April 12, 2023

How to Stay Strong in Challenging Times, Part 2

How to Stay Strong in Challenging Times, Part 2
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The Purpose Project

Margie encourages the younger generations to stand firm in their faith and not to waver despite the unique challenges facing the Millennials and Gen-z generations.   

It is time for the fathers and mothers (spiritual and natural) to PRAY and INTERCEDE for the younger generations - specifically Millennials and Gen-Z (the 20’s and 30’s). As older adults, we have had quite an exhausting couple of years and so many are struggling; but Margie believes the struggle, the warfare, and frustration is even greater on these young people - the pressure is greater than the generations that came before, and it is time for us to step up to the plate and pray and intercede on behalf of our children, their friends, and that younger age group in general. Margie did a 4 part series called "Prophetically Praying Parents: A Call to Action" that is available on YouTube.


Part 1: Intro to Prophetically Praying Parents - A Call to Action

Part 2: What a Prophetic Parent Can Do

Part 3: How to Pray for Your Children

Part 4: Prayer Alerts for Your Children


It is imperative, now more than ever, that we be praying for our children. There is a war for their destinies, their lives, and their souls. Do not grow weary, stand firm and keep praying. Let us continue in fervent prayer for our children!