Feb. 14, 2024

A Call to Prayer Part 1

A Call to Prayer Part 1
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The Purpose Project

Unlock Your Spiritual Potential! Join Margie Fleurant in the 'Purpose Project,' where she guides you on choosing influential connections, transferring spiritual wisdom, and embracing a life of faith. Navigate challenges, endure hardships, and discover strength in the Lord. Margie urges adults to don the whole armor of God, emphasizing active faith over retirement. Despite her age, she's committed to fulfilling her divine calling, anticipating a greater future. Get ready for a 'great awakening' as Margie shares her desire to carry the mantle of miracles, signs, and wonders in these transformative last days.

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I am so excited about this. I want to welcome you to the Purpose Project podcast.

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During our time together, I will teach you how to pray, how to intentionally develop intimacy with your Creator,

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and challenge you to discover and embrace your God-ordained purposes.

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I am your host, Margie Flarrant.

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My prayer for you today is that you will be empowered and strengthened in the Word of God to move forward into your destiny.

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I have a word for you from the heart of the Father.

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And as we get into this word, you know this, but I'm going to say it anyway,

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because you have to remember that this message of the Kingdom is being preached to all nations to the Internet.

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And that this gospel is going all over the world.

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That God is a plan for a worldwide revival, and He is a plan for a worldwide prayer movement.

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So I think it's important that the cameras are here and that we understand that we're not just speaking to one another,

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to write this body here, but this gospel is going into all the worlds.

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And you never know who you're going to reach.

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You never know who you're going to speak into.

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You may speak into the next Billy Graham, or the next Sidney Jacobs, or the next Kennedy Hagan,

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the generations that are rising in the earth.

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We are called to train and equip the rising generations.

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One of the reasons why I started my YouTube channel was because when I went on to be with the Lord,

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I knew that my kids would want to hear my voice because they would miss me.

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So I said, I'm starting a YouTube channel because once I'm out of here, I want them to Google me.

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So the intention was to continue to train and equip the next generation,

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and only my children, of course, which is our heart, but all the millennials and all the Z's and all of them that are rising.

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I have to tell you straight up, I am confident that He that has begun a good work in our young people is going to bring it to completion.

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I'm not moved by what I see. I'm not moved by what I hear. I'm not moved by what's going on.

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I know that the Word of God does not return void.

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It will accomplish and produce in the heart of every single generation that is rising in the face of the earth today.

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There is no junior Holy Spirit.

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Wow, wow, wow.

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And I believe that when I went to Ramah, I was 19 years old, we actually have three Ramah grads here who are teaching in this conference.

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That's quite interesting to me because the DNA of Kenneth E. Hagan is right here with us.

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I have confidence that I was a 19 year old girl. I didn't know anything. I went to Ramah and that DNA was imparted to me through the Spirit and through the Word.

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Spiritual things are transferable.

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I think it's very important that we watch out who we hang around with, who we associate with, who we allow to speak into our lives, who we allow to lay hands on us.

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That's why the Bible says don't lay hands suddenly on anybody or don't let just anybody lay hands on you because spiritual things are transferable.

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And so I believe in this meeting that which I carry is going to be transferred to you here, but it's also, I don't know, I just have to sing in me,

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also it's going to be transferred to every single one that's going to list to the YouTube channel, the reply.

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I'm going to put it on my Kingdom First TV, my YouTube, you guys got all your stuff going on, whatever kind of content we get, we're putting out there.

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Because these rising generations need to hear the voices of the mothers and the fathers that have gone before them, that have endured hardness as good soldiers of Jesus Christ.

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And you better believe we've endured hardness as good soldiers of Jesus Christ.

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We've endured things, I'm telling you, but these rising generations, they also have endured hardness.

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And the Lord told me one time, He said, those who I call, I equip. He says they are called and ordained to live, and at times says this,

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yes there's a rise of anxiety, yes there's been a rise of fear, yes these young people are suffering, but we're sin abounds, graced us so much more abound.

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And the Spirit of God spoke to me one time and He said, I've equipped them to live in these perilous times.

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They saw the Twin Towers coming down, they hear of wars and rumors of wars and all kinds of calamity and shooting in the schools and going into a mall and just thinking about, is it possible?

