Sept. 28, 2022

Necessity of Secret Prayer in the Life of Ministry Leaders, Part 1

Necessity of Secret Prayer in the Life of Ministry Leaders, Part 1
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The Purpose Project

What's most important to a Christian leader -- prayer or studying the Bible? Leaders need to be grounded in both prayer and in the word of God. In this Three Part Series, Margie Fleurant will help leaders strengthen the foundation they already have and show new leaders the steps needed to build a strong foundation in both areas. Part One focuses on equipping Apostles, Prophets, Evangelists, Pastors, and Teachers with the disciplines they will need to develop to sustain a successful, long term ministry.   Margie's newest book is officially released! This book has been years in the making with countless hours of prayer poured into every chapter and every word. This is a Holy Spirit inspired work and an important message relevant to the times we are living in. You can order Contend: Stewarding the Hearts and Destinies of Our Children in Prayer by clicking here