Jan. 1, 2020

6. Interpreting the Word of Knowledge – Part 2

6. Interpreting the Word of Knowledge – Part 2

Join Shawn as he dives into Part Two of a 3-part series on the word of knowledge which is one of the nine supernatural gifts the apostle Paul invites us to pursue in First Corinthians chapter […]

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Supernatural Leadership Podcast - Shawn Gabie

Join Shawn as he dives into Part Two of a 3-part series on the word of knowledge which is one of the nine supernatural gifts the apostle Paul invites us to pursue in First Corinthians chapter 12. In this episode, Shawn will lay out some foundational principles to help us interpret the word of knowledge. There is definitely a mysterious element to how this gift operates, similar to the language of dreams. Let’s dive a little deeper into understanding the interpreting aspect of this gift.