March 13, 2024

Praying in the Spirit

Praying in the Spirit
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The Purpose Project

In this episode, Margie delves into the significance of praying in tongues. She unravels the mysteries and blessings that accompany this spiritual practice, shedding light on its transformative power in the life of believers. Margie explores the biblical foundation of praying in tongues and its role in deepening one's relationship with God. Join her as she shares personal insights and testimonies, revealing how praying in tongues can unlock spiritual breakthroughs, strengthen faith, and align individuals with God's divine purposes.

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I am so excited about this. I want to welcome you to the Purpose Project podcast. During our time

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together, I will teach you how to pray, how to intentionally develop intimacy with your creator,

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and challenge you to discover and embrace your God-ordained purposes. I am your host,

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Margie Flarrant. My prayer for you today is that you will be empowered and strengthened in the Word

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of God to move forward into your destiny. I'm going to ask you open your Bibles today. I sense

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more of a teaching anointing, but we're going to see how we go. I kept hearing in my spirit you

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equipping the saints for the work of the ministry, and I just kept hearing it over and over and over

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and over. And like I said, there's different ways that we can come to you, but if we don't come with

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the right sound, we're not going to equip you for the battle. And if I teach more, then I'm just going

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to teach more. We're just going to see what the Holy Ghost has to say and desires to do. Amen.

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Ephesians chapter 6 verse 18, well, the Scriptures preceding it talks about putting on the full

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armor of God, that you may be able to stand against the wiles of the devil, for we wrestle not against

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flesh and blood, but against principalities and powers and rulers of the darkness of this world.

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So the apostle Paul is exhorting the Ephesian church and he's exhorting us today to put on that full

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armor of God because we are in a war. But thank God it's a war that we win because Jesus spoiled

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principalities and powers. He made a show of the devil openly. He triumphed over the devil,

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and it's the name of Jesus when it's exercised that has power in all three worlds. So we have

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everything that we need to be overcomers. So the apostle Paul was telling them to put on the armor

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of God, you are in a war. And then he says over here in verse 18, he says, after taking up the

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helmet of salvation and the sword of the Spirit, which is the word of God, he says, and praying

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always with all prayer and supplication in the Spirit, being watchful to this and with all

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perseverance and supplications for all saints. Now, if those of you that know your Bible,

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you know what the amplified version says. It says in the amplified, praying always with all different

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kinds of prayer. And there are all different kinds of prayer spoken of in the word of God.

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And the prayer that the Holy Spirit wants me to emphasize to you today is the prayer that I call

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the language of heaven. The language of heaven. You see, God wants to do a new thing. And God

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wants to bring the church into a new place and this ministry into a new phase. 25 years isn't

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enough. You got another 25, 30 years to go and only God knows what's going to happen after that,

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because we believe there will someday be a successor. Would pastor, apostle, Jim and Jonah go home to be

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with the Lord, there will be a successor. Don't you agree? I know from my ministry, I've already

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got it set up. Who's going to be my successor? Now I'm 61 years old and I know I'm going to live

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to at least 95, but I still want to have a plan. But we are living in a day and we're living in an

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hour where God is designed to do a new thing and take his church into a new phase and a new place.

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And it's going to take the kind of praying that we call praying in the spirit to get us through.

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There has to be more of an emphasis, the Holy Ghost said, on praying in the spirit. And he said to me

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recently, he said, Margie, my people don't understand the power of praying in tongues. And I was in a

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church in South Jersey recently and the Spirit of God said there is going to come because of the

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time and the season that the church is in right now. He says there is coming and we're on the,

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we're entering into it. He says that there's going to be a surge of praying in tongues or praying

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the language of heaven because it's going to be this kind of praying that's going to be like the

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pow that gets us through to the other side and to this next level. Now I'm going to be honest with

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you when I responded to pastor's texts about coming here and so on and so forth as I was responding

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to the text, I had an inward mini revelation. And this is specifically for you. And I saw you as a

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church as a body and I've never seen it like this before, but I saw you standing before an open door.

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Specifically pastor and Joni because you know where the leaders go, the people will follow.

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The apostle Paul said, follow me as I follow Christ. And I saw your leaders and the church behind,

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I saw you right next to you right in front of a door. It wasn't open. I saw you before a door.