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Is it possible that I will see bloodshed today when I'm going into Abba Combing and buying a t-shirt?

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So I believe that we need to be strong in the Lord and in the power of His might.

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We as adults, mothers and fathers, need to put on the whole armor of God and get our heads out of the sand and stop complaining and start raining in lives with Christ Jesus

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because we have a great work to do and it's not time for us to retire, it's a time for us to refire. I know I don't look it, but I'm 66 years old and I tell you sometimes I'm like Lord, what am I doing with my life?

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He said your latter years will be greater than your former and all those that left you, they didn't want to stay with you like T.D. Jakes says, let them go.

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He said because we are living in the light of eternity and I don't know about you, but when I stand before God, I want to stand before Him and I want Him to say, well done, thou good and faithful servant, you did what I asked you to do, you said what I asked you to do,

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you left houses and brothers and mothers and sisters and Milo, your dog and you did what I asked you to do. You did what I asked you to say and you weren't afraid of their faces, you're an introvert.

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I created you before I ever formed you in your mother's womb. I ordained you to be a prophet to the nations and you've endured hardness and you've pressed through the insecurities and you've pressed through all the warfare and you've pressed through that introverted weird personality that meets you a prophet,

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but I've called you and I've ordained you and I'm stirring you up for such a time as this and it's a time that we need to get ready for this great awakening that's coming in the air.

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I don't know about you, but I'm going to be one of them that's going to carry the mantle of miracles and signs and wonders and that which God wants to do in these last days.

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Didn't he say in the last days, I'm going to pour out of my spirit and your sons and daughters, don't worry about them, you stay faithful to me.

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He said in the last days, I'm going to pour out of my spirit, I'm going to pour it out, I'm going to pour it out, not just a trickle, not just a stream, but a great ocean, a great tsunami of my presence is going to come upon you and overtake you and that which will be born in this time and in this season will be born not by my

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power but by my spirit says the Lord, because there is coming to the earth a great movement of my spirit. That's why I want you to be still and know that I am God.

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I am the miracle worker. I am the game changer. I am the one that is and was and is to come and when I have begun in my church, I am going to cause it to happen says the Lord.

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But it's not in your own strength. I don't know about you, but sometimes I am a type A. I try to do things in my own strength.

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But you know what? I also have weaknesses and so those weaknesses I have to sometimes glory in them because when I'm weak and I am God said that's when you're strong.

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Just keep obeying me. Keep following me. Don't look back. Don't look to the left. Don't look to the right. You be like Joshua. You look onto Jesus, the author and the perfecter of your faith.

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Running the race that's set before you. Looking onto Jesus, the author and the finisher and not to anybody else because in these days you think you've had some leaders fall.

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There's going to be more of them that are coming down from their throne. Listen, I don't want to be one of them. That's why I prayed. I said God, created me a clean heart.

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Renewed my spirit within me. Oh Lord, I just want to be everything you've called me to be. Oh, but that's an Old Testament prayer. Really? And what movement are you of? The Grace Movement?

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Let's not have the grace of God cause us to be able to stumble and fall and live any way we like. May we have clean hands and a pure heart.

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Blessed are the pure and hard they shall see God. I want to see God. I want to see God. I love it that our brothers had 62 visitations from Jesus. You know what? Jesus, I can't get into all of it, but the one time he really came to visit me where his presence was like this.

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I'm laying in my bed, scrolling on my phone, completely distracted. What are we doing? Completely distracted. Scrolling and scrolling and scrolling and scrolling and scrolling.

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The bedroom door was open. Oh, shake, shake, shake, come on. And I heard a sound of footsteps. And he walked into my bedroom. It was a person. It was Jesus. But I didn't see him. I don't know what all of this means.

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I didn't see him, but I discerned him. I was very discerning. And the spirit of seeing and knowing is rising in the church. And he's going to teach your hands to war and your fingers to fight.

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But this is sermon is rising in the church. I got to stay in front of the camera. I'm sorry. But he walked into the room and he stood to my left side. And I knew it was him.

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And I don't know it was strange because I wasn't afraid. I was just like, I don't know. I think he gives you the grace. And he whispered. He didn't whisper. He said, what is the most important thing?

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And he knows who I am. He knows what I teach. I didn't know him. That I need to come deeply and intimately acquainted with him. Perceiving the wonders of this person. Lord, I want to know you. Your purpose is to know him.

