danita. And I'll be back with another word. Stay tuned. You know, the Bible

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says that we can't look at a need and just turn away. And you've heard Danita share her heart.

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And I know the ministry, I've never been there in person. It's very difficult to travel there.

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And now we can't travel. But you know what we can give. And through Christian life missions,

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as our nonprofit partner, we will give 100% of what comes in. You can go to a link it's provided

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there. We're going to be doing articles and other things to let people know we've raised

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over the years a lot of money for Danita. In fact, it was an article in Charisma. She referred to it

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where we talked about this young woman, this business woman who hadn't been to missionary

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school or anything like that, who just felt the need and went in faith. And the pictures of those

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kids in their little uniforms learning, they're so happy. Volunteers have helped build a wonderful

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facility there. It's simple by our standards, but it's almost palatial by the Haitian standards.

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And now they can't even get food. But Danita told me that the border, they won't let people go

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through, but they'll let them pass food through and also money through and her two biggest needs

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are for food and to pay these security officers and 100%. And we're hoping and praying that thousands

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of dollars, I want you to dig deep. I'm giving myself, my wife and I have been donors for this

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ministry for quite a while. And when there's a need like this, we present it. Christian life

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missions goes all the way back to 1956. It's a 501c3 charity that's totally separate from Charisma

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Media, of course, which is a publishing house, a media company. But we work together and channel

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100%. We take no expenses whatsoever. 100% will go to Danita and you can check it out on the website.

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So please give generously. There are so many needs in Haiti and we can't help all of them,

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but we can help Danita. We can help Haitians. And with Christian life missions, we've always

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looked for ministries like this. I remember when 9-11 happened, so much money went from the government

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and other places to the victims of New York City. We were able to find some ministries that were

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doing unique things that nobody else were doing where there was a need. And in a way, Danita is

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doing the same thing, helping these 400 children, helping the people who come to their hospital,

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and so forth. So please stand with us and help us through Christian life missions. Give generously.

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Thank you for watching. God bless you.