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June 26, 2024

Navigating Political Prophetic Trauma: Where to Focus with Lance Wallnau

Navigating Political Prophetic Trauma: Where to Focus with Lance Wallnau
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Strang Report

This episode released on June 25, 2024.

Get ready to dive into a fascinating exploration of how God may be working in the world today, beyond the realm of politics. Discover valuable insights on the prophetic movement and the shifts happening globally with Lance Wallnau and Stephen Strang Subscribe now to be part of the conversation!


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We certainly live in turbulent times, and one of the things that people all over are asking is,

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what is going on and what is God saying? Hello, everyone. I'm Stephen Strang, and welcome to

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the Strang Report podcast, where we deal with these kind of issues, trying to understand what

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God is saying and how we should live. Well, today my guest is Lance Wallnau. He has been an outspoken

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leader in the body of Christ. He kind of bridges from the business community to the ministry

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community. In 2016, he wrote a book called God's Chaos Candidate about Donald Trump and said that

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he believed that God was raising up Donald Trump like Cyrus, who was a pagan king who helped the

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children of Israel go back to Jerusalem and rebuild the temple. Well, today we're going to talk about

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what's going on. Not so much about Donald Trump per se. This is not really political, but this is

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how can we understand the prophetic and what is God saying? Not in a predictive kind of way, but in

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a general kind of way. You don't want to miss my conversation. Stay tuned.

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Lance Wallnau, thanks for being in my podcast. I have an important question that I believe many

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in the body of Christ are asking. What are you hearing from God in this season?

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Well, you know, Steve, in the midst of all the dystopian and clickbait, intense news cycles,

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and of course, nothing like an election year during the election season, I think, is happening.

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And I think the Lord is telling me is rather remarkable. He's saying right out of the book

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of Acts quoting from Habakkuk, behold, I am doing a work you would not believe that someone was to

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declare it to you. Well, right away I step back and I say, well, wait a second, Lord, you're doing

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something that we that me as a charismatic, as a Pentecostal, I'm doing. I'm doing something that

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we that me as a charismatic, as a Pentecostal with a seven mountain worldview, I would be amazed at.

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And I started looking at what's going on in the world, Stephen. And I saw that we got 50 elections

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happening. A shift is happening in the cosmic consciousness of the globe. And elites are being

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pushed back on as God is solidifying a movement for the harvest. I believe it's a populist movement

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and it's a window of grace. And I think it's coming to America. Well, you're right about what's

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happening in Europe, which we consider much less Christian, much more left wing, usually.

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Totally. And the elections last week were just astounding. So you and then of course, we saw it

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in Argentina. So in El Salvador, I mean, my gosh, we had a president down there. It's a Christian

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does his interview with Tucker and says, here's how we're turning the nation around. We've gone

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from the murder capital of the world to the most safe country in the world. He locked up all of MS-13

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and Tucker said, well, how did you do it? He said, first, we prayed. And Tucker goes, pray?

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He said, no, but that wasn't it. We had to get, he said, you had to get a strategy goes, yes,

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that was what we prayed for wisdom. Tucker's like, I believe you, but this sounds hard to believe.

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Bam, God's raising up leaders. If we will pray, God will give us leaders that will navigate

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sovereign nations, those nations that have Christian covenant and Christian power.

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We will shift the heavens. I believe that completely.

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You know, I wrote an op-ed this week about the end of time and how we have to believe that the

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Holy Spirit leads us no matter how bad it is, which is tangential to what you're talking about.

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But I get a feeling in the circles that I move in that people almost feel hopeless.

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You know, we've been seeing this leftward movement for at least a hundred years.

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You can track it all the way back to Woodrow Wilson and maybe before that. And we've been losing

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little by little by little. And I feel like a lot of Christians are just kind of throwing up their

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hands. I mean, you know, in 216, it looked like Donald Trump, the chaos candidate,

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a catchy phrase that you came up with. It looked like there was a reprieve.

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And then there were all these prophecies that tried to get you to believe in the Holy Spirit.

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And then there were all these prophecies that Trump would be in for two terms. That did not happen.

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We had all kinds of prophets saying that the House of Representatives was going to turn it around or

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all kinds of things. I didn't keep track of all those stuff.

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Yeah, yeah, yeah.

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And now with this election cycle, I just see a lot of people not even

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hardly interested. I mean, they're concerned about the country, but what difference does it make?

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What do you think?

