Season 1

Dec. 24, 2021

Epic Failure Pt 2

Many of the most vaccinated countries around the world are declaring that the vaccine is a failure and some are even banning them. Join us for this round table discussion with the Supernatural Junkies as we reveal some of th…
Dec. 14, 2021

Somebody Cares Tampa Bay, Interview with Dr Daniel Bernard

Somebody does care and that somebody is Dr. Daniel Bernard. This is Part 1 of a Bonus episode join Supernatural Junkies as we talk to Dr Daniel Bernard about his movie The Favorite (2019) starring John Schneider, it was and …
Dec. 12, 2021

Epic Failure Pt 1

The epic failure of the vaccine. Many of the most vaccinated countries around the world are declaring  that the vaccine is a failure and some are even banning them. Join us for this round table discussion with the Supernatur…
Nov. 12, 2021

Final Endgame Pt2

So, what is the final end game here? Is this the Mark of the Beast? If not, what is this, and how is it prophetic? Join us on the Supernatural Junkies as we review over a year of research and discuss exactly how the Covid na…
Nov. 11, 2021

Final Endgame

After reviewing some of the disturbing ingredients of the Certificate Of Vaccination ID jabs, we are left with more questions than answers. But what does the Bible say about these happenings and where does this all lead? Joi…
Nov. 3, 2021

A Love of the Truth- 2nd Interview with Dr. Dennis

How can we keep from falling prey to the strong delusion that the Bible says is coming? More importantly, what are we supposed to do in times like these? Join us on this episode of the Supernatural Junkies as we talk about t…
Oct. 8, 2021

Shocking Ingredients

What are the vaccine companies hiding? why are they breaking the Nuremberg Code of 1947 by not giving us full consent to those experimental jabs? join us on this episode of Supernatural Junkies as we explore some disturbing …
Oct. 1, 2021

Cooking the COVID Books

Why can't we believe the numbers that we see on television? How is the failure of the vaccine the fault of the unvaccinated? These are the big questions we address on this episode of the Supernatural Junkies.To Keep up with …
Sept. 30, 2021

The Beast is Evolving

The biggest obstacle for most people to the idea that a vaccine could be the “Mark of the Beast” (MOB) is the lack of a visual mark on their right hand or forehead. But as we will see by studying Revelation 13:16, this is no…
Sept. 24, 2021

A Gentleman & A Scholar, PhD & Pastor Thomas Dozier Stops by for an Interview

With everything going on, wouldn’t it be nice to sit down and have a candid conversation with a pastor and PhD level theologian? Well that’s what we had the opportunity to do on the supernatural junkies! Join us as we interv…
Sept. 21, 2021

Covid Beast Continued: The Beast is Evolving

The biggest obstacle for most people to the idea that a vaccine could be the “Mark of the Beast” (MOB) is the lack of a visual mark on their right hand or forehead. So, join the "Supernatural Junkies" as we explore what the …
Sept. 15, 2021

The Beast is Evolving

The biggest obstacle for most people to the idea that a vaccine could be the “Mark of the Beast” (MOB) is the lack of a visual mark on their right hand or forehead.  But as we will see by studying Revelation 13:16, this is n…
Sept. 15, 2021

Interview with the co-author of the Covid Beast - Dr. Dennis O‘Hara

Is 2021 starting to look exactly like 2020? Unfortunately, we are right back in the sameboat with masks, vaccines, and shutdowns dominating the conversations anddestroying freedoms. Unfortunately, one more round of shutdowns…
Sept. 15, 2021

Discerning Supernatural Spirits - Pt 2

There is a grand reopening that many Christians are utterly unprepared to handle.  This opening will represent a return of ancient spirits that used to interact with humanity during the Days of Noah.  Of course, God had to p…
Sept. 15, 2021

Discerning Supernatural Spirits

There is a grand reopening that many Christians are utterly unprepared to handle.  This opening will represent a return of ancient spirits that used to interact with humanity during the Days of Noah.  Of course, God had to p…
Sept. 15, 2021

The Coming War of Spirits - Pt 2

In this episode, we will look at one of the most controversial topics of the Bible surrounding the end times:  the opening of the Abyss.  I have often wondered why God needed an underground prison to contain the disobedient …
Sept. 15, 2021

The Coming War of Spirits

In this episode, we will look at one of the most controversial topics of the Bible surrounding the end times:  the opening of the Abyss.  I have often wondered why God needed an underground prison to contain the disobedient …
Sept. 15, 2021

Genetic Manipulation in the Bible - Pt 2

If there is one subject that most Christians are unfamiliar with, it is genetic manipulation in the Bible.  This ignorance is why when we say the Covid Vaccines are "genetic therapy," no alarm is triggered.  Yet, the idea th…
Sept. 15, 2021

Genetic Manipulation in the Bible

If there is one subject that most Christians are unfamiliar with, it is genetic manipulation in the Bible.  This ignorance is why when we say the Covid Vaccines are "genetic therapy," no alarm is triggered.  Yet, the idea th…
Sept. 15, 2021

The COVID Beast Pt.4

While God has not given us a spirit of fear, I do believe he has given us warnings that need to be heeded.  If you don’t think what is coming is going to be a great deception, then why is there eight times as much Bible prop…
Sept. 15, 2021

The COVID Beast Pt 3

While God has not given us a spirit of fear, I do believe he has given us warnings that need to be heeded.  If you don’t think what is coming is going to be a great deception, then why is there eight times as much Bible prop…
Sept. 15, 2021

The COVID Beast- Pt 2

These are trying times for all of us, but we must press forward towards the truth.  We have not just been talking about how the Covid narrative is false, but also about how the solutions they are steering us towards are tota…
Sept. 15, 2021

The COVID Beast

These are trying times for all of us, but we must press forward towards the truth.  We have not just been talking about how the Covid narrative is false, but also about how the solutions they are steering us towards are tota…
July 9, 2021

The Beginnings of Deception

There is an "elephant in the room" that the church refuses to address.  We all feel it.  That is all the whole world has been talking about since the Covid narrative has interrupted our lives.  Unfortunately, “Only COVID Liv…