Welcome to the Strang Report podcast!
March 7, 2024

Israel the Miracle!

Israel the Miracle!
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Strang Report

Encounters with the Land and People God Loves

Jonathan Feldstein gathered inspiring commentary for Israel's 75 year celebration from 75 leaders who love God's people

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Hello, everyone. I'm Stephen Strang, and welcome to the Strang Report podcast. I'm so excited

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today to talk about one of my favorite subjects, and that is Israel. I've been a lover of Israel,

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basically my whole life, which we'll talk about today. And I consider myself a Christian

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Zionist, and I was honored recently to be asked to participate in a very special book called

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Israel, The Miracle. It just came out not long ago, and it's essays from 75 Christian leaders

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about Israel, and they're all very different. I've really enjoyed diving into this book,

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and I was invited to be one of the 75 essayists, I guess you'd call it. And this was the brainchild

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of my longtime friend, Jonathan Feldstein, who is the founder and the CEO of the Genesis 123

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Foundation located in Jerusalem. So I invited him to be on my podcast today, and we're going to talk

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about Israel and the fact that this was done in conjunction with the 75th anniversary of the

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founding of the modern state of Israel. But the book's evergreen. It's going to be good for years

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to come. It just happens to be 75 years, 75 essays, and it's a beautiful coffee table book that sells

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for $75. And I bought a couple of them myself, and I want you to stay tuned. And I think at the

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end of the podcast, you'll want to order one too. So let me start by welcoming Jonathan Feldstein,

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and thank you for coming on my podcast and talking to me about this. Why don't you start by telling

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us what the Genesis 123 Foundation is and what its purpose is? Well, first of all, it's a delight

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always to be with you. Thank you for the opportunity. We established the Genesis 123 Foundation

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in 2017 as a way to build bridges between Jews and Christians and Christians with Israel,

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and we always add in ways that are new, unique, and meaningful. And what that means is that I'm

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not looking to compete with other people or be the next best Orthodox Jew teaching Torah to

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Christians or doing other things, but find different ways of engaging. And actually, oh,

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one of them, I always tell people, I'm the only Orthodox Jew with a weekly podcast on the Charisma

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Podcast Network, which I'm honored to be part of. Well, thank you. Well, I'm glad to have you

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on our network. I love being that. And just it's different. It's out of the box. And the book was

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just another download. I know I say self deprecatingly that I'm never the smartest person in the room

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unless I'm the only person in the room. This was an idea that God gave me. That's a great line.

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I'm going to have to remember that. It's true of most of us. Well, I would hope so,

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because we have to have the modest. These are also to recognize that even if we are the only

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person in the room, most of the good downloads are coming from God anyway. And that this is

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what happened in October of 22. I was traveling. I was in Dallas, Texas. God gave me this idea.

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We need to put together a book of 75 essays by Christian leaders from all over the world

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in celebration of Israel's 75th anniversary and contacted the publisher immediately.

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He loved the idea, improved upon it. You know from publishing a few books that the whole idea of

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putting together a book, much less a book like this in under a year is typically unheard of.

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But we ended up also miraculously gathering all of the essays, gathering all of the photos and

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beautiful art, all of it donated and sending it to the publisher, to the printer rather in Israel

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in nine months. And unfortunately, there was a delay because it came out right before the war

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began. And so that delay, getting them to America and getting them to other parts of the world.

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But that's what we do. We're building bridges. And this is an evergreen book. I'm looking at

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one of my copies here as well. It's evergreen. The essays are timeless from Pat Robertson's and

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really including yours. I mean, it's one of the most insightful. You wrote it beautifully,

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but it's also one of the most insightful. Well, I appreciate that. I actually wrote it quickly,

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which isn't always the case with writing. Sometimes I really labor over it. But in fact,

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let me show the viewers. It's a two page spread. And in fact, I had this idea. I have it on PDF.

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Anyone who will write me via email, I'll say this again in the podcast, if you'll write me or email

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me and ask for it, I'll send you the PDF. You can read my essay. And I think it'll let your appetite

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to actually buy the book. There'll be some information about how to buy the book. So

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you send it to info at chrismamedia.com and just say, send me the PDF and we'll send it to you the

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same day. And I think it'll let your interest. But when I, when I wrote it, I've actually given talks

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and shared some of the same ideas. So it wasn't exactly new information. And I just shared my

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heart and it flowed and then whoever your editors were improved on it. And that's the,

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that's how it works. I will say that I'm interested personally in history and, you know,

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going all the way back to Genesis, really. And of course, our Christian history includes Jewish

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history. I've been to Israel numerous times. I've been to Mount Sinai. I actually mentioned that in

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my essay. And, and I have quite a few big historical books. And this I found this this morning in my

