Jim Garlow, was one of the first people to post about the Asbury University revival on social media when it started 13 days ago. In a follow-up interview, he explains what sounded like waves of an ocean as he stood in the wooden pews worshipping God in Hughes Auditorium. In my first conversation with Garlow, we talk about the tie between the Asbury revival and the Third Great Awakening. Now he is sharing his eyewitness view of what happened right before Asbury University announced the revival would stop on campus Wednesday, Feb. 22nd. "Just continual worship and praise. Bunch of students standing on the stage and the auditorium is packed," he says. Garlow heard from officials at the revival that 25,000 people came to Wilmore, Kentucky on Saturday. Cars were backed up 1.3 miles with 'revival at capacity' signs lit up on the highway...
... For Garlow, this has changed his focus in ministry. He is now asking God how he can take what he has seen and experienced firsthand at Asbury University to the rest of the world. Check out www.WellVersedWorld.org where Garlow is gathering together all of the videos and pictures posted from the revival for record keeping.
#JimGarlow #asburyrevival #StrangReport #RevivalofRepentance #eyewitness