Welcome to the Strang Report podcast!
April 9, 2024

The Eclipse and the Coming King

The Eclipse and the Coming King
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Strang Report

The Eclipse and the Coming King

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Hello everyone and welcome to the Strang Report podcast. I'm Stephen Strang. I've been covering

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the Christian community now for more than four decades and I've seen a lot of incredible

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things. I've seen a lot of incredible ministries. I've also seen a lot of weird stuff. But you

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know, a lot of things are happening in our culture now and while it's always been bad,

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it seems to be getting worse. And it's like, Lord, where are you in all this? And especially when

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you're a follower of Jesus and try to be led by the Holy Spirit, what does all this mean? So my

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podcast is to try to help you understand and to encourage you to be spirit-filled, even though

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the world seems upside down. This is the latest book that I wrote about it, that even with everything

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that's going on, even as we go into the end times and the tribulation, as the Bible calls it, we can

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rely on the Holy Spirit to give us power and also to give us power to understand what's going on.

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And that's what we're going to talk about today, because everyone seems to be talking about the

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eclipse that's going to happen on Monday, April 8th, just a couple of days from when we're recording

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this. By the way, if you know someone that's interested in the eclipse or what the Holy Spirit

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is doing, call them, send them this link and comment in the comment section below. And while

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you're there, subscribe to the Strangler Report so that you'll be notified. Hit the little bell.

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And every time we're on live on Tuesdays and Thursday at 4 p.m. Eastern Daylight Time, you'll

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be notified when we're on. And today, a longtime friend of mine, we're going to talk to, he's one

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of the most talented people, one of the most interesting people I think I've ever met. And I've

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met a lot of interesting, important people over the course of my journalistic career. His name is

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Max Griner. He's from Curveville, Texas, and he's a sculptor. And he's a sculptor. And this is one

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of his sculptures, which is actually in my office. I picked it up just a few minutes ago to bring it

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a show and tell. It's Jesus, it's Peter washing, it's Jesus washing Peter's feet. I think I got that

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right. And it's quite well known. There's life-size one, and he's made these little miniature ones,

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and it's just beautiful. And I enjoy displaying it in my office. I see it several times a day as I

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walk by it. And I just thought that I would come and show it to you because Max is, first of all,

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I don't think I know any other sculptors. I just don't. But I got to know him at the National

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Religious Broadcasters a few years ago, and I was absolutely smitten with his talent and with the

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different things that he's done. And now he has developed a park in Curveville, Texas. So I want

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to bring Max on and thank you for taking time. You've fit me in at the last minute because there

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was a certain urgency with this coming up. So first of all, tell us about this park, this incredible

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free park that you've done where it's got the empty cross. Tell us about that as starting

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to talk about the eclipse. And I'll just tell people, you've got to stay tuned for this because

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the eclipse is going to come right over the empty cross. And we're going to talk about the significance

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of it and also the other things that are happening with the eclipse. Well, thank you, Steve. Thank

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you for the opportunity to share. This is kind of exciting in a lot of ways for us. I'm 72 years

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old and I've seen a lot of stuff too. And my roots, as you know, were fourth generation Southern

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Baptist. But then I prayed this prayer in 1999. And with a guy named Bill Banks, I needed a miracle

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in my family and more Southern Baptist train jumped the track. And it was about then that we met here

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is 89 or 90s. We go pretty far back. And but we are fully immersed in the things of the Holy Spirit.

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We love it. And I promise God way back in 89, if he worked any miracles in my life, I would always

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witness them to others. And we tried to stay faithful to that. And I also ask him, God, don't

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do anything fun without me. And he's been pretty good about letting me do a lot of his fun stuff.

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But specifically what the park and after God got me trained up to an obedient, which was the first

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time he gifted me to be an artist. He made me put those jeans in the house. I want to make art,

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painting, sculpture, jewelry on architect also degree in architecture from Texas and him. And

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but then he let me be an artist. And then after he got me trained up doing my stuff,

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then he kind of interrupted my life and said, I want you to do my stuff now. And I did a season

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of disobedience, which you can hear on our testimony on our website. But I finally got with

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the program. When I got with the program, that's when he gave me the divine servant sculpture

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and said, I want you to do a sculpture of Jesus, Washington, Peter's feet. And I said,

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this obeyed and I said, God, we got all these other problems. I got to take care of first.

