April 17, 2024

Faith and Healing Part 1

Faith and Healing Part 1
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The Purpose Project

In this episode, Margie reflects on the profound truth encapsulated in the words: "Expect God to heal you. Expect to receive your miracle. Expect God to do that little thing that you have going on in your body that's bothering you that you haven't even prayed about because you didn't think it was a big deal to God." She delves into the significance of acknowledging every aspect of our health, no matter how small, in the eyes of a loving and caring God.

Drawing from biblical teachings, Margie reminds us that every ailment, every discomfort, is important to God. Through poignant insights and heartfelt anecdotes, she reveals how the promises of healing found in scripture are not just distant hopes, but present realities waiting to be claimed through faith.

Tune in to discover the profound truth that lies at the heart of healing and the unwavering love that fuels it. Join Margie Fleurant on The Purpose Project as she guides us on a journey of faith, expectation, and the miraculous power of God's healing touch.

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The effectual fervent prayer of a righteous man avails much God will put the prayer in your heart to pray so that he can answer it.

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It goes into the hearts of the people. Does'nt return void? It produces results.

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Well, good evening everybody. Welcome to another edition of Kingdom Connections. I am your host, Apostle Michael Fram, with prophetic destiny ministries international.

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We come to you every Thursday night at 8 o'clock Eastern and 5 o'clock Pacific right here on the Kingdom First TV Network. For more information on Kingdom First TV, we would invite you to go to our website.

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Kingdom First is sponsored by the Love and Unity movement and our website is love-unity.org.

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I have a special guest with me tonight who I just told her that I'm not sure she really needs much of an introduction. She's been with me many times through the years and she's really beginning to get known in Love and Unity as well.

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She's been traveling to some of the convergences and been on some of the zooms. She was just one of the featured speakers at the New Jersey convergence that we had this past weekend.

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And it's my joy and pleasure to, I don't know if I can say introduce anymore at this point, but this is my dear sister, prophet Margie Florent. Margie, why don't you go ahead and just in case somebody's been living under a roof.

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They've been living under a rock and they don't know who you are or where you're from. Go ahead and introduce yourself.

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Hello everybody. Hello, Michael. I'm Margie Florent. I'm a traveling itinerant speaker. I'm an author. And I'm a mom of three kids. I have a son-in-law, a daughter-in-law, and I have a dog.

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I just love what I do for God. I don't plan to retire. I keep just refiring every year when it's my birthday, which is April 17th, is coming up again.

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I just refire, just keep saying yes to God. So it's good to be here with everybody today. Thank you, Michael.

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Awesome. Awesome. I love you. I love when you're on with me. We always have fun. We always have a good time. And it's a lot of give and take. And so with Margie, I know her so well.

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And I trust her so deeply. When we, we normally will set a date a month, month and a half ahead of time because our schedules are both so crazy.

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And we have to plan ahead. And then I say, okay, when we get closer, we'll figure out what we're going to talk about. And sometimes the Lord will drop something in my spirit.

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And I'll say, hey, I got this. But a lot of times I just come to her, I say, all right, sis, what do you want to talk about? And a lot of times I do call her sis.

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And if you hear me say sis tonight, it's because we're that kind of close. And it's not disrespectful. I can call her prophet Margie.

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But when I just talk to her, I always call her sis. So at any rate, when I went to her and I said, what do you want to talk about?

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She says, I want to talk about faith and healing. And I was like, okay, real hard sell.

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And you know, sometimes I think we learn things through the years. And then we have a tendency by either not using them, or whatever, they kind of slip away from us.

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And we forget what we learned or we forget what we knew, or we get out of practice of doing certain things.

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And so I don't want anybody to say, oh, I've heard that before. Well, you know what? I've eaten prime rib before. That doesn't mean I'm not going to eat it again.

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I've eaten bolognese before. That doesn't mean I'm not going to eat it again. In fact, I ate it tonight. I was cooking all day.

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That's one of my passions, one of my hobbies. I love to do that. And so if it's review for you tonight, praise God for the review.

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But maybe you might see something different that you haven't heard before. And if nothing else, faith comes by hearing and hearing and hearing and hearing the word of God.