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Your purpose is to teach people how to pray, how to develop intimacy with God. And I said, Lord, you already knew the answer. Lord, intimacy with you.

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And you know what he said to me? And how you treat others. Turn around. And you walked down the room. And I'm like, what? It just happened. So of course I had a post.

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Because what he does in me is doing it in everybody else. And you know, when you get a visitation from Jesus, it lines up with the word of God.

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Oh, an angel whispered in my right ear. And an angel said this. And an angel said that. Oh, he whispered this. And he said, is it all in the Bible when I was whispering in your ear?

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Thou shalt love the Lord your God with all your heart and all your soul and all your mind. And thou shalt love thy neighbor as yourself. How are we treating one another?

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It's kind of a big deal with God. So I did a checklist. And I went through my list. And the Lord, like if there's any, just created me a clean heart.

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I have a message, but we're just going to flow until I'm done. Is that all right?

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I don't know why he must be telling you all my sins. What is that? It's going global.

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I'm not going to get into the whole thing. And in the night vision, he told me I'm coming for a bride.

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Without spot or blemish or wrinkle. And these are the last days. And I'm preparing my bride. And there's going to be a sound of the trumpet.

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And the dead in Christ are going to rise first. And those that remain are going to be caught up together to meet the Lord, me in the air.

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So he's been talking to me about the preparation of the bride of Christ that we need to get ready, get prepared, because he's coming soon.

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And the same way he went up into the clouds, Acts chapter one, he's coming back for a church. And we don't want to be like those foolish virgins who don't have any oil in our lamb,

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who are depending on everybody else to give us oil for our lamb. We've got to get oil for ourselves.

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And it's a new revelation to me and I'm still learning about it. But in the dream, I don't want to get into all the details.

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But in the dream, my wedding dress was on a dowel. And the tighter I held the dowel, the more sweaty I got.

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But eventually the dowel got big and it became a bride. But the bride had many spots, many wrinkles.

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And my friend over here, Marsha, in the dream came and steamed out all the wrinkles.

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Now number one, let me just say this about that. The fact that I was sweating and holding that dowel so tight is works.

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So God was telling me, get out of works. When you minister this fresh word, you minister this word, he says,

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Marsha, I want you to make sure you're not teaching and preaching works to my people. That's why I'm crushing you, I'm working with you, I'm dealing with you.

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You have to humble yourself under the mighty hand of God because I want you to teach and preach out of a place of humility and clean hands in the pure art.

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Because once we start with up here, he gets down to the people over here and begins in us.

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And to share we learn that together, especially those of you that are budding leaders,

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the warfare that you go through is sometimes so you can learn how to overcome it and teach others what I have taught you and how to overcome it.

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You comfort others with the same comfort where with you are comforted by God.

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So don't waste your trials.

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So because the sufferings of this present world are not worthy to be compared to the glory that is being revealed in you through your suffering and through your trials.

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I don't like to hang out with preachers or ministers or people that are Christian if they haven't gone through some stuff.

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Oh, I'm holier than thou. I can feel your attitude.

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Remember I operated discernment. Oh, you get grieved around someone. Why am I so grieved? That's discerning of spirit.

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It's not being judgmental. It's not being critical.

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It's discerning the good and the evil intentions of the heart. Is that how it's worded?

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You're discerning. You're not judging. You're discerning.

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Put a watch over your heart. Separate yourself from that person and be still and know that I am the God and the author and the finisher of your relationships.

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Because some of your relationships are not healthy for you because the enemy is trying to use that person to sift you as we and to pull you out of your destiny

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and into the plans and the purposes of the enemy because the enemy has a plan for you and a purpose just like Jesus Christ, the author of our faith, has a plan and a purpose for us.

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That's why it's important that you operate in discernment. Discerning of spirits. Why am I so grieved around that person?

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Why am I so triggered in a good way around that person? That's a relationship that's made in heaven.

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That's a new relationship that I'm bringing into your hearts and into your lives because iron sharpens iron.

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And I want to make you a better person. And that person you're hanging around right now is making you better, not better.

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I command you to listen to the voice of the Lord whoever this is for. You need to separate yourself from that idol.

