Feb. 8, 2023

Baptism of the Holy Spirit

Baptism of the Holy Spirit
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The Purpose Project

So you believe in God, you've been 'saved' and are heaven bound, but is there more to this thing called "Faith"? Margie Fleurant explores what it means to be "Baptised in the Holy Spirit" and receive the power all believers are invited to tap into. It's not scary and any believer can take this bold step. When you ask the Lord, he will direct you through his word to teach you how to walk in his will. God wants you to be baptised in his Holy Spirit to carry you to a new, deeper level of faith.
  If you would like to invite Margie to speak at your church, event, etc please send an email to Margie's assistant, Jeannie at jeannie@margiefleurant.org!