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So let God build your faith tonight as we talk about faith and healing. Sis, where do you want to start?

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Well, when I was getting ready tonight, I felt in my heart that there's going to be ghosts that are listening either live or on the replay or on the podcast or on the TV, Kingdom First TV.

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I felt like there were going to be those that were going to receive their healing when they hear this particular broadcast, as you call it.

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And the scripture, one of the scriptures that came to me was Acts chapter 10 verse 44.

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And that scripture is when Peter yet spoke the words, he was preaching, he was teaching, while he was preaching, while he was teaching, he was, I would have to say, had no knowledge that this was going to happen.

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The Bible says that the Holy Spirit fell on all them that heard the word. And so I really sense in my heart that that's what's going to happen with this particular message tonight.

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And what I felt like the word was saying is, the Bible says it's according to your earnest expectation and hope.

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Expect God to heal you. Expect to receive your miracle. Expect God to do that little thing that you have going on in your body that's bothering you that you haven't even prayed about because you didn't think it was a big deal to God.

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Well, everything that's going on in your body as it relates to healing is important to God.

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The Bible says that Jesus bore your sicknesses, he carried your infirmities, and by the strikes he bore on his body, you are healed.

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You're not going to be healed. It's not future tense, but you are healed. And as we teach this word or we talk about this word tonight, I'm just wanting to encourage you to have your faith out, your expectation out.

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Have your hope out. And just believe that the Holy Spirit is going to fall on you right where you are, right where you're sitting, whether it's in your car or in your kitchen or wherever you are.

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Just believe that this word is going to heal you. You know, the Bible says in Proverbs 4-20-23, it says, my son, attend to my words, incline your ears to my sayings.

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They are life to those that find them, and health, another translation says, healing to all their flesh.

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So the, yeah, and I just heard in my spirit, medicine. So this is God's medicine to you tonight.

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And I feel like many of you that are listening need some of God's medicine.

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And like Michael said, I don't care how many times you've heard this word, faith comes by hearing and hearing by the word of God.

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Not having heard or having heard before it comes by hearing. And I think Michael work in a time and in a season, especially coming through COVID and all the things that we're experiencing in the world.

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I feel like we've got to literally gird up the loins of our minds, be sober, be vigilant, and understand that we have an adversary, the devil, who wants to kill, steal and destroy.

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And one of the ways he does that is through sickness and disease.

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So I feel that tonight's very important to so many of you that are listening, that it's time for you to get back in faith.

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It's time for you to like, Kenneth E. Hagen would say, it's time for you to turn that switch of faith back on.

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It's just like when, you know, if you walk into a room and the room is dark, what do you do?

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You go over to the switch and you turn that switch on and the light goes on. Some of you have let some things slip.

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You know, and it's time for you to go back into faith, back into the scriptures, back into the word of God, turn that switch on and get back in faith, get back into believing, get back into hope, get out of fear, get into rest, get into peace.

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Because the word of God works. The Bible is forever subtle.

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God said, I am the Lord God. I change not. Nothing is too hard for him. Not any sickness, not any disease, not anything is too hard for God.

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You know, if he said it, he said, I'll make it good. And if I said that you are healed by the stripes that Jesus bore on his body, then you are healed.

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We just have to get into a position to receive.

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So you may say, well, I'm not sure I believe that. Well, if you're not sure you believe it, then what I would encourage you to do tonight is just shift into neutral.

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Just say, all right, well, let me just hear what Michael and Margie have to say about faith and healing. I'm going to switch into neutral and just see what God will do for you.

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You know, the Bible says, call upon me. I'll answer you and I'll show you great and mighty things. Yeah, he will just see what he will do for you.

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He's not going to do just the little he could do great and mighty things. So if you don't really know what you believe, switch yourselves into neutral and just hear what the Spirit of the Lord has to say tonight.

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Amen. Amen. You know, I think sometimes we forget what God actually says about his word and how much his word is important to him.

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We forget that, you know, the word is forever settled in heaven.

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We forget that God watches over his word to perform it and to bring it to pass. We forget that he's given his angels charge over his word.

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And sometimes we just need a good old fashioned reminder of what we had heard, what we had learned and let slip.

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And there's nothing wrong with taking a refresher course and brushing up on some things that we have forgotten.

