June 23, 2022

Can Jesus Transform Our Sexuality?

Can Jesus Transform Our Sexuality?

Pastor Mark Culligan, BA, MM is Founder, CEO, and Trustee of New Hearts Outreach whose goal is to "GLORIFY GOD BY CONNECTING THE SEXUALLY & RELATIONALLY CHALLENGED TO JESUS CHRIST."
Having been involved in homosexuality for twenty years has prepared ...

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Supernatural Junkies

Pastor Mark Culligan, BA, MM is Founder, CEO, and Trustee of New Hearts Outreach whose goal is to "GLORIFY GOD BY CONNECTING THE SEXUALLY & RELATIONALLY CHALLENGED TO JESUS CHRIST."

Having been involved in homosexuality for twenty years has prepared Mark Culligan to offer tremendous insights into the causes and recovery of homosexuality.  He first became aware of homosexual feelings as a teenager in high school.  After twenty years of living as "Mr. Straight" by day and "Mr. Gay" by night, he sought answers for a better way to go. His first solution was to get married. After two failed attempts, he sought professional counsel and began his journey out. 

Though the journey out is a major challenge for anyone who chooses to leave homosexuality, the rewards, healthy male relationships, and, most importantly, the growing and deepening relationship with Jesus Christ have made the difficult journey extremely satisfying.  Peace has come that passes understanding. His life is an open book.  There are no more secrets.

At an early age, Mark's parents recognized a musical gift of singing which allowed him to pursue and successfully complete his Bachelor's and Master's Degrees in Music at the University of South Florida.  He has been a featured soloist with choirs and orchestras; a Cantor and Church Music Director, an opera singer, and a state-certified public school music specialist.

Mark patterns his ministry after Ezekiel 36:26: "I will give you a new heart and put a new spirit within you."  Mark and the New Hearts Leadership Team have appeared as guest speakers in a variety of settings, including college and university classrooms, state Christian student conferences, and on many local and national radio and television programs.  He has also served as host of "Light Up Tampa Bay", an hour-long radio show broadcast on Christian radio station WTBN.  New Hearts Outreach received a "2003 High Impact Award" presented by Somebody Cares Tampa Bay. Recently, Mark was invited by PFOX to join a national speaking team.

His life vision is to develop and establish a multi-cultural, interdenominational, residential spiritual renewal center for those in recovery from homosexuality and other life-dominating sexual issues.  You can reach Mark at his web site: https://nhotampa.com or at Mark Culligan - New Hearts Outreach - First Baptist Church of Tampa - 302 W. Kennedy Blvd - Tampa, FL 33606/

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Dr. Kevan's New book The Covid Beast is out on Kindle, get it here: https://read.amazon.com/kp/embed?asin=B09NMTW7GF&preview=newtab&linkCode=kpe&ref_=cm_sw_r_kb_dp_ARERGN8PMPP7FF9KK87P&tag=drkdkruse%40hotmail.com 

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