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It wasn't open. And on either side, and I don't know what this means because I'm not a dreamer,

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a vision interpreter. There's people that can do that. I don't know what this means. But on either

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side, there were two humongous picture windows. And I think from what my prophetic dreamer,

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interpreter person has told me that that's symbolic of the prophetic, those windows.

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But there's something about a door that God has set before this church and this ministry.

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And what he's saying is the thing that's going to get you, give you entrance into that door is

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allowing that there is the people stirring up the gift of God that is in them and beginning to pray

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in the spirit. Because when we know not what to pray for as we are, the spirit himself makes

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intercession for the saints, not according to our own plans, not according to our own will,

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but according to the will of God. I don't know about you, but when I don't know what to pray for,

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I pray in the Holy Ghost. I don't know about you, but I'm when I'm weary and I'm tired and I don't

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know which way to turn, I pray in the Holy Ghost. I don't know about you, but when I see my kids

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starting to make some decisions that don't really bear witness with my spirit, sometimes instead

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of lecturing them, I pray in the Holy Ghost. So just know that there's all different kinds of prayer,

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but you're going to see more of an emphasis and more of a surge of the kind of praying called

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praying in the Holy Ghost in the day and in the hour that we live in. Because let's face it,

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we live in a day and we live in an hour where people are secret friendly and let's do nice,

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nice. And we don't want the Holy Ghost in our meetings and you better not speak in tongues

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in our meetings. You know, that's the tactic of the enemy. Are you listening? So we're talking about

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praying in the spirit. When I was thinking about this hurricane that struck North or South Carol,

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was it North or South Carolina, the Carolinas? Do you understand that it wasn't the hurricane

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itself, it was the surge that they were all worried about. What are the surge that they were

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worried about? Well, God said there's going to be a surge of tongues in the church. There's going

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to be a surge of tongues in the church and the enemy is worried about it. He's worried about you

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and I picking up the mantle of the power of praying in tongues, the heavenly language,

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and he's worried that we're really going to begin to do it. And you know, this is the thing.

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The Bible says, I will pray with the spirit. I will pray with the understanding also. It's just

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simple. The simplicity of it is when we don't know how to pray, by an act of our will, we could

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just begin to pray in tongues. We don't have to think, we don't have to process, we don't have to

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figure it out. We just pray in the spirit. So there's going to be a surge of this kind of

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praying. I'm just going to quickly give you the definition of surge. The noun definition is a sudden,

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powerful forward or upper movement, upward movement, especially by a crowd or by a natural force

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such as the waves or tide flooding caused by tidal searches. Can you imagine being in worship

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and all of a sudden sensing the Holy Ghost rising up within you, John 7 38, out of your

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innermost being flowing rivers and gushers and surges of living water and you have an

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unction to pray in the Holy Ghost? That's what God is talking about. There's going to be a surge

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of this kind of praying. Now we said this, there's different ways to pray. We know that the Bible says

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for if I, you know, well, I will pray with the spirit, I will pray with the understanding. There's

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different ways to pray. We could pray with our understanding. We could pray in our language.

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We can speak the Word. The Word of God doesn't return void. He'll hasten his word to perform.

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We need to pray the scriptures. We need to stand on the Word of God, Matthew 7 24 and 25.

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Pray the Word, pray the Word, pray the Word, speak the Word, speak the Word, speak the Word.

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But again, when we've run out of everything we know to pray, the Apostle Paul said, I will pray with

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the spirit. For he that speaks in an unknown tongue, unknown to us, unknown to our thinking,

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unknown to our natural understanding, speaks not unto men, but unto God. How be it in the spirit?

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You speak mysteries. You speak plans. You speak purposes. You speak the will of God. And you are

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releasing the will of God in the earth and the enemy is afraid of this kind of praying. That's

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why he's tried to put a cap on people, holy ghost churches such as you. He doesn't want you to rise

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up. He doesn't want you to speak in tongues. Are you listening? Now think about it like this.

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The Holy Spirit is mentioned 264 times in the New Testament, 264. And 60 of the mentions of the Holy

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Spirit are in the gospels. And Jesus talked a lot about the Holy Spirit. He mentioned the Holy Spirit

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a lot. He talked about his ministry. He talked about his coming. He told the disciples, I'm not

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leaving you as orphans. I'm not leaving you comfortless. He's going to replace me. He's going to

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lead you. He's going to guide you. He's going to comfort you. He's going to help you. He's going

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to teach you. He's going to show you things to come. You have another comforter that is coming.