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It was God who said that I am not a man that I should lie. And if I spoke it, I will bring it to pass.

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And so we need to start looking at the promises of the Word of God.

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And, you know, one of the things that I've been preaching a lot lately is I've been preaching a message.

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I think it's going to become a book eventually. I've been preaching a message on knowing God's will.

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And the first way that we know God's will is we have to know God's Word.

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And when we know what God's Word says, then we know what God's will is. And we can take any subject that we want in the Word of God.

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And by establishing what the Word of God says about that subject, now we know what God's will is about that subject.

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Somebody rightly said, and I don't remember who it was, you might remember, but that faith begins where the will of God is known.

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And if we don't know what God's will is, we have a hard time having faith, or you worded it as expectancy.

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That's really what faith is. You have an expectancy.

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And so if we just take, for instance, the subject of healing, now we know that Jesus said, out of the mouth of two or three witnesses, everything will be established.

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So according to the rules of hermeneutics, we cannot build a solid biblical foundation on one text of Scripture.

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We can't.

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We're on shaky ground.

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So we have to have at least two or three to establish a solid biblical precedent.

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And so I always like to start in Matthew chapter eight.

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Matthew chapter eight, of course, is the story of the leper that comes to Jesus.

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And the leper says, Lord, if you will, you can heal me.

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And that seems to be where a lot of people in the church are today.

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I've been hearing all my life from the time I was a little boy.

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Don't you know the Lord he is able.

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The ability of God gives you no basis for faith.

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Until you know it's his will.

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The leper knew that Jesus could.

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He just didn't know if Jesus would.

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And so he said, if you will, you can.

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And so many people are living in Lord's you're able, you can, but they don't know they're not convinced that he will.

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Well, I know that the Bible says that God is no respecter of persons.

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He is a respecter of faith.

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He is a respecter of hunger and thirst and desperation, but he does not play favorites.

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He doesn't have somebody that he loves more than somebody else.

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And so here's this guy, you can, if you will, you can.

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Jesus answered very simply, I will.

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And he touched him and he healed them to me that should be the proof text.

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If Jesus said, I will, he was willing to when it came to that leper in Matthew eight, then obviously it should be his will.

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For everybody because he's not willing that any should perish, but all should come into full so so full life of God.

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And so that's great.

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That's one text, but we can't build the doctrine on that one text, but we can go all the way back to the book of Exodus.

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And the way it reads in the Hebrew is that I will not permit or I will not allow any of the diseases to come upon you that I permitted or allowed to come on the Egyptians, because I am the Lord that is your healer.

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And we know that that is the compound redemptive name Jehovah Rafa.

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The Lord that is our healer.

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Now, when we read it in King James, King James says, I will not put on you any of the diseases I put on the Egyptians.

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But that's not what the Hebrew says.

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The Hebrew says, I will not permit or allow what I permitted and allowed where King James makes you think that God caused it.

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God didn't cause it.

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God permitted, or he allowed it.

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But I am the Lord that is your.

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Well, now we have to, but we still can't say that that establishes God's will.

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So then we can go to the hundred and third Psalm and we find bless the Lord on my soul and all that is with them.

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He blesses only name who forgives all of our iniquities who heals half of our diseases.

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Oh, I'm sorry.

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I misquoted all.

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And so now we've got Psalm 103, we got Exodus 1526.

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We have Matthew chapter eight.

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Now we have three witnesses established the will of God for healing.

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But there's a plethora.

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We can go to Isaiah 53.

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We can go over into Matthew 817 where it's quoted again.

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We can go to 1 Peter 2 24 looking back at the cross.

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Isaiah looking forward says by his stripes, we are healed.

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1 Peter 2 24 says by his stripes, we were healed past tense completed process.

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We can go to Malachi chapter four that the son of righteousness will arise with healing in his wing.

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Now we have a plethora of scriptures, Old Testament and New Testament telling us what the will of God is concerning healing.

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Now if we have to have two or three to establish a precedent, a biblical precedent, have we laid out enough what we just rattled off the top of our head?

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Yes, we have established a biblical precedent for a doctrinal case that it is the will of God for his people to be healed.

