July 20, 2022

Satan’s 2nd Forbidden Fruit

Satan’s 2nd Forbidden Fruit

Join the Supernatural Junkies as we continue to drop more bombs from our book "The Covid Beast."  In this chilling episode, we finally come full circle and show how the Covid and vaccine narratives fulfill a seventh major Bible prophecy surrounding t...

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Supernatural Junkies

Join the Supernatural Junkies as we continue to drop more bombs from our book "The Covid Beast."  In this chilling episode, we finally come full circle and show how the Covid and vaccine narratives fulfill a seventh major Bible prophecy surrounding the coming of the Beast government and his mark. We also bring up some thought-provoking reasons as to why someone cannot be saved after they take this mark. While this may not be the Mark of the Beast, now is the time to wake up a new generation about a second forbidden fruit.  Help us share the warning about putting modern technology into our bodies?

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Dr. Kevan's New book The Covid Beast is out on Kindle, get it here: https://read.amazon.com/kp/embed?asin=B09NMTW7GF&preview=newtab&linkCode=kpe&ref_=cm_sw_r_kb_dp_ARERGN8PMPP7FF9KK87P&tag=drkdkruse%40hotmail.com 

You can the paperback version of The Covid Beast https://supernaturaljunkies.com/covid19book/ get it  NEW from our website for less $ than even AMAZON!!

 Please subscribe and follow us on IG @supernatjunkies https://www.instagram.com/supernatjunkies