Feb. 22, 2022

What is More Evil Than Covid?

What is More Evil Than Covid?

What’s More Evil Than Covid?
Something is happening around the world in an unprecedented way. It is one thing to administer treatment and cause harm. It is another thing when the cure is worse than the disease. But now they are using Covid to justify...

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Supernatural Junkies

What’s More Evil Than Covid?

Something is happening around the world in an unprecedented way. It is one thing to administer treatment and cause harm. It is another thing when the cure is worse than the disease. But now they are using Covid to justify an evil agenda Hitler would be proud to sponsor. 

Are you OK with throwing people into Covid concentration camps? Are you OK with chipping people or putting nano-robots in their bodies so they can be tracked and controlled? Are you OK with letting people die in the parking lot of the hospital or on the table waiting for a transplant? Are you OK with starving people to death? Do you think your neighbor should lose everything just because he won’t take a job that doesn’t even work?

No matter how we feel about masks, shutdowns, and supposed vaccines, we should all be able to agree that these are things that Jesus would never do. But they are exactly what Hitler and Stalin did. Join the Supernatural Junkies as we blow up more of Satan’s plan!


A little more information about our favorite Ninja, Dr. Dennis O’Hara DC, DACBSP was born and raised on Long Island, NY and was an athlete throughout his school years. He fell in love with chiropractic while being helped as a patient for numerous sports injuries. Dr. O’Hara has been in practice since he graduated from National College of Chiropractic in April 1992. Dr. O’Hara continued his education achieving his Diplomate of the American Chiropractic Board of Sports Physicians. Dr. O’Hara’s clinical emphasis focuses on injuries of the neck and back, Sports injuries, biomechanical and postural correction and rehabilitation. He has worked with amateur and professional athletes and was the chiropractic physician for the Washington DC United MLS soccer team from 1996-1998. Dr. O’Hara had been a ringside physician for amateur MMA from 2009 through 2015 having worked hundreds of hours evaluating fighters before and after fights. Dr. O’Hara’s continued passion for chiropractic drives his desire to help educate the public on the importance of spinal health and overall wellness. 

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Dr Kevan's New book The Covid Beast is out on Kindle, get it here: https://read.amazon.com/kp/embed?asin=B09NMTW7GF&preview=newtab&linkCode=kpe&ref_=cm_sw_r_kb_dp_ARERGN8PMPP7FF9KK87P&tag=drkdkruse%40hotmail.com 

You can the paperback version of The Covid Beast https://supernaturaljunkies.com/covid19book/ get it  NEW from our website for less $ than even AMAZON!!

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