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And then some of the very last words that Jesus spoke in the book of Acts, how many of you remember

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what they were? He said, listen, apostles, don't do anything, not anything. Don't go anywhere. Don't

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do anything until you receive the promise of my Father, which you have heard me talk about over

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and over and over and over. And the disciples didn't get it, of course. And then they changed the

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subject. Jesus brought them right back to the subject. He said, listen, you are going to receive

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power when the Holy Ghost has come upon you. And you are going to be witnesses to me. He said,

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in Jerusalem, Judea, Samaria, and the uttermost parts of the world, don't go anywhere to you

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receive this power. And you know the story. How many of you know the story? What happens next?

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It's the birth of the church age. It is the dawn of a new day. It is the beginning of some new things.

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And if the enemy had known, he would have never crucified the Lord of glory. He thought he had

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everything under control. He thought he had people pushed down. He thought he had people defeated.

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But my God shall supply all of our needs according to his riches and glory by Christ Jesus.

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God had a plan. God had a purpose. God had a destiny. And it was the plan of redemption.

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And the day of Pentecost, it was that time, that season, that moment in history, just like I believe

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you as an individual church and we as the universal, we are right at that cross road.

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It was the time and it was the season and it was the time for the birth of a new era, the church age.

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And the Bible says, I think 500 started out with them in the upper room. And then did you know only

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120 were left in that upper room? Can you imagine? I mean, they must have grown weary and well-doing.

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They must have gotten discouraged. They must have thought, you know, God's promises are not

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yes and amen. Oh, he did. He's not going to show up. Well, I got news for you. God is going to show up.

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He is going to show up. If God spoke it, he is going to make it good. He is going to show up.

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You know, the Bible says in Luke 18, one, men ought to always pray and not faint. Don't give up.

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Don't faint if you don't see visible results. They're up there in the upper room and they're sitting

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and they're waiting and they're praying. I don't know how they prayed. I don't know how to pray.

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If I didn't have tongs, I don't know how I pray. I mean, I pray, you know, I know the word, but

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you know, they must have just been rocking and praying and praying and waiting on God. Maybe

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they were praying out of the book of Psalms. Oh God, you are my God. Early, I will seek you.

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My soul longs for you. My flesh desires you in a dry and thirsty land to see your power and your

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glory. Lord, we want to see your glory and they're all waiting on God and they're all praying. By

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then there's only 120. The rest of them miss their appointment with God, miss their encounter with

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God. I don't know about you, but I don't want to be one of them that misses my appointment with God.

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I want to be right there, right in the middle of all the action.

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And just when you think, just when you get the most depressed, the most discouraged,

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it's just proof. Listen to me, please, listen, please. You are right on the verge of your divine

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appointment, right on the verge of that great group, right on the verge of the birth of that thing.

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So there they are in the upper room, Elvis teaching on the Holy Spirit, all this teaching

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on his ministry, all this teaching on his personality that he's a person with a personality.

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And we thank God for the Holy Ghost. But the Bible says they're all in the upper room and suddenly

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there came a sound from heaven as of a rushing, mighty wind. Karabosaha, a surge. And it filled

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all the house where they were sitting. And the Bible says that there appeared onto them

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cloven tongues like as of fire. I was raised as a good Catholic girl and I liked being Catholic.

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And then I got born again at 19. But how many of you remember when you, the pictures on the wall

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up by the cross where there was these tongues of fire on the top of the disciples heads?

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Right. And the Bible says they appeared onto them cloven tongues like as of fire. And what happened

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next? I want you to understand the emphasis. What happened next? The Holy Spirit is poured out.

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He comes in like a rushing, mighty wind. And the Bible says, and they were all filled with the Holy

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Spirit and began to speak with other tongues as the Spirit gave them utterance. Oh my goodness.

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You feel that? I could feel the Holy Ghost on me right now in a major tangible way.

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So all this emphasis on the Holy Ghost and the very first thing that happened was they were all

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filled with the Holy Ghost and began to speak with other tongues. There is a purpose for your

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prayer language. I am here today to encourage you to stir up the gift of God that is within you.