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My wife had a bad disease. My dad was dying of incurable disease. Texas economy crashed.

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And so I thought my way was better. Well, anyways, my long story short, we finally got

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with this program and anybody listening out there, if you're sure God's talking to you,

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go ahead and do what he says. Just obey even if he sees the end and he knows what he wants.

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So I did these big sculptures and took years, took many, many, many years. And

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and then in 2001, on December 9th, he called my wife and I, Sherry, out of a church in Austin,

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Cathedral of Praise, Dr. Mahesh Chawda was a guest speaker, he'd come in from North Carolina.

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And he called us out of the audience and said, we were going to be involved in restoring the

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tabernacle of David and all the art I'd made in my life was now going to be used in a type

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of last day's tabernacle. And everybody in the charismatic church clapped and I told Sherry,

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I said, man, I missed that. You know, but that's the way it probably sounds pretty crazy when

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you hear it. So but what God's plan was, he said, we're going to do this tabernacle and a lot of

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Christians would help us. And but I just dismissed it, put the cassette tape on the shelf, you know,

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like you do with some of these things. And then eight months later, another stranger out of Beaumont,

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Texas, Marlon Quibbett called up and said, God said, you're supposed to build a 77 foot seven

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inch cross on Interstate 10. And I was supposed to help you. Well, that began the vision. And so

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now fast forward from that 2001. And by the way, I've now I think, understand that when America

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was attacked by the Muslim terrorist, that was 9 11 2001. And God says in the Bible,

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when when we're, you know, enemy comes like a flood, he raises up a standard. And I think

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this may be the standard of that event, or one of them. But but as a result today, now that

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after lots of battles and the stories in on our book and in the on our website, this garden

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is now in the top 10% of tourist attractions in the entire world, according to Tripadvisor,

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that means it's in there with the pyramids, and it's in there with the Grand Canyon, and it's

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in there with the Niagara Falls, Alamo, and we have hundreds of thousands of people coming.

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And God gave me a vision of a cross shaped garden that was 300 feet long. And it turned out I found

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that letter exactly half the length of the Tabernacle of Moses to the inch, precisely the same.

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I know that. And but we've got it in its cross shaped garden. It's filled up with 77

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scriptures in multiple languages on carved into stone or tile, and people enter off the Interstate

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Highway 10. And then they will see this big monumental art, and the coming King, the Fisherman,

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the Great Commission, and the Divine servant, and that the end is empty cross. And inside that giant

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cross, after they walk in this 100 yard long garden, they can pray to be born again, and to be

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filled or baptized with the Holy Spirit, to be healed, delivered, and miracles. And as a result,

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here we are all these years later, thousands of people have been saved. Probably the water

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baptisms are in the thousands. We've probably got healings in the thousands, over 100 people have

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canceled suicide. We have dramatic miracles that are happening. And this, and signs and wonders,

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we've got these angel orb things and streams of light and golden, golden glitter looking stuff

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that farms on the people when they come up there. And it's been happened to thousands of people.

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So we got the signs and the wonders and the fruit. Jesus said, test the fruit, if you know, throw it

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out, if it's not, burn it up. But if you got fruit, you better keep going with it. And so, you know,

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to my knowledge, we pretty well have been fulfilled Acts 2 19, where Jesus, you know, talks about our

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show wonders in the heavens and above and signs of the earth and beneath and blood and fire and

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vapor and smoke. The sun shall be turned to darkness and the moon to blood before the coming

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of the great and awesome day of the Lord. Whoever... Let's talk about that. You know, the garden is

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beautiful. And I haven't made it there, but I plan to. I just... We've written about it in Charisma

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over the years. And we could, we could talk for a long, long time. But really, we're here to talk

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about the eclipse. In fact, you're the first person who told me the eclipse was coming. It was,

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there was one, it was in October 14th. And, which explain exactly what that is. It's not a total

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eclipse. Correct. But, but it's, it's almost what it is. It was the annual eclipse. The moon is slightly

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smaller than the sun. So, you have a ring, a fire around the edge. And they, and NASA and others

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call it the ring of fire eclipse. And for us Christians, it's like the crown of Christ. And,

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and prophetically, you can look at it as like first came the annular eclipse, and then the total

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eclipse, which is total blackness and we'll speak to the end. And we found out about it when

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Debbie Massaros, our executive director, found out NASA put out a map and it showed the great

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American eclipses. And it showed this one in 2023 and then the 2024 one that we're about to do.

