Urgent Warning: Joseph Z Predicts Dire Consequences if the Left Gains Power | Redemptive Instability

This episode was released on September 12, 2024.
In this powerful interview, Stephen Strang sits down with prophetic voice Joseph Z to discuss his prophetic insights on the upcoming 2024 election and the future of America.
Joseph Z shares his belief that this is a "do-over year" where God is giving the church another chance to contend for victory. He warns that if the left gains power, the country could face a "socialist concentration camp-style of governing."
Drawing from prophetic experiences and visions, Joseph Z reveals what he believes God is saying about the spiritual battle behind the scenes and the crucial role the church must play in this pivotal moment. He passionately calls believers to rise up in boldness, overcome apathy, and take action to shape the nation's future.
Listeners will be challenged and encouraged to seek God, hear His voice, and courageously stand for righteousness in these turbulent times. Don't miss this prophetic word that could have profound implications for the days ahead.
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I believe that we're headed for a socialist concentration camp style of governing.
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There's so much going on in the world. People are saying, what's happening? Well, you know,
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the Lord gave us the Holy Spirit and gave us the gift of prophecy and has anointed prophets to help
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us discern what's happening. And my guest today is Joseph Z of Joseph Z Ministries, and he's a
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prophet. He's from Colorado, but he's better known probably on Facebook and YouTube. And the Lord
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speaks to him. And I talked to him today about what's happening in America, what's happening
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with this upcoming election, how the Lord gave him a word about the shot heard around the world
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just shortly before President Trump was shot at in Butler, Pennsylvania, about censorship,
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about the World Economic Forum, about all the things that are in the news. And I believe that
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he brings clarity and helps us to understand and then praise a powerful prayer at the end.
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You don't want to miss my conversation with Joseph Z today on The Strang Report. Stay tuned.
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I'm Stephen Strang.
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Welcome back and welcome to Joseph Z. Thank you for fitting me in. You have a gift of the Lord
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speaking to you and kind of showing you what's going to happen. And there's so much going on,
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especially around the election. In fact, you're well known for calling this the do over year.
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What did you mean about that and what do you think is going to happen?
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Well, I'll tell you, Steve, first of all, what a privilege to be with you. Thank you for all the
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work you do, Charisma Magazine, all the way to where we are today. Thank you for your voice.
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And it's a privilege to be with you. But the things that I've seen regarding the do over year
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involve 2020 and now. And at the beginning of this year, every year I seek the Lord, I pray.
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And if he shows me something, I share it. If he doesn't, I don't. But at the beginning of the year,
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I saw that this year would be a do over year. And of course, we see the chiefs in the Super Bowl
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again. We see all these elements that are happening. You see Trump is now facing a woman
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once again. There's just a lot of do overs that are taking place. But I believe God brings do
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overs again and again until he gets his will accomplished. And so what I sense in this do
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over is God's wanting us to contend for victory, that we win. You know, the battle's not over until
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we win. And so a lot of people are believing a lot of different ways in all this. And I think when
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it comes to who's going to win the election, how this is going to go, I believe in this particular
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scenario, the Lord is saying it's in the hands of the church. If they will show up, I think there
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will be victory. If they don't, I think we're going to go into a very, very difficult season.
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But I sense, I sense victory coming. I sense strength coming. Steve, I believe God wants to
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see the goodness of the Lord magnified in the land of the living yet one more time.
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Well, I believe that too. And, you know, I wrote a book about Trump called God and Donald Trump,
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and we're not here to promote my book. But the whole purpose was about the prophecies,
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mainly with Kim Clement, but also Chuck Beers and some others, Lance Wallnau, who fell before 2016,
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that Trump would win. And it looked impossible up to and including election day. Yet he did.
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Then there were a lot of prophets saying he'd win in 2020. You know, looking back,
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I think a lot of people jumped on the bandwagon. And now here we are in the do-over year. And I'm
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not going to get you to say who you think is going to win. I mean, God is in control of that. But
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why do you think is going to happen if Trump doesn't win and Kamala Harris and the left get in?