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Stir up your prayer language. We need you to pray in the spirit, in this season, and in this

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hour. There are times where I believe that we as a people, as a universal church, we've gotten behind

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in our praying in tongues. And we need to catch up. Okay, let's go on. You know that the baptism,

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the Holy Spirit, is separate from the new birth. How many of you know that? The apostles came to a

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group of people just in case there's somebody here and he said, have you received the Holy Ghost

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since you believed? I think it's Acts 19. And they said, we've not so much as heard whether there be

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any Holy Ghost. And the Bible says they were a group of believers and the Scripture says they

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laid hands on them and they began to speak with tongues. The baptism of the Holy Spirit is separate

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from the new birth. When you get born again, the Holy Spirit comes to live on the inside. The Bible

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says that you are the temple, the very sanctuary of the Holy Spirit as God has said, I'll walk in

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them, I'll live in them, and I'll be their God, they'll be my people. But the baptism of the Holy

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Spirit is an experience whereby John 7 38, you ask him for this infilling, this overflow, and out of

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your innermost being flows a bubbling up or an expression of what we call praying in other tongues.

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How many of you remember when you got saved? How many of you were saved first and then got filled

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with the Holy Spirit after? Right? This is how it was with me. And I don't have a clock, so maybe

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you should hand me my phone. This is how it was with me. Oh, thank you. I'm good, I found it.

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This is how it was with me. I got radically saved, radically, in my bedroom at 829. Can I come down

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here, Pastor? 829, North President, Wheaton, Illinois, 60187. The last time I was here, I drove by my

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hometown house. So cool. And I remember getting born again in my bedroom. I was literally delivered

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from the power of darkness and translated into the kingdom of life. It was the first time I heard

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the audible voice of God. And I had wanted to be saved, I didn't know how to be saved, I kept

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asking to be saved, kept praying to be saved. And that night, I don't remember the night, I should

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have wrote it down. But that night, I heard the audible voice of God, I said, what must I do to

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be saved? And I audibly heard him right here. It was like a man speaks to his friend. I heard, only

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believe. How simple is it? And I had something in me broke, and I said, I believe, I felt the

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presence of love. Come on me, felt the love of God. I felt his love, I felt the Father, I felt

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darkness being lifted off of me. I was a complete new creation in Christ. Literally, all things passed

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away. Literally, all things became new. And my best friend at the time, she said, you were one person

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one day, and another person another day. How many of you know what I'm talking about? Love that. Love

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that. I understand we have to renew our mind. And you know, we had to renew our mind. You know,

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I came from the hippie generation. So there were certain ways we dressed. And it took me a couple

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weeks to modify, modesty my dressing. Anybody know what I'm talking about? You'll know them by their

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fruit. So I remember being so happy, so blessed. It was so wonderful to be born again. Remember your

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first love? Remember how wonderful? And I remember I was joined to the Lord and one spirit with him.

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It was such an amazing thing. And I loved him so much. But something on the inside of me said,

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something still missing. Now, when you have Jesus as your Lord and Savior, what could possibly be

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missing? Something on the inside. But you know, I love about the Holy Spirit. He will lead you and

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guide you into all truth. He will show you things to come. He will lead you to Jesus. He will testify

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of Jesus. He will take the things of mine and show it under you. And the Holy Spirit was leading me

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and guiding me. Even though some of the people I was connected with at that moment, they had a little

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bit of a shepherding kind of influence in their quote, church, it didn't matter because the Holy

00:22:22,800 --> 00:22:28,160
Ghost was leading me and guiding me because he knew that they were baptized in the Holy Spirit.

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And what they had, I needed and I wanted in order to be everything God had called me and created

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me to be. It was the power that I needed to go to the next level in God. It was the power that I

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needed to be an anointed minister of God. It was the power that I needed to stand against the wiles

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of the devil. And so I connected with this group of people who were more into the shepherding

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movement. And my girlfriend and I, she got born again too. We went to this church and they were

00:22:59,760 --> 00:23:10,080
all worshiping and singing. And then all of a sudden they did, I will sing with the spirit. Let's do it together.

00:23:30,560 --> 00:23:42,160
They were all singing in the spirit and I never heard anything like it. And it sound like the

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tongues of men and angels just like acts. I heard them speaking the wonderful works of God. It was

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so beautiful. And something on the inside of me, that's what you need. Said that's what you need.

00:23:56,480 --> 00:24:03,280
That's what you want. That's what you desire. It's like pastor said, you're hungry for God.