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own library. It's a big book that was published on the 50th anniversary of, you know, that was 25

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years ago. And here I've kept it all these years. It's a very different book. It is describing Israel

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year by year during those 50 years, just different significant things that happened. And yours, though,

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is all by Christian leaders. And I went through the table of contents and did a quick survey. And I

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personally know one third to one half of the people and I'm familiar with many of the other people. So

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you got, you really got a very good cross section of leaders in the Christian community, some very

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interesting essays. Of course, I started by reading the ones of the people I know, because I have a

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frame of reference. And tell me what reaction you're getting to the book now that it's been out a

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month or so. So the reaction's been tremendous. I have to tell you people are overwhelmed, which

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is lovely for me. This is the first book I've ever done. And I kind of pinched myself because

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that my name is on it, that my picture's inside it. It's something that I never imagined I would do.

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But the response is amazing. And you just indirectly hit on one of the ways that people are so

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appreciative of it, because it's a coffee table book, you can sit down with your child or grandchild

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on your lap, open up to page 193 and read Stephen Strang's essay with and to your child or grandchild.

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And it's an interactive experience. Unlike the book that you have on your desk there,

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celebrating the 50th, which is an historical overview of the 50 years up until that point,

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this is inspiring Christians and Jews looking forward. We take a litmus test now of why Israel

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is significant today and it's 75th year and use that as a springboard to look forward. And that's

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something that's so exciting. And people are commenting on it. Today I did another interview

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with somebody else who thanked me that he bought a copy for his father for Christmas

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and made his Christmas by doing that. So I'm thrilled for this. I pray that this will be

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something that 50 years from now, children fight to inherit.

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Well, that's very interesting. And you know, you're saying that makes me remember that when I was

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five or six years old, my grandmother gave me a book, not nearly this nice, lots of pictures

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about Israel and the modern state of Israel would have been, you know, less than 10 years old at

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that point. And I found it when my mother died and we went through her stuff, she had a copy and

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now it's part of my, but it's literally one of the first books that I can remember. I was probably

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just barely old enough to read at the time. And, you know, I know lots of Jewish people,

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you know, many of them here in central Florida, and they're often surprised that a Christian

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would be a supporter of Israel. And or they assume that Christians are anti-Semitic in some ways.

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In the Christian community, in my circles, and I realized that the Christian community is very

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broad, very big, and there's many subsets, but in the subsets that are Pentecostals and Charismatics,

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there is no anti-Semitism at all, none, any more than people would advocate Paganism or

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Satanism or something. I mean, they just aren't, now they may not be activists, they may not be

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gunk hoe, they may not donate money, but they're not negative. And they would defend Jewish people.

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And that's how I was raised. Listen, when I was a little kid, some of my earliest Bible stories

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were about Adam and Eve and Abraham and Moses and Joshua. Before I even sort of understood

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the difference between Jews and Christians, I was learning all those stories, learning about

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King David, who I'm not sure if King David or Joseph is my favorite Bible character,

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but I've always been inspired by both of those stories. And of course, the prophets,

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and you know, I'm up into what we call the New Testament, of course. And as a child,

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I can remember hearing that we considered that the modern state of Israel was a fulfillment

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of prophecy. And that prophecy, which I need to look up the reference, is, can Israel be born in a

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day? Yes. Israel was born in a day. On our calendar, May 15th, 1948, it came into existence in one day.

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And so where it's Isaiah 66-8, can a nation be born in a day? I mean, that's just how I grew up.

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We were not Christians. I and us had probably never heard the term, but I went to Israel when I was

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28 years old. It was my first trip overseas. It was, I remember it was a lot of culture shock.

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I went with some men we considered it a pilgrimage. We toured all over Israel, and then we went down

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to the Sinai Peninsula, which was owned by Israel at the time as a result of the Yom Kippur War.

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Of course, later it went back to Egypt. So I climbed the mountain. I found out there were several

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mountains that people call Mount Sinai, but we call we climbed the one called Jebel Moussa for

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anyone who knows geography in that part of the world. And it was a very good for Moses. So it makes

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sense. Yeah, Jebel Moussa means the mountain of Moses. But it was, if it wasn't the mountain, it

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couldn't have been very far away because the sign up is not that big. And it was a very,

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very moving experience. And in some ways I came home radicalized and have been considered myself.

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I'm proud. I get, I get some pushback from Christians who kind of make fun of me for calling

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myself a Christian Zionist. And even some, some of my Jewish friends, they just think it's odd.

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But I wear it as a badge of honor. I'm proud to call myself a Christian Zionist. And there's even a

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museum over there. I don't know if you've been to it or not, but it's called Friends of Zion.

