Aug. 29, 2023

Is It God or Is It Me? How To Distinguish God's Voice Amid Temptation

Is It God or Is It Me? How To Distinguish God's Voice Amid Temptation

What is the value of hearing from God? How do we know it's His voice and not outside distractions? In this episode of the Jaime Luce Podcast, we navigate the complex layers of hearing and obeying God's voice. We'll unpack the significance of distinguishing between your mind, will, and emotions and those of the Holy Spirit while also considering the risk of listening merely to respond instead of genuinely hearing. Our thoughtful dissection of biblical accounts will help highlight the implications of hearing the wrong voices and the transformative power of acting on God's instructions.

In this episode, you'll hear: 

  • Lessons from the story of Adam & Eve and John, the disciple 
  • The importance of deciphering divine whispers in our chaotic world 
  • How to recognize God's voice and His truth
  • Why we must listen to obey and not to respond

Where to dive in:

(0:00:00) – Hearing and Obeying God’s Voice (18 Minutes)

We explore how making a decision to listen to the wrong voice can bring shame, embarrassment, and regret. We discuss the importance of listening to hear what God is saying and how to discern between the mind, will, and emotion of our own and the Holy Spirit.

(0:18:21) – The Temptation and Deception of Eve (12 Minutes)

We examine how the devil can twist the truth to entice us, and how we can protect ourselves from his deception. We discuss how to discern God’s voice from the enemy’s and how to be sure we are hearing the truth from God.

(0:30:13) – Questioning Obedience and Blame Game (6 Minutes)

We {examine} how it’s easy to put the blame on someone else for our mistakes and how we can be tempted to shift responsibility.

(0:36:16) – Twisted Words and Consequences (9 Minutes)

We discuss the consequences of listening to the wrong voices and how we can break free from the curse of sin. We examine the punishment God imposed on the serpent, the consequences of Adam and Eve’s disobedience, and how this applies to our lives today. We look at how the culture can undermine God’s design and how we can protect ourselves from these ideologies.

(0:45:11) – The Importance of Keeping God’s Commandments (8 Minutes)

We explore the importance of listening to God’s voice, how it is evidenced by keeping His commandments. We examine how God’s commands are not burdensome, and how disobeying them brings a curse.

(0:53:31) – Jesus’ Promise to Reveal Himself (9 Minutes)

We discuss how our obedience to God’s commands is evidence of loving Him, and how the Holy Spirit is given to us to remind us of what Jesus has said. We examine 1 John 3:18 and how our love for God must be demonstrated through action and words.

About the host:

Jaime Luce’ testimony has daunting personal mountains and treacherous financial valleys. She was trapped in day-to-day stress and couldn’t see a way forward. But how she started is not how she finished! And she wants you to know God has a plan for your life too, no matter how tough it seems. Today, Jaime has been married to the love of her life for almost three decades, owns two companies, and has become an author and podcaster. God’s way is always the blessed way! 

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