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Well, if they do get in, I believe that we're headed for a socialist concentration camp style
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of governing. I think it's going to be digital prisons. I think that's where they'll try to take
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us over the next four or five, six years. And they'll let people like the World Economic Forum
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run free. They'll let the WHO run free, take away our medical sovereignty. We'll have all kinds of
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wonderful narratives from geniuses like Klaus Schwab, who will be saying, you will get the great
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reset and you will eat bugs and you will all do what I tell you and you will own nothing and love
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it. We'll get that kind of mess. I don't think that's where we're headed in this next cycle,
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Steve. I believe this. In 2015, I stood in Trump Tower speaking of do-overs. I was in the
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Chicago in 2015. I was looking out the window. I was praying and the Lord began to minister to me
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about the future of what America had in store. I was asking God, I said, is America going down? Is
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this over with? And the voice of God came to me so powerfully and said, no, America has one more
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round because the young lions are coming. I said, Lord, is Trump going to win? I was asking him this
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in 2015 and I kid you not, the spirit of the Lord said to me very clearly, I've not graced you to
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know that at this time, but I have spoken to Lance Wallnau. When I was in Chicago in that place,
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I recently saw Lance in the location I was standing when the Lord told me, I told Lance
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and he was in front of the clock tower out the window. He was standing in front of the window or
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sitting in front of the window with the clock tower behind him in Chicago and that do-over word came
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back to me again. I believe we are in for a do-over season and if we show up, I'm very,
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very convinced that we will see victory with Trump if the church rises to this occasion.
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I believe we can push darkness back one more round. I believe we can push it on its heels
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and we can maintain a future for our children, at least for another few years. I believe we
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can push it on its heels, at least for another few years. That's what I see.
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Well, I've had the opportunity to interview four presidents and I've been covering politics
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closely since the Reagan era. And one thing that I've observed and I want your opinion about this
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is it seems that Christians are generally kind of passive and you hear some of the polls that as
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a result of the
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Trump administration, they are afraid of the word of born again Christians of all types,
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don't even go to the polls. Now, I don't know how valid those polls are, but I just know from
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my own circle that there's a lot of apathy. There are a lot of spirit-filled people that don't want
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to do anything, but they keep their mouth shut. They don't go to the polls. They're afraid of
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being political. And I think they're being afraid of being canceled or they're afraid that people
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will hassle them or something. Why do you think this is and how do we turn that around?
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Well, I think we've had years of bad teaching, soft teaching. And the only thing worse than no
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Steve, as you know, is bad teaching. And when you have that kind of culture, I call it the pretty
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pony gospel culture, where people just really look at it and say, oh, it'll be fine. Here's the three
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steps to a better you. And don't worry about these things. They'll take care of themselves.
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And we've bought into this lie of the separation of church and state. But the state did not
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cooperate with that principle of separation of church and state in 2020 when the state decided
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to mess with the church. And so what I see happening is a lack of teaching, a lack of
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instruction. And they always cite Romans 13 that we've got to abide by the governing authorities
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that God has put into place. But if you get down to about verse three of Romans 13, it talks about
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these are ministers unto righteousness for your good. They're there to do good by the people.
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But what happens when these ministers or people in authority pervert the very purpose by which God
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put them in there? In other words, they turn from agents of good for the people, and they turn into
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agents of evil against the people. What do we do? Well, we need to enforce the laws of the land,
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and that's constitution in the United States of America. And I like to say it to the people of
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God or preachers and everybody, right now, your house is on fire. And if your house is on fire,
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you put it out. You got to put it out. And when we're looking at the nation right now,
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there are things that are literally on fire in our nation and in the governmental structure of
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things. And instead of hiding and watching and tucking and covering, we need to speak out
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and step up during this time. And I think that we can make a massive difference. So
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apathy comes from a lack of good teaching. Apathy comes from a lack of spiritual fathers.
