Welcome to the Strang Report podcast!
April 9, 2024

He Calls Me His Child with Marie Chapian

He Calls Me His Child with Marie Chapian
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Strang Report

He Calls Me His Child with Marie Chapian

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Hello, everyone. I'm Stephen Strang, and welcome to this special edition of the Strang Report

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podcast. And today is my honor to be able to talk to a longtime friend who has written

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a book that I believe will bless you. Her name is Marie Chapien, and she and I were talking,

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and I think we've known each other absolutely since the 80s and maybe before. She's written for

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Charisma Magazine. I even had the honor of publishing a couple of her 40 books. Can you

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believe it? And she's just written a new one that's just released from Broad Street, and it's called,

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He Calls Me His Child. And because I've known Marie for so long, I know she's a real woman of God.

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She's very deep, very thoughtful, and she's written a brilliant devotional. And I'm going to ask her

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about it and also just kind of catch up with what's going on. So first of all, let me greet you and

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thank you for taking time to work in this podcast. It's a delight to be here, Steve.

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Well, when I got the publicity from your marketing company about the new book, I said,

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I know Marie. I've known her for years. In fact, I think we even did some stories about you and

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Charisma back in the day, lots of mutual friends. And I must say that you must write a book on youth

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because you look so young. You haven't changed much in all these years. Maybe your hairdo is a

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little different, but you're looking great. Thank you. You look great too. Wow. Yeah, you haven't

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aged. Well, we won't go there. So anyway, tell me, you've written 40 books on many different topics,

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and you've had a lot of success, New York Times bestseller, all that kind of stuff.

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You've had many different publishers. Why did you write this book and what's in it for the reader?

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You know, when we know that he calls us his child, that God calls us his child,

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but what does that mean? What does it mean that I'm his child? When you think of Jesus walking

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the earth, he was his child, the Son of God, and he knew who he was. I often think of him on the

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ship when the storm came up and they were overcome with fear and terror, and the storm was horrible,

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and he just stood up and said, you know, peace be still. How could he do that? He did that because

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he wasn't one with the storm. He didn't identify with the storm like we do if we pray, oh, heal me,

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heal me, heal me. We're more identifying with what we need healed than who it is who does the

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healing and who we are in him. Jesus could do what he did on earth as man and as God, because he knew

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who he was. Absolutely knew. He knew scripture. He knew who he was, and this is the same gift that

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he gives to us when we know that we are his child. Well, that's beautiful. And the devotional, which

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is how long does it take to read the devotional? And also you have some affirmations. You've got

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scriptures. Just talk to me about it, because I believe very much in having a personal quiet time.

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I do it every single day without question, and I always look for something new just to make it

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interesting and also to draw closer to God so that it doesn't become dead religion or rote or boring.

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And this is a resource that I think will bless and inspire many people.

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Well, there are 100 meditations in the book. I call them meditations, not chapters,

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because it's something to really read and think about. What are we talking about here? And at the

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end of each one is an affirmation, several of them. And affirmations are the truth that we speak to

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ourselves. I can do all things through Christ who strengthen us me. I walk in the power of God.

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I'm filled with the Holy Spirit. I have the joy of the Lord in me. I walk in joy. Do you hear what

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I'm saying? And if I say these things all day long, it's very hard for me to get depressed.

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It's very hard for me to jump out of the spirit. I'm called to walk in the spirit, right? I'm called

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to walk in the spirit. I am also called to do something else. I am called to live in joy.

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How do I do that? I have to know the difference between happiness and joy. Happiness doesn't

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last. Happiness also needs an antecedent. It needs something before it to happen. Like,

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you get a good phone call from an old friend, oh, you're so happy. But a year later, you really

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don't remember that moment, you know, like that. Well, really, a few hours later, you may not

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remember it. And you're right, or you win a prize or something happens that makes you happy.

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Christmas morning makes you happy. But joy is something that we can be joyful, even if a loved

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one dies, even if bad things happen to us. Talk to me about that. Because joy lives in us. It lives

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in us. Galations 522, 23, love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, gentleness, self-control.

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These live in us. They're alive in us, ready for us to call on them. Now, happiness, on the other hand,

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is something that we think lasts forever, but it doesn't. Happiness doesn't last because it always

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needs something. Joy needs nothing. Joy does not need things to go well. I think about Paul and

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Silas, you know, in jail, in Acts 16, they've been beaten miserably, you know, this story. They've just,

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and they're shackled on the wall, and they're bloody and bleeding. And do they say to each other

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something like, can you believe this? How long is this going to go on? Where is God? Why doesn't he

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answer us? I know it's terrible what we go through. How long do we have to go through this? Let's see

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who can loan the longest, you know? I mean, they know. They, something, they called on from within.