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I think the Republicans are having post prophetic trauma or what that is after a world war,

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because a lot here's the deal. Let me be honest with you, Steve. A lot of people jumped into the

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political prophetic arena because it builds. It's like crack. You know, when you have clicks and

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you've got an audience and you've got cash flow and you have notoriety and you struggle in anonymity

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for so long and then you found out that with a camera, you can prophesy to an unknown audience

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or thousands of people hanging on your next word. It produces a temptation that most adolescent

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prophetic ministries that didn't have that big a thing to start with fell into.

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Now, Cindy Jacobs, Chuck Pierce, Dutch Sheets, you'll notice those that have already gone

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through those seasons where they might have prophesied a president that didn't work out and

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then they recovered. The season prophets were not all bringing out the pillows and the pom poms

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about Donald Trump. It was a lot of new prophetic voices, but they kept on prophesying. That was

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their mistake. They should have just got quiet. When Trump lost, the verse that God gave me was

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David with Bathsheba. I mean, the baby is dead and he's praying and he's fasting and he's miserable

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and then he's... Everybody looked at him and thought he's going to lose his mind when he

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finds out the baby's dead. And as soon as he heard it, he washed himself, he shaved himself,

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and he worshiped. I knew that when the election wasn't given to Trump, God was doing something.

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Now, what God was doing, I didn't know. I had a very intimate time of prayer going, Lord,

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if this man isn't there, I know enough about the world order to know. Our economy will tank,

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our military will be humiliated, and our freedoms will be emasculated. This is not what you want.

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I didn't think God wanted to do it. Well, I think that since then, Stephen, the roots of our movement,

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which is citizen patriots, engaged Christians, have gotten stronger. The people that are getting

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weak are the people living on the prophetic fringe, don't want to get involved with politics,

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they don't want to get... They just want to have a revival without a reformation. And the move of

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God's moving to pass them and moving to the reformation people, who by the way, we're in a

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revival. There's more life now than we've ever had before. The battle is intense. But when you're

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actually building with God's building, it puts an anointing on you that refreshes you while you're

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in the warfare. Well, let's talk about this prophetic aspect of it, because as you know,

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I wrote a book about it. The book, God and Donald Trump, was really my effort to put on the record

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what happened with this prophecy. Kim Clement is the first one that I was aware of, and he prophesied

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it long before Donald Trump had even shown up on the political scene, even as a possibility.

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And some of these things were kind of encoded, and you understood them in hindsight. And then

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you mentioned Chuck Pierce and some others. And then you came along and called Trump the chaos

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candidate. And I attribute to you the whole thing about Cyrus. Now, you may not have been the first

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one to compare him to Cyrus, but you were certainly the one that seemed to popularize that.

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Well, yeah, I was the first one. It was news to me when I heard it, because what happened was I was

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with Kim meeting Trump in New York for the first time. Kim had a stroke and didn't show up. And

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when I got home, his gift, it happened for like about 30 days, his gift zapped over on me. And

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I'm starting to hear voices. I thought I was under an attack, because I'm hearing voices in my left

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ear. The next president of the United States will be Isaiah 45. The 45th president will be Isaiah 45.

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I'm going, oh my gosh, what is that? I looked it up in Isaiah. Isaiah 45 says, thus says, Lord,

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thus says, Lord, to Cyrus. That's how I got that. And it was, and I realized later that Kim had a

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mission to proclaim something. I think the devil tried to take, well, the devil did take him out

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in a sense. He neutralized him. And then boom, an adolescent in this field suddenly is hearing

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stuff. And what I heard was that. And in 2015, I said, and the media will have a term. And I heard

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first, Trump derangement. And I wrote it and published it in 2015. I said, they're going to

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meltdown and they're going to, minds are going to blow up because they cannot handle the fact that

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God would use a person like that. Or let's put it this way. The church would have a problem with

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God using Trump. The world just has a problem with Trump period.