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As it says in Corinthians, though you have 10,000 boy instructors, you have not many fathers,
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and fathers are those that lead by example, that you can imitate and step up. I personally
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believe this. When you really know the Spirit of God, you'll say what Jesus said to Herod. You tell
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that fox that today I'm going to do the miracles of God, and I'm going to go to this place and
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that place, and then I'll be perfected. Or John the Baptist, who spoke up when he should, and spoke
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out in politics. Or Paul, saying, I want to go to Rome and meet with Caesar, because he wanted to
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bring the truth. So I believe we don't need to make the whole message about politics or make the
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whole message about, you know, let's get our pitchforks and torches and storm the castle.
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But we definitely need to be salt and light and influencing this place, because it's not just
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about the gospel, it's also preaching the kingdom and bringing influence into all these spheres. I
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think it's very, very important. And we've given up our rights as the church, and those who forsake
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worthless idols, or those who regard worthless idols, Jonah said, forsake their own mercy.
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And we need to get away from looking at worthless things and start to look at what matters, and
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that's the future of our children.
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I agree with that. And I believe, or at least I hope, that the pendulum is starting to swing the
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other way, partly thanks to ministries like yours, Lance Wallnau, you know, there's others that we
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could name. But I don't think we're going to get that paradigm shift of people standing up and
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going to school board meetings or writing letters to the editor or whatever the current equivalent
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of that is between now and the election. But we can motivate people to go vote, even if it's a
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week before the election.
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That's right.
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How can, we have other things to talk about, but I think that the discussion is leading away. I
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want to know your opinion, because I want my listeners to know it. And to some extent, I want
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to know too, how can we motivate people who might stay home, who say, who've heard too many bad
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things about Donald Trump, don't want to vote for him because he does mean tweets. You know, I'd
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like to know how mean tweets equal some of the idiocy that's on the left with drag queens
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teaching children, transgender surgeries. You know, I mean, there's a list a mile long. I don't
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understand it, but yet there are people, I know people that say they're going to vote independent
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or not vote at all because they don't like either candidate. How do we motivate those people?
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Well, I think it's a lack of information. And I think it's just, we've got to begin to speak out
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as much as we can and honestly move them the best we can. But the bottom line is, is that, you know,
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I say it this way. I call them the wicked lizard overlords that are really, you know, run by their
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goblin masters, because most of these people that are just coming across with lunacy and just
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lulling the culture to sleep like the pied piper and saying, follow us down the happy trail here
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to your demise are really bought and paid for by nations like China. A lot of them really are.
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And so what we've got to do is we've got to confront this type of apathy. And I guess the
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only thing we can do is preach it from the rooftops, say it as strong as we can and trust
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that revelation knowledge will break through. We do our part and the spirit will do his part by
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waking people up. And boy, a man or woman with a revelation is not at the mercy of a culture going
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mad. And we've got to get them a revelation. And that comes through preaching. Okay, that's good.
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I want you to say it again. A man or woman with a revelation. If you have a revelation from God,
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like a word from the Lord, you're not at the mercy of a culture going mad. Now, will the church
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survive, Steve, if the nation goes down? Yeah, the church will be here. We will rise up, we'll
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preach the gospel under intense persecution, under duress. But we don't have to see that right now
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because the church is so busy regarding worthless idols, meaning the wrong messages, the wrong
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things. The litmus test was really when Roe v. Wade got overturned. When Roe v. Wade got overturned,
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so many churches didn't celebrate because they called it a complicated issue. And so,
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it's a complicated issue. It is not a complicated issue. We need to be celebrating those type of
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victories. And the Lord showed me in 2020 that the Supreme Court would overturn Roe v. Wade,
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and there would be an earthquake politically. And then Brett Barrett came out and said,
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politically, this is an earthquake. And I believe that gave us mercy and a longer round of mercy
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on this nation. But I think that we're running out of that time again. And Steve, I got to tell
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you, I believe if we begin to rise up and speak and celebrate when God brings us victory, I believe
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that there will be a supernatural longevity to this land. At the beginning of the year, I heard
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the words, it's either going to be fire for this nation or Nineveh, fire or Nineveh. And for
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national repentance to happen, I think it would be a lot like 9-11, right on the heels of September
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11th, 2001, when the nation softened its heart. When a nation just begins to return to its roots,
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national repentance, when it begins to soften and say, wait, we need to tender our hearts towards
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the Lord. We need to get in a position of saying, we need help here. I think if that begins to
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happen, even a little, I think mercy will be extended further for America.