00:24:03,280 --> 00:24:10,960
You want God. You desire God. That expectation and that hope is going to bring the desires of your

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heart, which is the miraculous to this ministry. I believe that this church is marked for miracles.

00:24:17,680 --> 00:24:26,640
I believe that there is a container of something that's on the inside of your leadership and

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use of people that needs to be broken through and come forth and come out and unwrapped.

00:24:33,520 --> 00:24:38,960
It's that hunger. It's that thirst. And so I went to the leadership after the service. I didn't know

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there was no protocol back then, especially since I had my short shorts on, did no better.

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And you know, I went up to the leadership, my girlfriend and I, and we said, we want that.

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And they went, we thought you would. And they prayed for me and her to be filled with the Holy

00:24:56,880 --> 00:25:00,320
Ghost. And this is what I don't like. And I know you will appreciate it because you traveled to

00:25:00,320 --> 00:25:05,520
other countries. They didn't give me any instruction. See, I'm not into that. You want people to get

00:25:05,520 --> 00:25:08,800
filled with the Holy Ghost, you give them tons of scripture, you show them it's in the Bible.

00:25:08,800 --> 00:25:15,920
And I believe you need to make sure Jesus Christ is Lord of their lives and they have confessed

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to him as Lord and Savior. And then they can get filled with the Holy Ghost because any of us that

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have ever been to other countries, we know what we're talking about. So they didn't give us any

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instruction, which is fine. And they laid hands on us. And I felt the power of God. The president

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saw the Holy Spirit didn't know then what it is, but know now. The Holy Spirit came upon me.

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And I something on something on the inside started to get really big and expand. And I could feel

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something in me, in me. Some people feel something and some people don't. I had something in me,

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I could feel it getting bigger and bigger and bigger. And I sat there with my head down. I

00:26:04,320 --> 00:26:10,960
didn't know what to do with it. Nobody told me you do the speaking. I will pray with the Spirit.

00:26:10,960 --> 00:26:16,800
I will pray with the understanding also. I thought the Holy Spirit would do the speaking.

00:26:16,800 --> 00:26:23,440
Nobody told me that I, it's an act of my will, that the Holy Spirit will not come on you and make

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you say or do something you don't want to say or do. He's a perfect gentleman. So he rises up within

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you and you have to yield to him. How do you yield to him? He uses your voice, your vocal chords.

00:26:38,000 --> 00:26:45,440
You in a sense make up the language, but it's not just you. It's by the Spirit. My Spirit,

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by the Holy Spirit within me, praise. So you yield and you begin to break. You release that language.

00:26:55,040 --> 00:27:03,280
It's the language of heaven. Tongues, tongs. How fun is it? And so they laid hands on us and I'm

00:27:03,280 --> 00:27:08,080
like this, believe it or not, and I've told you this, I'm a very quiet, introverted person.

00:27:10,480 --> 00:27:16,400
I'm like this. Isn't it fun when the Holy Ghost takes a hold of you? He could turn you into another

00:27:16,400 --> 00:27:24,320
man. How many of you know what I'm talking about? So don't ever say you can't do something. You

00:27:24,320 --> 00:27:31,040
can do all things through Christ who strengthens you. There's more in you than you think you have.

00:27:31,040 --> 00:27:36,480
You just got to take that step of faith. You know the Bible, I like what I heard Joyce Meyer say,

00:27:36,480 --> 00:27:41,920
do it afraid. Don't go to this girl right here. Do it afraid. And you step out and you'll do it

00:27:41,920 --> 00:27:46,400
afraid. You'll be like, wow, now I can go to the next level. Now I can take that next mouth.

00:27:46,400 --> 00:27:56,640
All right. So I'm like this. I'm like this, but I felt this bigness. And my girlfriend,

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she's like, she's praying in tongues, really quiet. So I decided I had to say something. It had to

00:28:07,200 --> 00:28:11,360
be something big because what I had on me, I want you to listen to how I'm teaching this. This is

00:28:11,360 --> 00:28:16,000
not on my notes, how it's flowing, but it's good because there's a reason. There was something

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about the bigness of what I had to say that English could not suffice because there was a

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bigness. There was a level. There was a need. There was an expression of something on the inside

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of me that had to come forth up out of my mouth. And I knew I had it, but I didn't know how to say

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it. So the biggest word I could think of when in that moment, the biggest word was, oh, God,

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you are so outrageous. But see, that didn't satisfy my heart. And think about that word

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is big. God, you're outrageous. You're magnificent. But outrageous is a pretty big word.