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Well, nobody should ever say ever again based on that Lord, I don't know if it's your will to heal me.

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We should never say that because we have enough biblical evidence to prove what the will of God is.

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And so let me just say to you tonight, dig into the book.

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My daddy told me a long time ago when I was growing up, he said, son, keep your nose in the book.

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And your knees on the floor. And if you will do those two things, you'll be all right.

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Let me challenge you to do what my daddy taught me when I was a young and put your nose in the book and your knees on the floor and get convinced of the will of God by knowing God's word and you'll know his will and you will have faith for healing.

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Right. I mean, like you said, faith comes by hearing and hearing by the word of God.

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Your faith in this area can grow as you meditate and study the scriptures.

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And those of you that are listening, I would encourage you not to begin studying on the scriptures of healing and faith when you have symptoms in your body. Do it now.

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I call it preventive, preventative medicine.

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The word of God in your heart now so that Matthew seven, 24 and 25 when the storms come and the and the winds come and rage against your body or rage against your house, you're going to be stabilized because it's the word of God that stabilizes you.

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It's interesting that you brought up the leper because that was one of the main things that I wanted to say in the beginning was that, yes, God is not only able to heal, but he's willing to heal.

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He said, I would that all men be saved and come to the knowledge of the truth saved being saved is not just saved saved from your sins and from spiritual death and from going to hell.

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Okay, same encompasses more than that. Romans 116 says, I am not ashamed of the gospel for the gospel is the power of God on to salvation.

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And that word salvation is the word sorteria.

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And it means, um, healing, safety, soundness and deliverance.

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And the gospel, the word of God is not just for us to be saved from, from hell and eternal death. Salvation is the saving of your soul, the healing of your body, mental stability.

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Okay, it encompasses all of it. And I think sometimes we've only preached one thing, and we've left out the other part, right. Doesn't the Bible say Michael, beloved above all.

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So I think it's third John, I wish that you prosper and be in health, even as your soul prospers. So he wants us to prosper. And what else be in health, even as your soul prospers.

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So it's God's will. And interesting, I have a really good friend of mine, I'm not going to mention this person's name, but he had cancer.

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And he was really angry at God, and he thought that God gave him the cancer and he didn't know what the Bible said, he didn't know the scriptures.

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So he was mad at God, he was angry. And he tells me the story and I love, I love it when he tells the story because he's never been to church.

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Even to this day, he's not part of the church. And what happened to him was, he found someone online who was teaching the uncompromised word of God concerning healing and faith.

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And he found out, John 1010. It's the thief that comes to steal, kill, and destroy. And Jesus said, I've come that you may have life and life more abundantly.

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And this preacher was preaching, and the preacher was saying, you know, how God anointed Jesus of Nazareth, who went about doing good, doing what, doing good, and doing what, healing all those that were oppressed by the devil.

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So he started hearing the word of God concerning faith and healing, and it changed his mindset.

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And so he started praying that night. And it was so interesting, you know, God hears the prayers of a sincere heart.

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We may not have all the answers or we may not have all the strategies of prayer, you know, the whole thing, but he had a sincere heart and he said, Lord, you've given me a wife and a beautiful daughter.

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I want to raise my daughter. I want to see her walk down the aisle. You wouldn't have given me my daughter if it wasn't, you know, your will that I see her grow up. She needs me as a father.

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And Michael is God as my witness. This preacher was preaching. It changed my friend's mindset. It shifted his heart. He turned the switch of faith on.

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And as God is my witness, for which I believe is going to happen through this broadcast, the power of God right in his bedroom hit him.

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And he said he wasn't sleeping in the same room with his wife because he was in so much pain. He was up most of the night with pain and he would keep her up.

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So he was in his own bedroom and he said the power of God hit him. And I said, what did it feel like? And he said it was like electricity went through his whole body.

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Now he's never heard teaching about this, never been in meetings, nothing. He said it was like electricity went into his body.

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He said, and he was vibrating in his body. And then for three hours, this was going on and then on top of that, after a while, his whole body was just, it was like his body was on fire.

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It was a tremendous heat that went through his body. And he went to sleep that night and he woke up in the morning for the first time and he had no pain, none, zero.