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Well, I hope you're right. And I do know that the Lord speaks to you. In fact, the Lord gave you a
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word that turned out to be prophetic. It was the shot heard around the world. Of course, it was
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a short time later that there was that assassination attempt on President Trump. And I mean, it's just
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a miracle that he turned his head at a split second and survived that, which, humanly speaking,
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I believe that the fact that God spared his life means that God has a plan and purpose for him
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to be here. But regardless of that, the question I have for you is,
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that doesn't seem to be in the news much anymore. There doesn't seem to be any kind of investigation.
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Did this person act alone? How could he have gotten up on the roof with nobody finding him,
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et cetera, et cetera? Almost like there's some kind of censorship. What do you think is going on?
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I think you're nailing it right on the head, Steve. I think it is censorship. I think that
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the Babylonian system, these people, they want you to be quiet about it. They don't want to talk
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about it. They don't want to talk about it. They want to bring their agenda forward. But the good
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news is there's a grassroots uprising of people that are flooding through the gates right now.
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I believe we're way ahead in the polls. I did see that on June, I think it was June 7th. June 7th,
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I saw the shot heard around the world and there would be a redemptive instability that would come.
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Then it was the actual morning of it on July 13th. I heard eight hours before that terrible event
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happened, I was live and I said, I hear the shot heard around the world and it'll be like Paul
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Revere is going out to bring a message as well. I believe that took place in 2022. I wrote on my
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whiteboard prophetically while we were alive that 45, they would try to do JFK 245 with an assassination
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and then blame Iran. I wrote that on the board and that it was the spirit of Antichrist. That's
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really what we're fighting because the church thinks it's just politics. We're fighting the
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Antichrist that wants control and it wants to tell us to sit down and shut up. What we need to say is
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no, actually you move. We need to do it through the Holy Spirit with power and be absolute bold
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truth speakers. That's why I like you, Steve. Well, I want to ask you about the church. You say the
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church and of course the church is everything from the Roman Catholics on one end to the,
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what would be the other end? Maybe the Pentecostals. There are a lot of
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people who go to church. We call it the mainline church that barely emphasize salvation.
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We don't want to judge them. Then even within Protestantism, there's a lot of cessationists
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who believe that all this stuff is for the early church, who actually fight
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the work of the Holy Spirit. Then you have a lot of Pentecostals and Charismatics who say they
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believe it, but there isn't much to show for it. It's more like a doctrine. Once you start
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getting everything buddy off, why is it a small remnant? Who is the church and what's going to
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rise up? Also, if we actually believe in the power of the Holy Spirit and if the scriptures say,
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speak to the mountain and see it removed, why do you think we don't see more of that?
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Well, I think when the church was birthed in the book of Acts, I think the devil knew he
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couldn't beat it, Steve. He did the next best thing. He joined it. He joined the church
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and denominated the nation and began to separate people from one another. He denominated it. He
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began to put denominations in different places. We do this, we don't do that, we do that.