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They called on joy, and I think it might have started sort of just really slowly like,

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like, in the morning, I think it happened like that, and they sang, and they, and it became

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so loud that other prisoners, not only did you hear that, what is that singing? You know, they

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heard him, and not only that, their joy caused an earthquake. You know, joy is power. And when we

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reach inside for that, when we say, happiness is good, and I love it, thank you, Jesus. I love to

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be happy. I love those things that make me happy. I love it when people are nice to me, and I get

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good things, and prayers are answered, and I love all that. But Lord, I thank you that I can call on

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joy that needs nothing, needs nothing. I can be sick. I can be in prison like Paul and Silas, and

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it's there for us. And I'll tell you something else. It takes practice. There's that scripture

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verse that tells us that, that the mature practice, their faith, and this is where quiet prayer comes

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in. And I'm so glad you mentioned that you have your quiet time every morning. And you know, we

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all should, we all do more likely. It's all the way, the time we should start the day. For me,

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it's become a habit, which makes it easier to do. But you know, you talk about self-talk.

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I think that's so important. Most of us are not even aware of how negative our self-talk is.

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I can't do that. God doesn't hear me. You know, I'll never change. These people in my life will

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never change. And so to start the morning, being remind, you know, before we really get going

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in our day to be reminded of who God is, to be reminded of the scripture, to remind of the truth,

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this is so important. And while you're talking, I realized that maybe this is something I can

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share. I don't know that I've ever shared this publicly. But recently, I came across some affirmations

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in a book, not yours, another book. It wasn't even a devotional. And I've recorded them on my

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cell phone. And when I'm in the car, you know, it's, I hit play and hear myself going over these

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affirmations. And I really believe that it's helped me, even though there are things, Marie,

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that I've believed for years and years and years. And in some cases taught other people. But then I

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find out that I get away from it myself. So I think that we have, it's almost like health.

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You know, you can eat healthy and exercise. And if you quit doing it pretty soon, your health is

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going to deteriorate a little bit. And then we have to be remembered to eat the right things,

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to get enough sleep. And it is, it's, it is health, isn't it, Maria? It's spiritual health.

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And it's much more important than our physical health. I'm so glad you said that because I do

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the same thing. I do in my darkest hour, one of my dark hours, I just recorded everything. I recorded

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all the love scriptures. I'm called with an everlasting love with love and kindness. He is

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drawing me. And I like you would hear my own voice telling myself the truth. And the truth is what

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lasts forever. The truth is what has the power. The truth is what moves mountains, you know, and the

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truth is powerful. So when you're talking about, you know, the negative things, that's our mind

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clutter. We are not aware of how much noise we live with within us, that mind clutter, your mind is

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going all the time, baby, baby, baby, what a blue, you know, all the time. So in this time, this

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set apart time, I'll tell you about quiet prayer, the set apart time where you, you say, well,

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all right, in the next 20 minutes, you set your timer and you sit and you sit very quietly. This

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is quiet prayer and quiet prayer, Christian meditation. You know, Jesus was our first Christian

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meditator. He taught us how to withdraw and how to pray in the Bible. He even tells us in Mark 1.35

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that he withdrew all the time. So here we are. We sit down and we just sit and breathe quietly

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and ask for nothing and talk about nothing. Simply enter his presence and we drop things, you know,

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we drop the problems for these minutes. I have no problems. I have nowhere to go. I have nothing to do.

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Nobody needs me. I have, I lack nothing right now. I have everything. I am nothing, have nothing,

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but I am everything and have everything in him right now in his presence. And you know, you just

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sit there. When I first started doing this about 15 years ago, Steve, I was, you know, it was hard

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for me to sit still. I kept waiting for God to say something, you know, to, for a prophetic word,

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you know, I kept waiting. But I realized that's not what it was for. So it took me a long time.

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I studied, I traveled, I went to Egypt, I went down to Mount Sinai, I actually climbed Mount Sinai,

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Steve, can you believe it? Hey, that's something we haven't come and I've climbed Mount Sinai too.

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1979. We climbed Jebel Musa, which is, I found out there were two other Mount Sinai's.