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I agree. And when you mentioned the media, I recently talked to Lauren Green at Fox,

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and we discussed the fact that Trump was the darling of the media when he was a New York

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billionaire, so-called playboy. You know, he was in all the magazines and all the TV shows. He had

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his own celebrity TV show. They loved him. They had no problem with his personality, with his

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lifestyle. It was only when he ran for office as a conservative that they started having a problem

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with Trump. And so I think it's interesting. And the reason I wrote the book is because

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there are too many prophecies, even ones that come true, they're not that well documented,

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or they're not that well known because the media doesn't play it up. And I felt

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that this was something that was prophesied. It actually happened. And I wanted to give God the

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glory. But it was interesting that since then, especially with the second time around, you're

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right. A lot of people jumped on the bandwagon. I don't hear a lot of prophecy now about the next

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election. What do you hear? Well, and I believe they're wise because this is going to offend

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some prophets, I'm sure. But I don't think God is telling people because I think that we end up

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becoming, and here the word adolescence comes back again, we put our hope and our confidence in,

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is Trump going to be president? Well, I think that's a smart assessment. If he is not in office,

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Stephen, if he does not go in, I do the economics, I work with the economic field. The data says

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that we are now a trillion dollars over budget on our credit card nationally. We are paying more

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in interest than we are for the national defense. And that's going to only exacerbate. It's going,

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we're going to probably have a serious meltdown going on in the next year. And if we don't actually

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recover our supply side ability to manufacture and keep up with our debt and start to rein in the debt,

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by 2024 and 2025, it's over. You can't catch up. At that point, it's almost like you cut the limb

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off of the tree. It may still be green, but from that day, it's dying. The Brits nations,

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40 nations are all getting away from the dollar as fast as they can. They see we're a house on fire.

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So there's this realization that we have to have God's intervention, Stephen. That's why I get

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frustrated. And when I hear about people, don't want to talk about politics. What in the world

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are you talking about? The Antichrist spirit is taking over government where you don't resist the

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devil. You're inviting him to control you. We'll control your speech. We'll control your your

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faith. They're going after gateway punnet. They completely annihilated Alex Jones. Russell Brand

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was the darling of the left until he started going conservative. Then they come out with all this

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stories about him. They're locking up Peter Navarro. They've already locked up Peter Navarro.

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They're locking up Steve Bannon. They want to lock up Donald Trump. They're going to announce it

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three days or four days before the National Convention. I think they're going to try to

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lock him up so that they could say you've got a convicted felon behind bars that we're letting

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out to go talk to you. And this tells us that for you as a Christian to say, well, I don't want to

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get involved with this. I'm divisive. You're dealing with the survival of your own church,

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your own freedom, your own future. And I really believe everything's on the table right now.

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That's why I'm 100 percent in the Holy Ghost in revival and in reformation. And God's calling a

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line in the sand is going to happen this year. Either those prophecies about Trump with two terms

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are going to be fulfilled or we're going to see America going from a divine discipline, I'm sorry

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to say, into a judgment cycle. That doesn't mean we can't have revival. Doesn't mean we can't have

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extraordinary experiences. It means it's not God's plan, but He'll help you survive. That's how

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serious this is, which is why I'm so incensed even with the preachers and the pastors who are

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being very coy now. You know what they do? We do these tours. Charlie Kirk does them. I do them.

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And we'll have like four, five, 10. He had 10,000. We've had like up to 5,000. And I find that a lot

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of pastors that don't associate with us don't say anything against us. And I realize, oh my gosh,

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they're like politicians. They don't want to alienate anybody. So they're just ignoring the

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whole conversation. So if you're around leaders that aren't talking about what's happening

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prophetically around the world and what's happening in the United States, I think you're

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in the orbit of people that are dulling your hearing. Well, I agree with you entirely, but I'd

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like you to articulate what the answer is. What can the person who's watching or listening,

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what can they do or say? How can they pray? How can they get active? What advice do you have

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when you go around on these tours? Well, very good. It's a great question. And so part of the answer

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is we are saying there's only two things that you can focus on right now that'll make a difference

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in moving the needle apart from prayer. I just had Lou Engel on yesterday. We've got a million

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women, million men march on the mall. We're not calling it a march, but we keep calling it that.

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And it's on Yom Kippur, the high holy day, to cry out to God for mercy for America. That's the

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spiritual part. So I'm totally full tilt Pentecostal on intercession prayer and that. The other part is

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it all comes down to getting out the vote and stopping illegal votes. Those are the only two

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things that matter. And every state has its own apparatus for how it does that. But I've got a guy

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that I've been I've been working with named Dr. Richards, who has this thing called a Eagle AI.