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The number one superpower in the world would be a united body of Christ, which is really the
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ecclesia. When you recognize that Jesus said it is upon that foundation, the ecclesia, that the gates
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of hell cannot overcome it. The devil, joining the church through ideas, modes, understanding,
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he tried to break apart the totality of strength that the church could have. That's the fight we're
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having. When people say, tongues isn't for today, the power is not for today, they get into all this
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sensationism and all that. I think the devil says, amen. Amen. We need a powerless church. That way,
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I can just keep doing whatever I want. You guys will try to intellectualize. This is the devil
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talking. Try to intellectualize him out the door. He will try to say, you can just intellectualize
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me away. He'll never go away until power shows up. That power comes through a united ecclesia
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that says the gates of hell can't touch this scenario. You move. I believe that's why. He
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joined the church and he brought confusion and a mixture of doctrine. Power is the thing that'll
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right-size that. I have a question that you've probably not been asked before, but I'm a few
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years older than you. I was a child in the 1950s. I remember the Pentecostal. Pentecostalism was
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really kind of waning. It was kind of getting dry. Churches were not growing. I remember the grown-ups
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praying for revival. They would weep and pray for revival. Revival to them was people coming to
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their Pentecostal churches. That did not happen. What did happen was the Charismatic movement in
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the Roman Catholic Church in 1967, the Jesus movement, which started in 68 or 69, and the
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Jesus movement, the Charismatic movement, and the Roman Catholic Charismatic movement that were
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like outside Pentecostal churches. Now, what happened according to my view, and I'll turn this
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back over to you because I want to know your opinion after I set up this question, is that the
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Pentecostals saw that God was using people outside their circles, and the Charismatic movement revived
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the Pentecostal churches. All the Pentecostal churches that grew were the ones who embraced
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the new Charismatics. So, my question is this, Joseph. Why is it going to take now? How do you
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see the Lord waking up the church? Because I don't think it's going to be the way that we're
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hoping and praying and thinking it's going to happen. I think that's great. I think if things
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are too small, Steve, men fight. But if things become big enough, men will unite. And what I
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believe will happen is that we're going to come to such a crisis, such an existential threat to the
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church and the future, that it might just be enough. When Goliath showed up and he went,
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fi, fi, fo, fum, and he said, give me your best fighter. Come on, give me your best.
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I believe that it produces a David. I believe it produces warriors that look at the darkness and
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they say, you know what? We're not backing up. There's some people, and I believe this is coming
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now, that just don't know how to lose. There's some people that are anointed by the Spirit of God,
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and they just don't know how to fail or lose. They're anointed to win every time. And I believe
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God's bringing that together because it's getting so serious. The threat is getting so big that I
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believe people will look past denominational lines. They'll look past things and say, okay,
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let's go fight about that later. But I think what we can do is take this territory and push back hell
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for this generation that's coming. So I think that the native tongue of the uninspired is criticism,
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Steve. And I believe criticism is going to be one of those things that they say, you know, it's not
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the fruit of the Spirit anymore. So let's just go ahead and actually be godly and let's win this
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generation for our children. I think we can do that, Catholics to Pentecostals to all of them.
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Well, praise God. I hope you're right. I hope I am too.
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Today, I was interested in finding out about what you believe that God is saying. I hope that people
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that are watching this will share this with people. We need to make this go viral. People need to know
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this. But we have a few more minutes and I want to ask you something I haven't had the chance to ask
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you about. And that's about your trip to Turkey, where you actually visited Noah's Ark. Now, why
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would you have made that long trip? And what did you discover? You know, it's interesting, Steve,
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we have so much going like yourself. I don't know how you keep up with it at all, but we have so
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much going and the Lord spoke to me and said, first of all, I want you to go with Rick Renner to the
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seven churches in Turkey. And I thought, I don't have time for this. We got a lot going. And the
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Lord spoke to me, said, I want you to go there. And then it was going to end with Noah's Ark. So
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we went to the seven churches of Turkey, went through all of it. This actually began, and I'll
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sum this up quickly, but this actually began about two years ago. I was in a meeting. I heard the
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Spirit of the Lord say to me nearly audibly in the meeting, Steve, come up here, come up higher,
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come up where I am. I said, Lord, what are you talking about? I know Revelation four, from there,
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one morning, several weeks later, the Lord said, go to the top of Pikes Peak. I stood on Pikes Peak
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and the Lord said, this is America's mountain. And I found out when you sing the song Purple Mountain
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Majesty, it's Pikes Peak. And that was America's mountain. So the Lord said, come up higher,
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put me on America's mountain, and then sent me to the seven churches in Revelation.
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As I'm going there, he said, he who has an ear to hear, let him hear what the Spirit says to the
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churches. I'm doing a thing no one would believe if it was told to them in the United States.