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Of course. And there, and it tells the story that some of the first Zionists were actually

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Christian believers who lobbied Benjamin Harrison, who is a president we don't think of very often,

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but when he was president, they were lobbying that the Jewish people get a homeland, etc.

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etc. And there was one of the earliest Zionists was named George Bush, which is, which is really

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confusing because we, we had two presidents named George Bush. And this George Bush in the 1840s

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wrote a bestselling book back in that era on how the Jewish people should have a homeland.

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And so he was an early Zionist. Now he was great uncle to George H W Bush, and they named his

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parents named him after the, you know, he was, he was a famous author, you know, a historical figure.

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Yes. So it's just kind of interesting how that kind of came down. I don't, you know, it makes me

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wonder if the Bush is surely the Bushes know it. I don't ever remember hearing either of the Bushes

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talk about it. I know it from other sources, but there's a big display at the museum about George

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Bush and they have to explain to people that it's a different George Bush than the one that I voted

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for in 2000. Here I live down here in Florida. And do you remember the recount in Florida?

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We used to say we live in Florida where your, your vote counts and counts. And there was the

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and there was the hanging chads and everything else. Anyway, that's, that's a rabbit trail. I

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should not have gone down, but anyway, I'm proud to be a Christian Zionist and a lot of Jewish

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people don't know this history. And Mike Evans, who's the, who's the one behind the Friends of Zion,

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tells me that a lot of Israelis who have not a clue, they, they actually cry when they realize

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the important role that Christians have played. And now there are some with all this mess that's

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going on since October 7th and the protests with Hamas and everything else. A lot of people are

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turning their back on Israel, which is very, very sad. In fact, we probably should talk about that

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a little bit because I want to know what your opinion is. But, you know, it's important that

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we stand with Israel because God says that he will bless those who bless Israel. Correct. And so

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tell me what you think about what's going on. And, you know, this, this book was true 10, 20 years

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ago in the sense of the essays that were shared, of course they weren't written. It'll be true

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way beyond, are there protests at university campuses for Hamas? This is Christians who love

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Israel, who've been there, who had experiences. It was interesting to me that they were so different.

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I didn't see any that kind of copied each other. It was a big concern of mine that we would have

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75 essays repeating four or five scripture. I will bless those who bless you standing for,

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for such a time as this being a watchman on the wall. And I was honestly concerned as I invited

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you and others to be part of it, that it was going to be that shallow and it wasn't, not at all.

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And I didn't give parameters. I said, right, what's on your heart? And you did. And it wasn't

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something that was new and it didn't have to be new. But it's timeless because you shared your

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personal experience and you tied it in so beautifully also with modern history. I love it.

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I love it. I love it. But yeah, what's going on? I'll say two things, three things.

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I never imagined living in Israel that I would ever live to send my son off to war.

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October 7th was a hard day and I didn't know how bad things were. But when my son came home,

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who was a newlywed, still is, and said, I have 10 minutes to put it on my uniform and get my

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gear together and I have a ride. And we didn't know what was going on. We didn't know how bad it

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was and neither did he. But I'm proud of him and I'm proud of all the soldiers and I'm grateful.

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And I know you know this, that we've seen unprecedented unity in Israel that's inspiring.

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Matter of fact, the latest podcast that's coming out, I'm speaking with two rabbis, military rabbis,

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who are talking about where we're seeing God's hand in the war, the miracles, even despite the war.

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And where the unity is incredible, Jewish and non-Jewish. In fact, my son's commanding officer

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for another conversation is a Lebanese Christian. He's one of two Lebanese Christians to lead,

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he's one of two Christians to lead a IDF military unit into combat this past October.

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And we're seeing unprecedented unity. But we're seeing something that's also,

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you said you love history. This is for a deeper conversation. We're seeing unprecedented support

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among Christians for Israel and the Jewish people. And I don't mean only in 75 years.

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I'm going back 2000 years. Since the beginning of the church, since the first century,

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we have never, ever seen such support. And most Israeli Jews don't understand it, don't know it

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exists. So when I get to show them copies of this book or tell them that the dollar that they donate

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to our Israel emergency campaign is going for X, Y or Z, people are shocked, overwhelmed,

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and incredibly grateful. And that's also beginning to break down the barriers. But life in Israel

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has been very hard. It's been very hard. There's a lot of stress. I think that it's, I think this

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level of stress will go into the DNA of our souls and be realized not just in my children,

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but in their children. I think that this now becomes part of the legend, the history of the

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Jewish people. And I think that we're going to see something that will impact us all for generations

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to come. Well, I think that's very important. And, you know, with wars, there's always two sides.

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There's sometimes disagreements. I mean, look at the war that's going on in Ukraine and Russia.