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And they crossed over only one place on the whole planet Earth.

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And that's right there in Kerbal. Right there in Kerbal over the top

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of the empty cross and his cross shaped garden. And now all these crazy things are happening.

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There's all these articles. I pulled a bunch of them off the internet. I was actually confusing

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myself reading all these different theories about this and that of course people back to ancient

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times have interpreted things in the sky. Columbus was able to manipulate the Indians because he

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could predict the eclipse that he knew scientifically was coming. I mean there's lots and lots of

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examples. As Christians we have to believe that God speaks to us in signs. And there are some

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things in the Bible, the star that drew the wise men to Bethlehem was the sign in the sky. And

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the sky was dark for three hours when Jesus was crucified. That had to be an eclipse.

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Actually I looked that up and what the scientists say that wasn't eclipse.

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That they have a lot of other clips as they go all the way back. But on the day that he died

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supposedly at least what one of the scientists says there was no eclipse on that day. So that was

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a supernatural miracle of God that on that particular day. And I'm not the scientist but

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that's what that's what they've said on that day. But now tens of thousands hundreds of thousands

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people are becoming eclipse tourists. Of course it's going to be as I read a 67 mile wide swath

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across the United States. And people are going to come to see it. And many people are coming there

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to curvil. But you know also the authorities are telling people to fill up their gas tanks

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and get food. I've heard people talk about how some school systems have let out. People are

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saying there may be an interruption with cell phones and so forth. You don't know if it's because

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of all the traffic and all the crush of people coming or if something else is going on. But

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everybody's talking about it. It's just so interesting for me to see to get this perspective

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because the listen I read an article that told the Muslim perspective about eclipses the Jewish

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perspective. It mentioned one quote from and and Graham lots and nothing else nothing about

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curvil. Although you have gotten some publicity. Oh yeah. Talk to us about what you see as the

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prophetic supernatural significance of this eclipse and actually these two eclipses that

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form across right over curvil. Yes sir. Yes sir. And I'm not going to give you speculation.

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I'm just going to give you some facts. NASA said this is the best place in the United States to

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watch the eclipse. It has the widest duration. It has the right dead center in the eclipse and

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because the annular that came before made this X right over curvil. NASA is here. They're already

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here and they're going to be doing all their photography from Furville, Texas. And we've got

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the all the hotels are sold out. I heard the Motel six. They sold the last room for a thousand

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dollars. We've got people that are very concerned about the electricity, the gas and even the water.

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If you can imagine, they're saying 150,000 people. Tourists are coming for this eclipse and our town

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of 24,000 and if 150,000 people flush the toilet twice, we're going to have a water problem.

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And so the city is worried about that. Now the biggest estimates I read on the Internet

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was 488,000. And I don't know what's going to happen. But we're prepared and why, you know,

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all the things everybody has said, you know, some of that's probably true and some of it's not true.

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But what we know for a fact, Steve, is there's an X over curvil. And the why would God put an X

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over curvil? Because in curvil, we've raised a 77 foot seven inch hollow empty cross and built a

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cross shape garden, a type of last days tabernacle to honor Jesus. And it's been going now for,

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since we crossed one up in 2010, and hundreds of thousands of people are being touched by God here.

