June 30, 2022

Patentable Genetic Markers In Our Forehead

Patentable Genetic Markers In Our Forehead

If you haven't bought the "Covid Beast - Why We Cannot Give Up Access To Our Bodies" then you do not know the bombshell we are dropping on this episode!  While we do not believe this is the Mark of the Beast, we will show you how six out of the 9 thi...

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Supernatural Junkies

If you haven't bought the "Covid Beast - Why We Cannot Give Up Access To Our Bodies" then you do not know the bombshell we are dropping on this episode!  While we do not believe this is the Mark of the Beast, we will show you how six out of the 9 things we know about the Mark of the Beast are happening right now. We will also talk about why our pastors have remained silent and why they need our prayers. Join us as we share one of the most shocking episodes yet!

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Dr. Kevan's New book The Covid Beast is out on Kindle, get it here: https://read.amazon.com/kp/embed?asin=B09NMTW7GF&preview=newtab&linkCode=kpe&ref_=cm_sw_r_kb_dp_ARERGN8PMPP7FF9KK87P&tag=drkdkruse%40hotmail.com 

You can the paperback version of The Covid Beast https://supernaturaljunkies.com/covid19book/ get it  NEW from our website for less $ than even AMAZON!!

 Please subscribe and follow us on IG @supernatjunkies https://www.instagram.com/supernatjunkies