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You need to separate yourself from that person because that person, that relationship is not good for you.

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How do I get into that? It's called prophetic preaching. Even as an ear to ear, let him hear.

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Just listen to the voice of the Lord. Prophecy to me, prophesy to me, prophesy to me, prophesy to me.

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You know, I've been so hurt and so wounded and so beat up at times. I go into these meetings and all the same people are always getting prophesied.

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They're all the same. Do somebody please explain that to me?

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Oh, shaketayamahayasakha. Yeah, karevisto. You know, people can pull through a word.

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And if the preacher feels the pull for a word, if the preacher's not careful, the preacher will respond in the flesh.

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And they'll prophesy on their own heart.

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Believe not every spirit, but try the spirits to see whether they are of God.

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Listen, I thank God for prophecy. I thank God for the word of the Lord. I thank God for the prophetic.

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But let me tell you, there's nothing like getting alone with God in this sacred place at the most high,

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and that's all 91 protection of safety and hearing the voice of the Good Shepherd, the voice of a stranger you won't follow.

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Would you hear the voice of the Good Shepherd? And you will follow his voice.

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Because most of us, we've been doing this so long, we cannot go back.

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We're gonna go back. We're gonna go back. We're gonna go back. Really?

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And I go, no, we're not going back. We are not up down that drawback.

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So in the dream, remember the dream? In the dream.

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The spirit of seeing and knowing is rising in the church.

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And it's kind of, the manifestation is coming through dreams and visions, internal visions and dreams.

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You're all mental dream dreams. You know, you're a scholar. You're amazing actually.

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I tell everybody about it. I don't know, you can probably tell.

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That old man will dream dreams. It may not really mean old like we're old. I'm older than you.

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But it's rising. Pay attention to your dreams.

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And the more you pay attention to your dreams, the more God will give you the dream.

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You're cultivating the anointing. And he's going, they're paying attention. Now I can use them.

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They're paying attention. They're paying attention. And so God's gonna give you more and more.

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That's the faithful. Faithful to the word of the Lord. Faithful to his promises. Faithful to the visions.

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Faithful not only to steward them, but to listen.

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So in the dream, you know, Marshall's over there because she's very holy up here.

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Honest to God she is. I'm kidding. She takes care of her 99 year old mother twice a day.

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Going over there. She won't need you know, it's kind of, I mean, I go, she carries my Bible.

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I'm like, give me your purse. I'm carrying your purse for a change.

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I mean, she's like, you know, she's an example of Jesus Christ.

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So she of course is the one honoring all the wrinkles out of the wedding gown.

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Got it? So I woke up. I don't know why I always get correct. It's not always, but this is a correction service.

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I think we need to know that leaders are not to be put on a pet or something.

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I just keep hearing the word in my heart. Idols. You've made idols out of man.

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You've made idols out of gifting. What about character and fruit?

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I can't hang around my leader. Why?

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Oh, because he's on a pedestal, of course.

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He doesn't want you to see what he's doing.

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I don't know what, where this is coming from.

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I'm going to be like that guy in the Bible, pastor. I'm going to be that guy in the Bible that's going to go hide in a cave and run away from Jesse.

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Because I'm just like, what in the world are you preaching on today?

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So, Marsha's ironing up. Steaming. Steaming is better than ironing when it comes to silk.

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Because the gown is silk. The gown is beautiful. God is preparing a bride without spot or blemish.

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And I woke up and I heard audibly. I love it when this happens.

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God spoke to me in an audible voice.

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God spoke to me audibly and said, you're wrinkles by your attitudes.

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You don't say that. Now you bet. Come on, probably.

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Now what? Can't you just like stop?

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Rinkles, attitudes. How you treating people. How you treating one another. What's all that all about?

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Guess what? I'm the kind of person I want God more than anything on the face of the earth.

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I don't want anything else. And let me tell you, it's cost me not on my own doing.

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But there's people that have left. Because they didn't want to go where I was going.

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And I teased you. I said, let them walk. They're not tied to your destiny. Does it hurt?

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It hurts when they go. But it'll hurt more when they stay. Because we're not living in the light of eternity.

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And the sufferings of this present moment are not worthy to be compared to the glory that's going to be revealed.

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Not only that, we've got to do our jobs. So you know what? Now I'm like, God, I want you.

