Feb. 8, 2022

Save Our Children Part 2

Save Our Children Part 2

Help Us Save Our Children 
I am passionate about protecting our children. Unfortunately, a new threat has gone unnoticed, and parents need to listen closely. What is this threat? The needless jabbing of our children. Even the Wall Street Journal ad...

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Supernatural Junkies

Help Us Save Our Children 


I am passionate about protecting our children. Unfortunately, a new threat has gone unnoticed, and parents need to listen closely. What is this threat? The needless jabbing of our children. Even the Wall Street Journal admits that the evidence behind vaccinating our children is flimsy at best. For example, did you know that according to the CDC, only 335 children have died from Covid in 17 months?[1] To put that in perspective, around 16.6 kids per month (200 kids per year) die from the flu versus 19.7 for Covid.[2] 


Indeed, there are not enough statistical differences to warrant virtually any popular responses to Covid-19, yet alone, a mandatory experimental jab filled with genetic material. What is also astonishing is that none of the CDC’s 21,000 employees have ever investigated any of these deaths. Yet, the most disturbing point is that the “FDA’s own Pfizer approval document suggests myocarditis from the shot might be a bigger threat than COVID.”[3] 


Still, they haven’t stopped using fear to keep pushing the false narrative. When the New York Times issued a correction after egregiously exaggerating coronavirus child hospitalizations, America had already succumbed to fear.[4] Just how far did they overestimate the number of child Covid hospitalizations: from 63,000 to 900,000. Join the Supernatural Junkies as we deflate the fear and keep hope alive for the sake of our children. 


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[1] https://www.wsj.com/articles/cdc-covid-19-coronavirus-vaccine-side-effects-hospitalization-kids-11626706868 

[2] https://www.cdc.gov/flu/spotlights/2020-2021/pediatric-flu-deaths-reach-new-high.htm 

[3] https://www.theblaze.com/op-ed/horowitz-fdas-own-pfizer-approval-document-suggests-myocarditis-from-shot-might-be-bigger-threat-than-covid?utm_source=theblaze-breaking&utm_medium=email&utm_campaign=20211109Trending-HorowitzPfizerMyocarditis&utm_term=ACTIVE%20LIST%20-%20TheBlaze%20Breaking%20News/ 

[4] https://www.theblaze.com/news/nyt-correction-covid-child-vaxx?fbclid=IwAR1q5thOlT5YoxQH6tNQWTKIEYviGh6SPp7bg2PqxvBllKyYWOx3JMD5RB4