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And Steve, what that does is it takes our my more geriatric age groups. I realize my people are like

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50, 60, 70. So they're a little older in terms of that group that I relate to. But they will if they

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have accessibility, we could hook them up so that from their home, they could block 100, 200, 300 or

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400 fake votes from showing up. And when an election is determined by 40 to 100,000 votes

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out of four or five swing states, you might be able to affect the future right from your desk

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doing what you're doing. The other thing is to get out the vote effort. I grabbed a tool, which I

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think you can download it now as an app called As One America. As One America. My gosh, Steve,

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it gives you that it gives you access, the location of your neighbors who are low propensity

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Christians, meaning they might vote, they might not, they might be I've had it, I don't want to

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get involved with politics. It's the end times. You can't trust the election anyway. But those

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those votes that are in your own backyard are just a matter of a phone call or a letter. You

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could write a letter. We even can write a letter. We'll pay the postage. I got guys that will pay

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the postage. Write a letter and encourage your neighbors and say, I've been thinking about you.

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I'm in the same community. It's so important that you make a difference. And I just felt led to

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tell you your vote makes a difference. You need to show up that a little step like that from your

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home. And you can affect history. That's great. In fact, before we wrap up, I want you to tell my

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viewers how they can connect with you and your podcast, how they can see you on the victory

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channel, the different the many things you're doing. But also be sure to repeat that because

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I want people listen, I'm going to get that app, I'm going to do my part, even though I have a

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platform and am involved in different ways. I want to get involved in my own neighborhood.

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And also can't people volunteer to be poll watchers? Of course, and that's what that's what

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the app does. It says, how do you become a poll watcher? How do you write a letter to the I will

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pay the postage. I'll even pay the postage. How do you find the neighbor? I'll let you I'll give

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you the phone number. How's that you can call them and buy them over for coffee, be a good neighbor.

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Most of these people are Christian conservatives anyway. And Stephen, what I'll do is I'll put this

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podcast on that app. It's called as one America. When this comes out, I'm going to feature at the

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top of the app, because I can feature conversations because I'm trying to keep our tribe motivated

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and focused as one America go to your app store. Now, my broadcaster Lance walnut.com forward slash

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podcast, because I'm all over the internet. If they shut me down here, I pop up over there. It's

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like whack a mole. But if you go to Lance walnut.com forward slash podcast, you catch me on real

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America's voice right after Bannon on on the weekend. So you know, and they're locking him

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up. And I'm not about that, Stephen, I mean, he's a great man with a fake January six committee

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hearing, he stood up to them. He said, you know, you guys wouldn't even allow one voice to speak

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up in defense of what we believe was going on that day. And they're locking them up. And we have got

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to stand with the front line because this next man up when they get locked up, the next guy's got to

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step up. And I take that personally, because I'm out in the public arena. You know, you talk about,

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or we at least mentioned election fraud and that kind of thing. And I had an example up close and

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personal, it had to do with my late mother whose vote was stolen. You know, this was obviously

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before she passed away, but I moved her to assisted living. And in doing so she changed precincts. So

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even though she wasn't operating that well, I helped her, I picked her up, and we took her to

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the polling booth or the polling place. She went in with her ID and they said she can't vote. And I

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said, why? Because she's already voted. Well, how'd she vote? She voted absentee. I said, mother,

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did you vote? Well, she didn't think she could. At that point, Lance, she didn't have, she didn't

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have it together enough to fill out a ballot, find a stamp, and find the mailbox to mail it.

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Somebody, they had sent unsolicited ballots to her senior citizen place. Somebody had harvested

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them, voted for her, and they did not expect somebody like me to show up. And there was nothing

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I could do. You know, I wrote letters to the officials in my county and I live in a conservative

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part of the state of Florida, and nobody seemed interested in one little old lady's vote being

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stolen. And I just saw up close and personal that this has happened. We have to be diligent

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not to let it happen. And, you know, I felt that I should say that maybe it'll encourage someone to

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be more careful about votes being stolen. Then you can do something about me. What's really sad

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about that is not only was your mother's vote stolen, but for all you know, she's going to

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keep on voting. So you got to focus on that. And yeah, I'll tell you what, and in some states,

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in Michigan, we took 100,000 names off, and the corrupt government, sorry to say, the Democrat side,

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reinstated the names. This is after you purge the names, they say, yeah, we know, but we're

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going to put it back in. And so you have to literally be in the battle. And then at the same

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time, we have to be buoyant, because what I've learned is you can only fight as strong as you

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have joy. So that's why I think there's a revival. The prophetic pattern, Stephen, my final thought,

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is don't look for the prophecy that's predictive. That's kind of like, that's not where the

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prophetic anointing is right now. Look for the prophetic pattern of what God is doing,

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because then you're going to be looking in the direction where the spirit's moving.

