Jan. 24, 2023

Tithing: The Gift That Keeps On Giving with Joel Luce

Tithing: The Gift That Keeps On Giving with Joel Luce

The CEO of Previon, my wonderful husband, Joel Luce shares the total life impact of tithing. Managing finances is a significant challenge for anyone working nine-to-five and business owners. But what if I told you that there is a guideline you can follow to bring life and change to your finances? In this episode, Joel and I explain how prioritizing our tithes allowed us to sow into God's kingdom and receive the miraculous blessings God had promised us. We break down what the Bible says about giving our ten percent and how it created transformation not only in our lives but in the lives of those we bless through our offerings. 

In this episode, you'll hear: 

  • A biblical understanding of tithing
  • What to do when you can't tithe
  • How giving back opens Heavenly doors 
  • How to be kingdom-minded in our businesses and finances 

About the guest: Joel is responsible for the strategic direction of Previon. As the founder of Previon and co-creator of our patented product and process of at-home self-test kits that are tailored to the patient and empowers them to take decisive action with their health, he has realized a commitment that is near to his heart. With the loss of his mother due to colorectal cancer, that could have been detected early, he has fulfilled a promise to reach as many people with lifesaving information and products to improve and save lives. He has been with the company for over 26 years, with 35 years in the industry of helping people live better lives.