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And so I, you know, no one else can claim that the annular eclipse and the total eclipse or

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anywhere but over curvil, Texas. And so, you know, what does the cross mean to all of us? It's

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repentance. It's the crucifixion of Christ. And so all those things about Nineveh and the previous

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one about Salem, all that's true. But guess where the world's eyes are going to be focused right now

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is curvil, Texas. We even had them, but you know, NASA figured it out. But we had the associated

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press photographer call us and say, he's not Christian. And he said, I've searched all the

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stuff, you've got the best place in the whole United States to watch the eclipse. Can I come

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photograph up there? And because he had looked and we have the high point over interstate 10

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in the dead center. And so I personally believe that God wants the world to look at the cross,

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to focus on the cross, which means repentance. And that agrees with what most of the other,

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you know, prophets are saying is that this is, this is about repentance and that we're getting

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a bad situation in our nation. And we know that, believe it is not a political thing,

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it's a spiritual thing. And that's what, you know, it's a sign. And you know, these signs started

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all the way back with Moses. I mean, remember God saying, okay, maybe they'll believe this sign,

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but let's do another one. Let's put the frogs in their bed. Maybe they'll believe that one.

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But, but all these are signs. And I just think we have an opportunity to bring a lot of souls to

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Christ. And so our nonprofit foundation, which my wife and I helped form, we printed 35,000 solar

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eclipse tracks. Matter of fact, let me just grab one right here. And so on one side, it looks like

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about the solar eclipses. And it has these questions. And on the other side, it says,

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where are you going to be in a thousand years? And so we have trained Turguide chaplains,

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and we're going to be presenting thousands of these. And we're asking everybody to pray for at

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least two to seven souls per track. And they're coming in today. They've already, the people have

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started arriving and they will be here and they will be logjam. But, you know, from our perspective,

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we just want to throw a big net and catch a lot of fish. And there's going to be a lot of fish.

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And on our mountain, nobody really knows, but this 23.24.5 acres, we could have 10 to 15,000

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people on that land that we had Sean Foyt, you know, back in the COVID time, and he came out

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and 6,000 people were all across the mountain. And they were walking some for a mile to get on

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our hill. So we don't know how many, but we're going to get, but all of our people are trained.

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We're going to be handing out those tracks for free and presenting the gospel politely.

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We're non-denominational. We're not a church. We're not sponsored or part of any denomination.

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God said to make, make it an art museum. And so we are a nonprofit art museum that chooses to put

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out artwork that glorifies God. And that kept kept us away and protected somewhat from the

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atheists and the left-wing people because we're not a church. And so we're ready and we're hoping

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and praying and I hope if everybody would pray with us and agree that we can bring, who knows,

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100,000 people to Christ, because we're also putting these tracks out all over the community.

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And these people are going to be stuck, you know, they're going to be stuck. And we're going to have

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a track in their hand and they're going to read it and some of them are going to get saved. And so

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that's really the plan. That's why we're excited. And you know, as I, as I've read about,

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your park that you've had people from 100 different countries, I know you well enough that you don't

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spend a lot of money on publicity. So this has got to be word of mouth or sometimes people just

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driving down Interstate 10 and seeing it and wondering what it is. But it is so beautiful and

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your art is well done. And, um, you know, Holy Spirit does our publicity. Again, this is all free.

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See, everybody else in town here now, they're charging $100 minimum for a parking place.

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We're giving them away free on that hill. And so God does the publicity and we tried to say pure

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and holy and not make it a money thing. Sherri and I don't take a dollar out of this ministry. And,

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you know, right now, if anybody out there would like to help us have real restrooms, we sure could

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use them. We got the one of the biggest tourist attractions in the world and we still use them

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for the parties because we put the money where God said first and making the gospel, presenting it

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and lifting him up. And now it's kind of be nice if we can get some real toilets in there. So

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anybody's listening, we sure would appreciate some help. In fact, tell people how they can

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check out your ministry, your website and so forth because hopefully people are going to

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watch this or going to share it. You're going to want to find out more. And like me, they want to

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visit. So help us out. Okay. And then the garden is actually called the Coming King sculpture

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prayer garden. So you could put this, that name in hundreds of thousands of, you know,

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statements will come up. The organization is the Coming King Foundation. And in my own art

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website, I'm a professional artist. I mean, I'm kind of like Paul. I make tents. When I make some

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money, I go give it away. And so this, this is my website is max grinder art.com, but you can put

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it in just max grinder and it'll come out because I've been living with it. It's bell grinder.