00:29:04,400 --> 00:29:10,720
But there was something more. There was a greater expression. Something else had to be released.

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That's what I feel where the church is right now. There's something more, something bigger.

00:29:15,120 --> 00:29:19,760
Something else has got to be released. We don't understand. I could teach you for 10 hours on

00:29:19,760 --> 00:29:24,560
the Holy Spirit and so on and so forth in tongues. But there's something on the in, when you release

00:29:24,560 --> 00:29:31,840
that language of heaven, your words go way beyond anything you have to say in your nong tongue.

00:29:31,840 --> 00:29:38,720
It is the language of heaven and things are speeded up. God wants to speed things up.

00:29:38,720 --> 00:29:42,880
We're a crossroad. He wants to speed it up. He wants us to get through that door.

00:29:45,440 --> 00:29:52,640
So I got in my car and I said, I have something. So what I did was when I was by myself,

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this is where the introvert part comes in. By myself, I just started speaking in tongues.

00:30:01,120 --> 00:30:29,040
Let's do it together. I began to speak with other tongues as the Spirit gave me entrance.

00:30:29,040 --> 00:30:36,160
My spirit by the Holy Spirit. Did you understand what you were saying? The Bible says when a person

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speaks in an unknown tongue, amplified says, I don't even know what I don't understand what I'm

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saying. So this is what we do as intellectual people and as really smart people. We don't know

00:30:47,840 --> 00:30:58,800
what we're saying so we don't exercise it. But we need to stir up the gift of God that

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is in us. Let's go on. When you pray in tongues, let's go to Romans 8. We could actually quote it,

00:31:11,680 --> 00:31:16,960
but let's look at it. Romans 8, when you're praying in tongues, you're praying in line with God's

00:31:16,960 --> 00:31:30,160
perfect will. Are you listening? Romans 8. Teaching anointing on us today, right? Equip the saints.

00:31:31,680 --> 00:31:39,360
Equip the saints. This says here in verse 26, likewise, the Spirit also helps in our weaknesses.

00:31:39,360 --> 00:31:47,440
For we do not know what to pray as we ought. How are we going to get through that open door? What is

00:31:47,440 --> 00:31:54,160
the key? Holy Ghost knows what the key is. Even this, what is that open door? Holy Ghost knows

00:31:54,160 --> 00:31:59,520
what it is. This is the beauty of praying in tongues. You could pray in tongues about something

00:32:00,560 --> 00:32:07,200
15 years ago for a season. And then now in this season, you're walking in it.

00:32:07,200 --> 00:32:16,000
Yeah. Remember, my friends, there's no time and no distance in the Spirit. There are things that I

00:32:16,000 --> 00:32:25,280
am walking in now that I prayed out when I graduated in 1979 from Ramah Bible Training Center.

00:32:26,640 --> 00:32:32,640
You see what I'm saying? There's no time or no distance in the Spirit. That's why we walk by

00:32:32,640 --> 00:32:39,920
faith and not by sight. When I graduated from Ramah Bible Training Center, I was not the kind of girl

00:32:39,920 --> 00:32:46,240
that went on a lot of dates. I don't know why. I just wasn't. You know, because God will preserve you

00:32:46,240 --> 00:32:52,240
and protect you from hurt and pain and sorrow. So if you don't have a guy in your life right now,

00:32:52,240 --> 00:32:58,160
trust in the Lord with all of your heart. Lean not to your own understanding. In all your ways,

00:32:58,160 --> 00:33:02,880
acknowledge Him. He'll bring you to the right person at the right time at the right place.

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He that finds a wife finds good.

00:33:12,880 --> 00:33:18,000
And so what I did on my weekends is I prayed in tongues. Now I said this to somebody in there

00:33:18,000 --> 00:33:22,240
blown away. And I'm going to say it to you, not because I don't even care. Not on bragging or

00:33:22,240 --> 00:33:26,160
anything. You guys know my heart. But I prayed in tongues. I walked the floors. I prayed in tongues

00:33:26,160 --> 00:33:34,160
for two hours. I said, Lord, go before me and prepare the way. Make the crooked ways straight.

00:33:34,160 --> 00:33:39,040
The rough places plain. I pray that you'd go before me. I didn't know what else to pray.