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And he said, he said, well, did you tell anybody? He goes, well, I didn't want to jinx it. So I didn't tell anybody.

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And so that night, him and his wife were going to go to dinner. So his wife says to him, do you think you should bring your percassette?

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No, actually what happened was they were going to go to dinner and they were on the way to the restaurant and on the way to the restaurant, his wife said to him, did you bring your percassette?

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No, I don't need the percassette. And she's like, well, do you want to turn around and go home and get your medication? And he said, no, he said, I'm not in any pain.

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And that was the end of his pain. That was the end of his cancer. And every single scan and every single time he's gone for blood work, he is cancer free.

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And this man is a man who literally knows how to live life. He knows what it's like to be right at the brink of death and what it's like to have God, Jesus Christ, heal him in his body.

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And so he's a grateful person. But I love that he didn't know. I love that he was mad at God. And then when he heard the scriptures, like many of you are hearing tonight, it shifted him and he was able to receive his healing.

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And I'm going to be honest with you when I was getting ready, I kept hearing in my in my heart that there's someone who has a sinus infection, and it's really bad.

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And if you would just lift up your hands and just say, Lord, I received my healing, the power of the most high will overshadow you and come upon you.

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And he will heal you of that play. Okay, so that's what's called a word of knowledge. That's what used to happen with Catherine Pullman and her meetings.

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The power God started to manifest in her meetings, just like Peter in act seven 44, without her knowledge. She is a young minister, she would be she was preaching one day, and just preaching.

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And someone came up to her after the service and said, while you were preaching, he said this person said, I was healed in my body.

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And these kinds of manifestations started to happen in her meetings. And those kinds of manifestations are called the power gifts, we call them the power gifts, the working miracles, gift of faith, and gifts of healing.

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And so these power gifts began to manifest through her ministry. And then after a while, she began to pick up on exactly what the sickness, the names of the sicknesses and diseases were by what by the word of knowledge.

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So I think Michael, I feel like we need to expect more miracles, we need to expect more manifestations like this.

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We have a lot of prophecy, word of wisdom, word of knowledge, tongues interpretation of tongues. But there's nine gifts to the spirit.

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Right. And I believe that the spirit of God is challenging us, not only to receive through hearing the word of God and to laying out of hands.

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But why can't the Holy Spirit manifest through the power gifts he did in the days of Catherine Pullman. And the power gifts were actually a manifestation in the Old Testament, as we would call it.

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Well, you know, the power gifts, you know, how do you think the waters were divided and the children of Israel crossed over. That was a gift of faith and working in miracles that came into manifestation.

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The miracles is an intervention into the ordinary course of nature, where God gives you a new heart where your heart was damaged.

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The working America where you have, you know, tumors in your body and through the gifts of healing, those tumors disappear.

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And I might add that anything not planted by the Lord must be uprooted. And if you have tumors in your body, I command those tumors to be uprooted in the name of Jesus, because they're not planted by God.

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That was the enemy or maybe it was, you know, something that in the environment, it doesn't really matter. What matters is, is you can receive your healing right where you are.

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And there's different ways to receive healing. And I know, Michael, we talked about that going in, but I was just really blessed to hear my friends teach you about testimony of how he was healed and he continues to remain cancer free to this day.

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So that's exciting to me. Hallelujah. You know, I'm listening to you talk and exactly what dad Hagan taught us is beginning to happen because I can feel it happening.

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As we hear the word, faith begins to arise.

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As your word level goes up, your faith level goes up, and you begin to feel an expectancy and anticipation in the realm of the spirit.

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I can literally sense it happening as we're sharing. And I'm reminded of the end of Mark's gospel.

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You know, everybody quotes the part of Mark's gospel to go into all the world and preach the gospel to every creature.

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And then we, of course, we get to the sign shall accompany or will follow those that believe in my name. And we do that, but we stop reading.

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We need to finish reading the end of Mark 16.

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And the Lord worked with them everywhere confirming the word of science following.

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That's the part we skip. We don't read that part. That's where the key is. The Lord worked with them confirming the word.

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Thank you so much for tuning in to today's podcast. It has been such a joy sharing this time with you.

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For more inspiration and resources on today's topic, please visit our website at margiefloran.org.