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G R E I N E R Max grinder. And it'll, it'll come up. But it's, we have a lot of ministry on the

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websites like, you know, meanwhile, I mean, a lot of websites that ministers do and evangelists do,

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it's about all their, their stuff and their sermons and all that. But on my website, God said,

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be an evangelist and actually get people saved and healed and delivered on the website. So I built

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this expansive website where people get saved, healed and delivered. They have miracles. I get

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letters, you know, the glory dust forms on the fact glitter on their hands as they're reading my

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stuff and watching the videos. And they get it on them wherever they are. They get baptized in the

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Holy Spirit. Uh, people get healed. Um, and, and then the angel orbs are sometimes float through

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the room as they're trying to, you know, watch our website and then do what I suggested about

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get a camera out and photograph around them. These balls of wire moving all around them. So it's

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an interactive website. That's been happening a long time. I hadn't thought about it in a while,

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but used to send me pictures with orbs in it. Right. It's happening to this day on Easter. I

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took pictures of our Easter service and sure enough, there was a big round orb right at the

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corner of the top of the cross and an Ezekiel one 15 through 23. I think it says that a type of angel

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is wheels within wheels that moves without turning. And that's what we've got. And we also have the

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other kind that you see columns of vapor and, and they, and we've had them spot them and photographed

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them zipping through the inside and out across. So all this supernatural stuff is happening. I mean,

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I think it's over a hundred people have canceled suicide. Now where's, what part can you go to

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our art museum where you, you decide to cancel killing yourself? I mean, but that's what's

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happened here. We had one man that wrote us a long letter, four pages. He said he was a homosexual

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see you and had to have, I think 400 partners and he got saved and set free and delivered in this

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cross. And you know, the unique thing while people are coming, I mean, before this eclipse,

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they've been coming, but, but the God's showing up and it's, it's a self service

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garden where you don't have to have somebody trying to preach to you. You read those scriptures,

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you go inside the prayer and inside the cross and there's the four plaques and it can be

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happening. Nobody else around but you and God. And so that's one of the unique things about this

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type of evangelism. I call it I gate evangelism. They see the art from the highway, Interstate 10.

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They pull in, they read the first scriptures and the artwork and they get all the way they

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in and then the transformation happens right inside that empty cross. Well, it's an amazing

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story and congratulations to you and Sherry and all those that work with you. I think you're doing

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a tremendous job and as we wrap this up, I'm going to want you to speak to my viewers and

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listeners because probably a lot of people that don't believe in Jesus are watching because they

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were just searching for something about the eclipse and came across this. And I want you to talk to

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them about accepting Jesus, receiving the power of the Holy Spirit and then pray for them as we

00:23:45,080 --> 00:23:50,680
wrap up this podcast. And also I meant to ask you this and I forgot, is any of this going to be

00:23:50,680 --> 00:23:55,240
live streamed or anything? Is there something on the internet that we go to? What time of day on

00:23:55,240 --> 00:23:59,560
the eighth is this going to happen? It's going to happen about 1.30. The best streaming you can get

00:23:59,560 --> 00:24:06,200
will be from NASA because they will have it. We were going to have Paul Wilbur and Troy Brewer up here

00:24:06,200 --> 00:24:09,720
and we started getting in these numbers and we were like, man, we could plan a big party and

00:24:09,720 --> 00:24:14,600
can't even get to our own party. I mean, I'm going to have to sleep in our gallery gift shop the

00:24:14,600 --> 00:24:19,160
night before so I can just be sure I'm there. They're saying it'll be so clogged up that people

00:24:19,160 --> 00:24:26,440
won't be able to get anywhere. So for live streaming, you can sure check the NASA thing

00:24:26,440 --> 00:24:30,520
and we'll be doing stuff before and after maybe something with you. But we just got to be there.