00:33:39,040 --> 00:33:44,560
I never dreamed I'd be preaching or teaching or the first woman in multiple pulpits on the east

00:33:44,560 --> 00:33:48,960
coast. Who would have ever thought this girl with hair out to here and nails out to there

00:33:48,960 --> 00:33:55,920
that God would annoy and give favor to. It's almost crazy. It's the foolish things of this

00:33:55,920 --> 00:34:02,640
world that God takes to confound the wise. And so I would just pray, Father, go before me, prepare

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hours, days and weeks over and over and over, months, a couple of years, worked in a church,

00:34:10,400 --> 00:34:15,520
did what I had to do, but still always, Father, go before me. Prepare the way. And you know what?

00:34:15,520 --> 00:34:20,480
By the time I got to the east coast, do you know, you talk about the mountains in the hills,

00:34:20,480 --> 00:34:25,040
breaking forth into singing in the trees of the field, clapping their hands and doors of

00:34:25,040 --> 00:34:30,720
utterance just opening. These doors just started opening. They didn't even know me. I'm not even

00:34:30,720 --> 00:34:35,200
from the east coast, but you know, God knows what he's doing. And he said, I'm going to plant this

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one over here. I'm going to plant that one over there. And it's for his purposes. Because God has

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set in the church. And so doors just began to open and one after another and after another,

00:34:47,040 --> 00:34:53,520
had all this favor and big hair, long nails, the whole thing going on. And I'm calm now,

00:34:53,520 --> 00:35:02,480
but I used to scream a lot back then. Why? You live and learn. And the Holy Spirit will take

00:35:02,480 --> 00:35:08,160
your gift and he will polish you. And he will make your tongue like the pen of a ready rider.

00:35:08,160 --> 00:35:16,160
He will mold you and shape you. Just take that step of faith. So one day somebody said to me,

00:35:16,160 --> 00:35:20,320
why, how are you getting all these doors? Because, you know, people are passing out cards.

00:35:20,320 --> 00:35:26,400
See, I'm not into that. I'm the person that I am the kind of person in the natural,

00:35:26,400 --> 00:35:31,920
that I can full force go straight ahead when I've heard from God. But I'm also the kind of person

00:35:31,920 --> 00:35:36,080
that if I'm not careful, I can fly the other way. Because I get scared.

00:35:38,800 --> 00:35:42,720
I get like, you can't do it. I don't want to do it. I don't want to leave my love.

00:35:42,720 --> 00:35:53,120
I don't want to leave my mind alone. Do you see what I'm saying? So you just,

00:35:53,120 --> 00:35:57,840
so I'm like the kind of person that promotes myself. I just like to sit back and go let the

00:35:57,840 --> 00:36:03,840
Lord build a house. If God's not in it, I don't want it. Because I'm not going to be anointed.

00:36:03,840 --> 00:36:14,800
It's going to be hell. I don't want it. You said, Lord, I will go wherever you send me. I will go.

00:36:16,160 --> 00:36:25,120
I will follow you, Lord, wherever you tell me to go. Days are approaching now. When you'll tap

00:36:25,120 --> 00:36:34,400
into a greater source of power, and you will go and flow. Don't be afraid of their faces,

00:36:34,400 --> 00:36:41,360
but step into all that I have for you. Because it's not by mind. It's not by power. It's by my

00:36:41,360 --> 00:36:49,520
spirit. For the harvest is plenious, and the labors are few. And this is the time, and this is

00:36:49,520 --> 00:36:56,880
the season for you to step into all that I would have you to do. So don't pull back, but step into

00:36:56,880 --> 00:37:05,680
all, and you will see there will be a great harvest. Yeah, even this fall, it is the dawn of a new day

00:37:05,680 --> 00:37:20,640
for my people. So step in, step in, and walk in the fullness of what I've called you to do.

00:37:20,640 --> 00:37:25,120
Someone said to me, how did you get all those speaking engagements? And one day the Lord spoke

00:37:25,120 --> 00:37:31,280
to me, and he said, you know how that happened? And I said, how? He said, you did all that praying,

00:37:31,280 --> 00:37:36,720
and all that preparation, all that praying in tongues. It made the crooked way straight,

00:37:36,720 --> 00:37:41,520
the highway was built for our God. It was easy for you to step into it because you did the work

00:37:41,520 --> 00:37:51,520
and the labor in the spirit by praying in tongues. Oh, but I don't understand what I'm saying.