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I want to be obedient to you. I want you, Lord.

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Of my attitudes. And you know what? I started noticing little things.

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Like a new tootsie girl. Oh, gosh. Their outfit doesn't match.

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Who am I to judge another man's servant? Maybe they like the way their outfit looks.

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Oh! They get a little Botox over here. And I'm like, who cares? God is the health of their customers with none of your business.

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What are you doing? And you know what? I just can't believe this message.

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I've been cleaning myself up. I've been being prepared as a bride without spot or blemish.

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I want to see him. I want him to come to me. I want to be prepared.

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Haricoma siakaiya deishinu monta levesi. The condition of my church is not that good right now.

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But I am perfecting everything that concerns her. And those that have ears to hear will hear what I'm saying.

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They will hear that still small voice on the inside. And it may be the voice of correction.

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The Lord said, don't be like the horse or the mule. It has to be pulled and tugged and pulled. You've been stubborn.

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And I'm God saying, I want you to be yielded unto me so that I can take you into a new degree of glory.

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But if you resist me, I can't bring you in because I resist the crowd. But I will give grace to the humble.

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And I want you to humble yourself under the mighty hand of God that I may exalt you in due time.

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There's an exaltation that God wants to bring to the body of Christ. But we've got to let go of the weights and the sin and the things that are not only causing disease.

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The things that are causing us to stumble and run the rays and stumble.

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Maybe this will help with the subject matter because it's coming up in my spirit. Thank God. Meaning prophetic intercession.

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I have been operating in the spirit of seeing since January. And the reason, it used to happen once in a while, but not often.

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But in January, it started. And I'll tell you why. And I'll tell you the vision I had about the body of Christ. Don't let me forget.

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So, and I always, I always was, if you call it a knobby, I was always that. I didn't even know what I was.

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I would hear and I'd say, I'd hear, I heard this, I heard that. Before anybody taught on prophets, I didn't know what I was.

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I was just like a 23 year old girl with nails out the ear and some of you ladies hair like that.

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And they actually had me in their church back in the day. You see up with four scriptures. Now I got 15 pages of outlines of notes when I speak.

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But I had a call from a friend, Joe Source. Great man I got.

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Well, he doesn't know who he is, which I think is good. He's actually a true apostle. But he's Pastor Joe.

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I think sometimes these titles make people cocky. I'm not saying everybody. I'm saying it makes people cocky.

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Because everybody wants a title. Give me a title. I'm a servant of Jesus Christ. I'm a servant. I'm a servant. I'm here to serve you.

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Paul, a servant of Jesus Christ.

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So Joe Source calls me and he's like, I would like to do a prayer meeting in my church once a month, on a Friday night, the first Friday night of the month.

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And I would like you to lead the prayer meeting.

00:30:59,000 --> 00:31:09,000
I'm like, oh, no. No.

00:31:09,000 --> 00:31:16,000
Talk about painful. How many of you were ever around when they did all those KIU events? Called, anointed, commissioned.

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I did it, brought churches together. It's been a theme in my ministry for a long time and it was on a bigger scale.

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And because of the favor that I had, the churches would let me use their buildings. People would come. The purpose was to train, equip and teach people.

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Well, I learned something. I'll tell you about that too. And to have them pray. What I learned was you have to demonstrate prayer.

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Oh, it's going to be like Kenneth E. Hagen. We all just entered in and prayed in tongues for 45 minutes. Ain't no more of that.

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Now we got to pull teeth. We got to kick up. We got to encourage him. We have to wave the banner, wave the flag, dance around a little bit.

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So at the end, my last KIU event was a week before we knew there was a COVID and we were so grieved in our spirit.

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We didn't know why we were grieved. And we prayed in tongues. People actually prayed in that meeting. But anyway, my point is people were praying.

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And I didn't want to do it. So I didn't want to do it. But it's show source and I'm called to do this. I'm going to say yes.

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And we'll just figure it out when we get there. What's the worst that can happen? You pray in tongues. Have people just prayed in tongues for 45 minutes.

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You don't have to do it. Just pray in tongues. It's easy.

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So I called my friend Mary Alice. Mary Alice, do you know her? She's in a whole other region. We all have our regions.

