Dec. 27, 2022

Your Small Beginning Is The Key To God's Big Future

Your Small Beginning Is The Key To God's Big Future

The week before the New Year is a time of reflection for many. We evaluate what has been essential to us and determine if we have been "successful" in the eyes of our piers or, more importantly, ourselves. We may look at our current situation and think, "I'm not where I want to be." But I'm here to remind you that your story is just starting! In this episode, we discuss the story of King David and how his humble beginnings were a stepping stone to his growth and triumph. We also examine how David's obedience and sacrifice to the Lord throughout his journey allowed him to live the victorious life God laid out. 

In this episode, you'll hear: 

  • A deep dive into the story of Kind David
  • The ten steps to overcome stagnation in 2023 
  • How to seek God before moving forward in your goals
  • How a humble start can bring miraculous growth in your assignment

About your host: Jaime Luce' story begins with emotional and financial struggle as a single mother trying to survive. Today, she has been married to the love of her life for almost three decades, owned two companies, and has become an author and podcaster. She is on a mission to help others walk through the valleys of life with hope and knowledge that God always has a way.  

Free chapter of Jaime’s new book:

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