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Yes. So that was incredible. I did it when Israel owned it and now it's gone back to Egypt. So was

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that the same timeframe as you did? No, I just did it in September. And it was really not easy to get

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down to the Sinai Peninsula, you know, through the Suez Canal and everything. I mean, that's where

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the Taliban hides out in the Sinai Peninsula there. And so it was, it was not all that safe. But I made,

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it's been a life kind of dream for me. And to see that monastery, you know, St. Catharines, to see,

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I'm not Catholic, but I'm madly in love with, you know, the Christian history of meditation,

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the Abbas and Amas of the desert who ran from Jerusalem after Jesus was crucified, just to

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meditate, to be alone with God, to pray for the world, and to just be silent with him.

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And something happens to us and happened to me. You know, I went all over, I've gone all over the

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country going to silent retreats and hold them now myself and just to teach us how to be quiet and

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be okay with it. And I don't mean just for a minute or two, you know, take a deep breath,

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take a deep breath, everything is good, calm down. And it's not for the purpose of calming down,

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it's for the purpose of being one with him, where everything lives, or everything exists,

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or every, every gift, every moment exists. These are the best moments. I give him my best moments

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in those moments. You know, that's when I'm at my very best. When I'm all alone with him,

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I give that to him. I don't give it to the world or to any place else. It's right there alone,

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alone with him. And he then makes these the best times of the day. And the quiet prayers

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begins to go longer and longer. And I just hate it when it's over now. You know, I used to watch

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the clock, you know, I just think, oh, it's two minutes, only two minutes. Oh, okay, you know.

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And now it's, oh, I think we can all relate. And that is so beautiful. And, you know, I asked you

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before we went on the air, if you would share one of your meditations. And so I'm going to do my

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normal wrap up, and then I'm going to want you to just read the meditation, the person who's

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watching and listening to just quietly listen, let it soak into their spirit and to understand

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that they can do this every day for 100 days. And I haven't asked yet for people to subscribe

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to the Strang Report, hit the little bell that lets you know when we're on every Tuesday and

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Thursday at 4 p.m. Eastern time, and share this with others, particularly people that you believe

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would really be ministered to. And in fact, we'll just end the podcast at the end of your

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meditation. I've never done this before, but I want people to get the book. Of course, it's

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available on Amazon, and I'm sure in many, many bookstores around the country. So tell people

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how they can get it. It's called, He Calls Me His Child by Marie Chapion, C-H-A-P-I-A-N.

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And so it's easy enough to find. And is there anything you want to say before you start reading

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the meditation? How about I pray? How about I pray something in the book where I'm not,

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my eyes aren't down, and I can see who your audience is and just talk? Is that okay? Of course. I'll

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talk. Okay. Okay. And you can get the book through Amazon, Christian booksellers everywhere.

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And so they're out there. Oh, and Barnes and Noble carry it. Secular Bookstores carry it.

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Here we go. When happiness flies away. We talked about that a little bit by Marie Chapion. Happiness

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is a dependent emotion. It depends on something else to be happy. Happiness is not a permanent

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emotion. And that's what bothers us. Take, for instance, you receive a phone call from a long

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lost friend and you're elated. Can that feeling last until the next day when you win a prize?

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Finish a task. Find something you've lost. You feel happy. A year later, the feeling's still there?

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No. We mistake the word happiness for contentment and well-being, but these are distinctly

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different because they indicate a state of being, even though also dependent. The word blessed and

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happy are often used interchangeably, but we don't say, God happy you. Blessing is not something

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that is fleeting or temporary. We need to trade our exhausting pursuits for happiness and the

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disappointments that accompany it. For a new understanding of happiness as an emotion that

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comes and goes, it's not that happiness is fickle. It just needs certain events or things to take

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place before it can emerge as a happy feeling. There's a feeling better than happiness and it's

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not temporary. It's part of you that you may not have access fully yet, but because perhaps you

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didn't know the truth about it, I'm calling it joy. Joy is in you no matter what's going on in the

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world around you. I don't mean avoidance or denial behavior like we're children of law, law, land.