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Know them that labor among you. We all have our sphere of influence. Many die young because they step out of their calling.

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They step out of their sphere of influence. They put a title and a hat on. They call themselves something and they're not.

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You say you're an apostle, but you are not. So she's like in a whole other region than I am.

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She's got her own sphere of influence. Like I have a region here. I got my people.

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You know he has ordained the places in which you are to live. Don't allow the enemy to pluck you out.

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I just want to go to Florida and hang on the boat and drink martinis and do nothing. Just retire. No you're not.

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So call Mary Alice. I said Mary Alice, I just felt led in my spirit to call you.

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And I told her. She said Mark, because I noticed she's been getting the spirit of prayer of whole congregations.

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She was Mark, this is what you got to do. I put on my tape recorder and I started taping. You hang out with wise men, you'll become wise.

00:34:05,000 --> 00:34:15,000
Oh I know, I feel so sorry for you. It's so hard getting people to pray. Oh honey, I understand.

00:34:15,000 --> 00:34:23,000
No, she's like this is what you got to do. It's a call to action. We are men and women of war. We do not draw back.

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We find a solution to the problem. We don't talk the problem. We talk the answer. This is what you got to do Mark.

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I said what? Put the recorder on. You got to get the spirit of prayer on the whole congregation.

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It's not just a little meeting in the back of the room. That's what Kennedy Hagen had. He had got the spirit of prayer on all of us at Raymah.

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The Holy Ghost would come in and he would start praying. I get so scared. I get on my knees and I'm like, you know, open my eyes and I still don't know what kind of thing he's going to do.

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We better pray. There was a holy hush and a holy awe that would come into the room, a reverence for God.

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I think the man of God carried that. Maybe we need to carry more of a reverence. How do we cultivate that? That's something to think about.

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She got to get the spirit of prayer on the whole entire church. Not just a little prayer meeting in the back of the room.

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He says, you got to change the mindset of the people. It's not the five intercessors that are hanging out hidden in the back room.

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You've got to change the mindset of the people. She said, and this is the other thing. You've got to get all the leadership in the church to come.

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That's the hardest part.

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I smile.

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But I'm a trumpet and Zion, Zion.

00:36:03,000 --> 00:36:07,000
Sound the alarm on my holy hill.

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God's calling the army back to prayer.

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And we've got to change our strategies.

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So I said, all right, listen to it. Listen to it for about 20 minutes and play that recording over and over and over and over.

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I took notes. I wrote a word for word with what she said. You got to get the spirit of prayer on the whole church.

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God said, my house will be called a house of prayer for all nations.

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Not just the intercessors that are hiding in the back room.

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He said, my house will be called a house of prayer. We have a lot of teaching. We have a lot of equipping in this regard.

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But let's take everything that we've learned and let's bring it out into the corporate body and have a prayer meeting with the whole entire house.

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So I said to Pastor Joe, I took Mary Alice's advice because I'm smart.

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Because she's got a tool. She's have a success and it's working.

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And the spirit prayers get on the whole church. I've got to change my thinking. Change my mind.

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And then she said, and you've got to demonstrate.

00:37:25,000 --> 00:37:30,000
Demonstrate? Nobody ever demonstrated prayer to me and just did it.

00:37:30,000 --> 00:37:34,000
We live in a different culture. We live in a different age.

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People are lazy. People are distracted. People want to go on Facebook. People want to go on Instagram.

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People want to do TikTok. People want to do YouTube. People want to do...

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You've got to demonstrate prayer.

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So our very first meeting at Joe's.

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Because I just needed God to help me.

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I needed Him to help me. I can't lead prayer in my own strength.

00:38:02,000 --> 00:38:06,000
I mean, yeah, we know the word. Yeah, we can pray. We know.

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But there's something that was missing. And I didn't know. And I've been doing this since 1981.

00:38:14,000 --> 00:38:20,000
I didn't know. You talk about a paradigm shift. You've got to demonstrate.

00:38:20,000 --> 00:38:26,000
Demonstrate? I'm 65 years old.

00:38:26,000 --> 00:38:31,000
Demonstrate? Demonstrate.

00:38:31,000 --> 00:38:36,000
Y'all are women. I'll tell you, instruct the younger.

00:38:36,000 --> 00:39:01,000
Wow. Wow.