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And after that, I said, okay, what is the word, Lord? What is the word? And then at the end of
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this journey, I ended up in the mountains of Errat, plural, in Eastern Turkey, Armenia, on the
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Iran border with Rick Renner. And we're standing there and I'm on this structure that people believe
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is Noah's Ark. And I believe it's Noah's Ark, the Deir Eupenir site. I'm not here to argue that. I
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just really personally believe it is. And as I was standing there, that is when the word of the Lord
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came to me for what I believe is coming next for the United States, because I just had the word,
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come up higher, go to the top of Pikes Peak. Now I have an ear to hear and go through all the seven
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churches and I'm sending you as a watchman from America, back to America. And by the way,
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this happened right, we left for this journey when that solar eclipse happened back on April the 8th.
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We went for 40 days on this journey, Steve, 40 days. And as I'm standing on Noah's Ark on the
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last of that journey, the Spirit of the Lord spoke to me and said, I'm bringing you through a time
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of redemptive instability, redemptive instability. Just like Noah rose above all the flood and the
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do-over and the destruction, there's a redemption that's going to take place and a do-over. I
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believe we're on a four-year redemptive instability and I believe God wants to have a do-over.
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I believe that if we see the goodness of the Lord come into this next moment here, this fall,
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that I think we will see that. If we don't, the end will just come quicker and we'll preach the
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gospel and we'll all be high-fiving in the air. That's a very good way to look at it because it's
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like Bob Mumford said, and probably others have said, we've read the book and we know who wins in
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the end. We believe that. And in fact, if we believe that the millennium, the thousand years of peace,
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is going to happen after the seven years of tribulation and the other things that we read
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about in the book of Revelation, if that's the case, the quicker all that bad stuff happens,
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the quicker we get to the thousand years of peace. I think most of us, at least I grew
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up, and I've said this before, I grew up thinking that all this stuff would happen long after I was
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dead, but it seems like something is happening. And in fact, I'll just mention Jonathan Cahn's book
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that just released last week. It's one of the top selling books in the entire country. And he talks
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about the end of time, first time he's dealt with this. And he says that the Israel Hamas war,
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the ancient struggle between the Israelites and the Philistines is leading up to the dragon in
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the book of Revelation. I mean, it's amazing what he has to say. And I just throw that out there
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because I know that people are so interested in it kind of tied into what we were saying about the
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end of time. Jonathan's remarkable. He's remarkable. And it's amazing how the Lord shows him these
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things, just as it's amazing that the Lord shows you things. And really don't we believe that if
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the Holy Spirit dwells within us, that each of us can hear from God and prophesy. Most of us don't
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walk in that, but we can. So as we wrap up, I'd like for you to pray. Pray for our viewers,
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but also pray for America. Pray for this election that's coming up. However you feel led, please
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pray. We'll end with that, and then I'll come back with a few closing remarks.
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Lord, I break a chicken spirit off of every preacher that's listening to the sound of our
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voice. I break a spirit of fear, intimidation of some thug demon spirit that's trying to push
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people into a place of intimidation. I break that off every viewer. You don't have to be afraid.
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I bless you. I speak peace over you, boldness over you, strength over you, because even on a bad day,
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you're anointed to be the very best there is. God has called you to break yokes, break shackles,
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and go all the way to seeing the goodness of the Lord in the land of the living. And I release that
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over you. I release healing. I release mental clarity. I release the goodness of God in every
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area of your life. And I come against this crisis fatigue that has fought believers. It's time to be
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bold. It's time to lean in. I give you permission to not fear, to not worry, but to show up and do
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all God's called you to do. You're blessed, and what God has blessed cannot be cursed. We got a
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bright future in Jesus' name. I bless you all. Amen. Wasn't that a powerful prayer? I hope that
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you prayed along with Joseph Z. I hope that you will share this with others. If you like these
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kind of podcasts, please subscribe and hit the little bell so you know when we're on every
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Tuesday and Thursday at 4 p.m. Thank you for watching The Strang Report today. Until next time,
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God bless you.