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If happiness is not permanent, neither is unhappiness. We lose much in a lifetime,

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including possessions and loved ones, and happiness seems to fly away from us. Grief can move in,

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outweighing happiness, contentment and well-being, but all of these are impermanent. It's impossible

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for something greater to move in and to overtake these feelings and that something is joy. Think

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of joy as a verb. Joy is something we do. As a verb, joy is action and not something that happens to

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us. Joy depends on nothing outside us. As a child of God, joy lives within you right alongside

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love and peace. The joy of the Lord is a gift to you from the Holy Spirit. And that's from Galatians

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5, 22 and 23. The joy in you awaits you to call. The joy of the Lord within you is calling for

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activation, is what Paul and Silas called on when they'd been badly beaten and imprisoned from their

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feet, bound in shackles. They rejoiced and sang so loud the other prisoners could hear them. And

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that's from Acts chapter 16. They didn't beg God to help them. They didn't ask why us. They weren't

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angry at injustice or their suffering. No, they rejoiced. They called on joy so beautiful and

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inspired God to start an earthquake, loosen the chains and split apart the jail. It caused the

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jailkeeper to become a believer in Christ. As happiness is a skill you teach yourself,

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joy is a spiritual gift you call on. Start affirming today the spiritual power and abilities you have

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within you to help. You'll find 100 thoughtful meditations that he calls me as a child, followed

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by almost a thousand scriptural affirmations to repeat daily. Here are three scriptural affirmations

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to tell yourself when happiness seems to fly away. Number one, moments of happiness are great,

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but the joy of the Lord is my strength. Nehemiah 8 verse 10. Number two, I choose to rejoice in the

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Lord always. I counted all joy. Rejoice in the Lord when I meet trials. James 1, 2, and number three,

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Jesus has given me his joy. I am abundantly filled with joy, which is John 15 verses 10 and 11.

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So that's by Marie Chapion. I think it was beautiful. I wanted to share it and I hope

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people will get this book. He calls me his child. Brad New from Broad Street, thank you so much for

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Marie for being with me. Why don't you close in prayer as you suggested before?

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Okay, thank you. I love the way you read. You just read beautifully. Thank you.

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So I just want to pray for you now. You who are listening to this podcast and listening to Steve

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Strang and knowing who he is and all the food and nurturing and love he has for you, just like Jesus.

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There is so much love surrounding you right now. There is so much beauty and I just speak that beauty

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to reach into the deepest part of you, that part of you that cries out for more of those gifts

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and those fruit of the Holy Spirit that are right there in you. You know, it's a kind of a shallow

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soul that cries out for what's already there and you are not a shallow soul. You are a

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child of God looking forward to understanding what it means to be called his child. And he is saying

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to you right now, I love you, rise up, be strong, take your joy, take your power, be an earthquake.

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And I just stand with you and I just will keep praying for you because you deserve every good

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thing that you've asked him for and he hears you and he loves you and all is well. Be still,

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he says, and know that I am God. Amen.

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00:23:48,880 --> 00:23:54,720
Do you ever feel discouraged? Do you need hope? The world is so upside down that even if you

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believe there is power in the Holy Spirit, sometimes you need to be reminded that greater

00:24:00,400 --> 00:24:06,640
is he that is within us than he is in the world. My new book, Spirit-led Living in an Upside-down

00:24:06,640 --> 00:24:13,920
world, was written to give you hope, to remind you of things you know, to explain spiritual truths

00:24:13,920 --> 00:24:20,880
that you didn't understand or maybe have forgotten. I draw in my decades of covering the worldwide

00:24:20,880 --> 00:24:26,800
move of the Holy Spirit to give you examples and stories of great men and women of God from

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Jack Hayford to Catherine Kuhlman and many others explaining spiritual gifts and telling stories

00:24:34,480 --> 00:24:41,600
of victory in the face of trials and temptations. I wrote this book for you and I want you to read it.

00:24:42,160 --> 00:24:48,720
It's easy to read with lots of practical stories to help you. It is not a theological treatise on

00:24:48,720 --> 00:24:55,920
the Holy Spirit. In a way, it's a self-help book looking at the spiritual side of life. So if you

00:24:55,920 --> 00:25:01,760
long for more of God and to experience the power of the Holy Spirit and the power to rebuke the

00:25:01,760 --> 00:25:08,960
spiritual attacks in your life and boldness to stand for God, when the cancel culture wants you to

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sit down and shut up, then my book, Spirit-led Living in an Upside-down World, is for you.

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You can find the book wherever Christian books are sold, including amazon.com or

00:25:22,000 --> 00:25:30,560
mycharismashop.com. Remember, the Holy Spirit is here to help us now and for all the days ahead,

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no matter how upside down the world gets. Enjoy the book and God bless you.