00:24:30,520 --> 00:24:36,760
We're there to catch fish, Dave. That's all we're going to be doing is catching fish for Jesus

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and bringing them. But folks who listen to this, this may sound crazy. I may sound crazy. That's

00:24:42,200 --> 00:24:47,720
okay. I'm crazy for Jesus. And that's when I found out he was real. I found him at eight seven

00:24:47,720 --> 00:24:52,440
in the Baptist church. And then I prayed with a guy, a Presbyterian named Bill Banks in 89

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about the gifts of the Holy Spirit. And oh my gosh, I found out all the miracles that

00:24:56,600 --> 00:25:02,120
listed in 1 Corinthians chapter 12, old St. Paul talked about, that's real. And it's still happening

00:25:02,120 --> 00:25:05,720
and it never stopped. And if somebody tells you it stopped, they don't know because they

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haven't experienced it. They don't believe their own word, but it's real. And if you will let God

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come into your life, everything will change. And yes, you'll still be the same person,

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but suddenly you'll be living for Jesus rather than yourself. And you'll get a concern for other

00:25:22,440 --> 00:25:26,440
people that are going to hell. Because hell is just as real in the devil as God is. And so

00:25:27,080 --> 00:25:32,920
my question to you, would you rather spend eternity in heaven, which has air conditioning,

00:25:32,920 --> 00:25:40,600
or hell? And it's like a barbecue and you're it. And so that's the simplest form. It will,

00:25:40,600 --> 00:25:47,480
a relationship with Christ, he has promised to pay for the sins of the world if you accept him

00:25:47,480 --> 00:25:51,320
and invite him into your heart. And it's so simple. That's all it is. It's not a bunch of religion.

00:25:51,880 --> 00:25:58,040
The Creator just wanted a relationship with his children. And so if you just say, God,

00:25:58,040 --> 00:26:02,760
I don't want to go to the barbecue. I want to pee in air conditioning up in heaven. Would you please

00:26:02,760 --> 00:26:12,200
come into my heart into my life? I confess that I'm a sinner and that I need a Savior. And Jesus,

00:26:12,200 --> 00:26:17,320
you are the one, the Son of God, that died on that cross in Jerusalem 2000 years ago for me.

00:26:17,320 --> 00:26:24,280
And I just ask you to come into my life, make me a new creation. And when I die, that you take me

00:26:24,280 --> 00:26:29,560
immediately to heaven. And I just thank you, God. And I also ask you to work, give these gifts to me

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that you list in the Bible in 1 Corinthians chapter 12, the miracle gifts, the signs and wonders,

00:26:34,600 --> 00:26:41,160
all that stuff. Would you just bring those gifts, release those gifts out of me, baptize me with

00:26:41,160 --> 00:26:48,360
fire and power right now in the name of Jesus and just use me and your kingdom to do amazing

00:26:48,360 --> 00:26:53,560
works in your name and to bless everybody I'm around for the rest of my life. And also, Lord,

00:26:53,560 --> 00:26:57,640
I ask you to help me right now with my own problems that I got to start working those miracles fast

00:26:57,640 --> 00:27:02,680
because the world is going to hell in the handbasket, as they say. And I want to be a part of the solution,

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not to be part of the problem. And I thank you, God, for saving me and baptizing me in the Holy

00:27:06,680 --> 00:27:11,560
Spirit and answering the other prayer requests that I can now bring to you as your Son or daughter.

00:27:11,560 --> 00:27:17,800
In Jesus' name, amen. Amen. And Max, thank you so much for that prayer. And thank you for your

00:27:18,600 --> 00:27:24,760
life and ministry and talent. And to my viewers, if you're interested in finding out more about

00:27:24,760 --> 00:27:29,240
that Holy Spirit that Max just talked about, my book is A Good Place to Start. It's kind of a

00:27:29,800 --> 00:27:35,240
Spirit-led Living 101 to tell you about the power of the Holy Spirit and how you can experience

00:27:35,240 --> 00:27:42,440
in your own life. It's available at Mychorismashop.com or stevestrangbooks.com. Or, of course,

00:27:42,440 --> 00:27:48,440
you can get these things online at places like amazon.com. So thank you for watching. Thank you

00:27:48,440 --> 00:27:56,280
for tuning in to the Strangler Report. Leave your comments. If you've ever been to the empty cross,

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if you've ever, if you have one of these sculptures, tell us. Leave us a comment. We'll

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respond when we see it. And thank you again for tuning in. Tune in again next Tuesday

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for another episode of the Strangler Report podcast on the Charisma podcast network. God bless.