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Cyrus was a world ruler, like Bolsonaro that rose up, like Trump that rose up, but now you've got

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Bukele, you've got, you've got in Australia, and like you said, in Argentina, we have a brilliant,

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with a president now, we have Viktor Orban in Hungary, we have Poland, God's raising up Cyrus

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Ruler. Stephen, when the Cyrus's came up, what happened next was God focused on rebuilding his

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ecclesia. There is a church project going on right now. And I believe one of the great things that

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people aren't talking about is the shaking of the church. We're seeing it with prominent and

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well-known leaders that are being brought into the public gaze for things 30 years old or so.

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But the shaking is happening in the ecclesia. Satan wants to shake the church, but God is using

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it to build a new church. The Jews went from Cyrus to rebuilding the house for the nation. It was a

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national temple. And then out of that, the walls and gates got restored. It's not happening all

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over the country, but boy, it's happening right now in counties and in cities and in states where

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people are gathering together and taking back their school boards. They're taking back their

00:22:58,560 --> 00:23:04,080
personal liberty. And that's the global movement that is happening electorally. I think we're going

00:23:04,080 --> 00:23:09,760
to see the walls and gates and the temple or the ecclesia rising up this year.

00:23:09,760 --> 00:23:18,080
Or Lance, I would just want to thank you for being so outspoken and bringing a lot of meaning to

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this. I've been in settings where you've shared the seven mountain thing and you could almost see

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the light bulbs going off in people's minds. The Lord has given you a gift and a talent and

00:23:31,520 --> 00:23:36,880
you've done so much good. And I just want to say how much I appreciate you. And do you have a

00:23:36,880 --> 00:23:40,080
closing word and then I'll be back with a few thoughts at the end.

00:23:40,080 --> 00:23:44,080
Yeah, I want to thank you for what you're doing, Steve. You were a pioneer in Christian media.

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You looked at the media mountain and said, what's needed for the church? I was with Dinesh Desai

00:23:49,120 --> 00:23:54,800
a week ago. He said, Lance, and Jordan Peterson said the same thing. What we need to do is realize

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we will not change 400 liberally funded universities that have their Marxist curriculum,

00:24:02,160 --> 00:24:07,360
but you can create new digital universities that will rival them and be stronger than them.

00:24:07,360 --> 00:24:13,920
And so we need to create alternative systems. When reformation rises up, God raises up another

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sphere to come against what won't change. And that new thing actually competes with and breaks up the

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old thing. So we have to be thinking in terms of the entrepreneurial innovative spirit that is on

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the body of Christ. Now more than ever, you can't be disheartened because of the fact that the

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doors are opening for opportunity. Well, thanks for staying tuned. I hope you enjoyed what Lance

00:24:35,440 --> 00:24:41,040
had to say. I believe that he gave us a lot to think about and to pray about. And I wanted to

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call attention to a couple of the things that we mentioned. The purpose of the podcast, of course,

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was not to push my own books, but they are available. And if you followed the Strang Report,

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you know that I wrote God and Donald Trump. That was the one that we discussed, but I also wrote

00:24:55,920 --> 00:25:02,720
Trump Aftershock about the seismic shifts that happened after Donald Trump was elected, and also

00:25:02,720 --> 00:25:08,000
God Trump in the 2020 election. This was about four years ago, but you know, a lot of the issues are

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still the same. This is available for a special price as a bundle on my website called stevestrangbooks.com.

00:25:17,280 --> 00:25:21,920
And while you're at it, you can pick up a copy of my newest book called Spirit-Led Living in an

00:25:21,920 --> 00:25:27,920
Upside-Down World, where I talk not about politics, not about Donald Trump, but what's happening,

00:25:27,920 --> 00:25:33,200
where it seems like we are speeding toward the end of time, but we have to rely on the power of the

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Holy Spirit, which is really the underlying theme of what I talked about with Lance today. He's

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going to send this out to his list because he felt it's important. I hope you do too, so I hope

00:25:46,720 --> 00:25:53,520
you'll share it with friends. Post it on X or on Facebook or wherever you post on social media.

00:25:54,320 --> 00:26:00,320
And also be sure to subscribe to The Strang Report. I'm encouraged every time I'm given a report

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because the number of subscriptions is going up. And remember to tune in every Tuesday and Thursday

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4 p.m. Eastern time for another edition of The Strang Report. Until then, God bless you.