April 5, 2022

The Watchmen Declaration

The Watchmen Declaration

How can we stop the evil that has taken over our planet? If Jesus has told us to stand up, what exactly are we supposed to stand up to?  If we are living in prophetic times, then what is our action plan? Even more importantly, what, if anything, can ...

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Supernatural Junkies

How can we stop the evil that has taken over our planet? If Jesus has told us to stand up, what exactly are we supposed to stand up to?  If we are living in prophetic times, then what is our action plan? Even more importantly, what, if anything, can we all agree on?  Join some of the people that helped craft "The Watchmen Declaration." We can stand together and push back the darkness.  Please, endorse the declaration at thewatchmendeclaration.com. Purpose 

The purpose of the Watchmen Declaration is to educate the body of Christ about the latest assaults on our religious freedoms around the world and their prophetic implications. We also want to proclaim how our shared core beliefs can help us to both stand and unite against a common enemy that seeks to destroy our freedoms.

History of the Declaration 

The Watchmen Declaration was developed in the Tampa Bay area by concerned pastors and Christians about the alarming expansion of new forms of religious persecution. We were also inspired by the Ezekiel Declaration made by the pastors of Australia. After many hundreds of hours of conversations, we are proud to share that we have much in common. While we appreciate the freedom we have in Christ to follow our callings and focus on our respective ministries, we were pleased to unite and proclaim a collective statement regarding the essential articles of our faith. Because the “Watchmen” represents a vital function within the body of Christ, everyone is welcome to use the declaration as it is written. If you would like to join us in sharing this declaration or give us some feedback, please get in touch with us at watchmendeclaration@gmail.com.

About Dr. Anthony Ponceti, Th.D. VP SOIL, Inc. Certified Master Life Coach & Mental Health Coach at (AACC & IBCC) American & International Association of Christian Counselors, TOP Person Ambassador Talks about #humanitarianassistance https://www.linkedin.com/in/anthonyponcetithd/  

Dr.  Pontceti hosts a weekly interview show on RHEMA Word of Faith International FB page:   https://www.facebook.com/pg/rhemawofi/videos/


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Dr. Kevan's New book The Covid Beast is out on Kindle, get it here: https://read.amazon.com/kp/embed?asin=B09NMTW7GF&preview=newtab&linkCode=kpe&ref_=cm_sw_r_kb_dp_ARERGN8PMPP7FF9KK87P&tag=drkdkruse%40hotmail.com 

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