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It's hard to tell who the good guys and bad guys are. But in this case with Hamas,

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which is a terrorist organization, this is not just a political battle. They're wanting to expel,

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they're wanting to eliminate the Jewish people when they say from the river to the sea, they,

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this means they went from the Jordan River to the Mediterranean. I saw a clip. It must have been

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Prager U or something where somebody was interviewing these young people kind of college age and asking

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them what the river and the sea was. And they were saying stuff like the Red Sea. They couldn't

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think of the name of the river, but yet they were spouting this kind of pro-Palestinian, pro-Hama,

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not even Palestinian so much is pro-Hamas rhetoric. And they didn't even know what it meant,

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which I think is very sad. But the point I was going to make as we sort of wind up this podcast

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is that Jewish people, especially Israelis, you're not going to debate, is this war right or wrong?

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You're not going to debate one side or the other side. And I think that with evangelical

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Christians, these are ones who believe the Bible, love God, are trying to live for God,

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trying to do what's right. They're going to be a solid for Israel. Israel can even make mistakes,

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and Israel does make mistakes, but there's a solid basis of support. And I've read recently from some

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Jewish leaders that say that evangelical Christians are really Israel's best friends that Israel can

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count on. And I think that for those who love Israel, and I'm guessing that just about everybody

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who watches me falls in that category, you need to get this book. I think you'll enjoy it. It's

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good to put it on. You put it on the coffee table because it looks good. Instead of a flour arrangement

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or whatever else you might put on the coffee table, you need to put this on. You actually gave me an

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idea. I'm going to sit down with my own grandson, young teenager. And he and I've never really had

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an occasion to talk about Israel, but I'm going to do that and to show him. I have personally

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purchased a couple of copies. I have two Jewish neighbors. Well, actually, I have more than two,

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but one next door and one across the street. And one is Orthodox and one is Reformed. And I bought

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them for my neighbors, and they already knew I was a Christian Zionist. They just did, but it allowed

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them to read the essay and to see the other essays of Christian leaders who love Israel, support

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Israel. And so let me repeat again that if you will write me at this email address info at

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CharismaMedia.com and just say, I'd like Steve Strang's article about Israel. We'll send you a

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PDF. You'll see the picture. You'll see the essay. And there's some information about how to get the

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book. And I understand there's a discount code that people can get. Tell me about it.

00:22:07,440 --> 00:22:12,800
Yes, indeed. So you can order the book at IsraelTheMiracle.com. And when you go to check out,

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and you get copies for all of your children and grandchildren, use the discount code,

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Steve and Strang, one word. And that's my gift because I really want people and you're going to get

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a 10% discount because our goal, the proceeds go back to bless Israel, especially projects relating

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to the war right now. But my goal, why we publish this is to get it in as many homes as possible.

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So people can read it the same way. And I love that you just hold the story about your grandmother

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and how that book made an impression upon you as a young child. I want this to be that for the

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next generations. Well, that's good. And as we wrap this up in a way I gave you the last word,

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but I just want to ask you personally, I know what it is to publish books. I published over 2000.

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I sort of know the drill. We've done a couple of coffee table books. They're expensive and so

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forth. So I know the drill. But when you read those essays, and I know you read them as publisher to

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vet them, to check on them, to be sure the proofreaders did a good job. But what did it do

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to you personally when you read those essays? All of the essays are excellent. Some of them,

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when I think about it now, you can't feel it, but it's stirring my heart. And a few of them

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made me cry. They're really that deep, theologically. And I want Jews to read these as well.

00:23:41,520 --> 00:23:46,800
It's a stirring book. And I've read all of the essays at least two times in many cases, three

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and four. And they don't get old. They don't get old. This is really timeless. Well, I want to

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thank you for taking time. It wasn't easy to set this up, but we finally did it. And I hope that

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this will encourage people to first of all get the PDF, which is a little bit like getting a sample

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for a Kindle book or something gives you a little taste. And of course, you can read my story, which

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is one of the reasons I did it. And to get this book and also to support Israel. If there is a

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night to honor Israel in your area, or if in fact, if if you haven't been to Christians United for

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Israel summit every year in July, it's a wonderful experience in Washington, DC. I've been many

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times. And also to support the Genesis one, two, three foundation, which has its goal to build bridges

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between Israel and Jewish people and the Christian community. And I want to just thank you, Jonathan

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Feldstein, for all that you do to build bridges. You are indeed a bridge builder. And I believe

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that God is pleased with the work that you do. Thank you. Means a lot coming from you. Thank you.

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And thank you to my viewers and listeners for tuning in today to the Strang Report.

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Share this with others. If you don't subscribe to the Strang Report, be sure to do it. Hit the

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little bell so you find out when we're live on Tuesdays and Thursdays, 4pm Eastern time.

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And thank you for watching. God bless you.