00:37:51,520 --> 00:38:00,320
Doesn't matter. Destiny and eternity, Ecclesiastes 3, is in your heart. When you're praying in tongues,

00:38:00,320 --> 00:38:06,080
you are praying out of destiny. You are praying out of what God has called you to be. You are

00:38:06,080 --> 00:38:11,360
praying about what God has called you to do. Destiny is in your heart. What does that mean?

00:38:11,360 --> 00:38:18,960
No time, like we said, no distance. You're praying the purpose. We speak the wisdom of God

00:38:18,960 --> 00:38:27,200
in a mystery. That's good teaching. Thank you, Jesus.

00:38:27,200 --> 00:38:34,240
Okay, Romans 8 says, we don't know what we should pray for as we ought, but the Spirit Himself,

00:38:34,240 --> 00:38:38,400
who's a very intelligent being, who before you were ever formed in your mother's womb,

00:38:38,400 --> 00:38:43,280
he knew you and knows what's inside of you, and knows what's inside your children, and knows what

00:38:43,280 --> 00:38:48,240
he wants to do in Bartlett, Illinois, and knows what he wants to do through these various ministries,

00:38:49,120 --> 00:38:55,680
the Spirit Himself, the really smart one, the one who helped organize and caused the plan of

00:38:55,680 --> 00:39:02,640
redemption to come to pass. With all those imperfect people, still came to pass. The Spirit Himself,

00:39:03,360 --> 00:39:14,320
Himself, Himself, the Spirit Himself, Him. Remember, it's Him, not of us. It's Him. Our part is to

00:39:14,320 --> 00:39:19,440
yield. That's why praying in tongues is so easy. All I have to do is open my mouth,

00:39:19,440 --> 00:39:29,920
and pray in the Holy Ghost. The Spirit Himself makes intercession for us with

00:39:29,920 --> 00:39:36,000
groanings which cannot be uttered. Now look here. Now, He who searches the hearts knows what is the

00:39:36,000 --> 00:39:43,360
mind of the Spirit, because He makes intercession for the saints according to, and Pastor knows this,

00:39:43,360 --> 00:39:50,960
if it's in italics, it was put in there by the translators, according to God. Or you can say

00:39:50,960 --> 00:39:57,280
according to the will of God. And then what happens when we pray in the Spirit, that all things begin

00:39:57,280 --> 00:40:03,440
to work together for the good to those who love God and are called according to His purpose.

00:40:07,200 --> 00:40:12,800
Now, listen to this. If praying in tongues is praying according to the will of God,

00:40:12,800 --> 00:40:16,480
what does 1 John 5, 14, and 15 say?

00:40:23,360 --> 00:40:37,120
And this is what the confidence that we have in Him, in who? In Him. That if we ask anything

00:40:37,120 --> 00:40:52,400
according to His will, we know that He hears us. And we speak not unto men, but unto God. And if we

00:40:52,400 --> 00:40:58,720
know that He hears us, we know that we know that we know that we know that we know that we know.

00:40:59,440 --> 00:41:06,560
We have the petitions we desire of Him. I said it before, I'll say it again. When you pray in

00:41:06,560 --> 00:41:15,280
tongues, you're praying His plan, His purposes, His will, His purpose for your family, for your

00:41:15,280 --> 00:41:22,400
children, for your church. I'm going to take five more minutes. Anytime God wants to initiate His

00:41:22,400 --> 00:41:28,000
plan, He will inspire His people, especially His leaders, to spend more quality time in prayer,

00:41:28,000 --> 00:41:34,880
in general, and especially this kind of praying. Whenever I find myself in an indecisive place,

00:41:34,880 --> 00:41:40,480
like we did with KIU, I shut everything down so I'm not doing anything, because something's not

00:41:40,480 --> 00:41:48,800
right. And I just spent a long time praying in tongues. And it took about six months of waiting

00:41:48,800 --> 00:41:52,960
and praying in tongues, because I didn't know how to deal with it. I know that the vision was there.

00:41:52,960 --> 00:41:58,160
I know it's for an appointed time, but something's like something. I don't know how to put my finger

00:41:58,160 --> 00:42:04,720
on it. February of 2018, after six months of 2017, of waiting on God, especially with our KIU, which

00:42:04,720 --> 00:42:15,120
is corporate prayer, so on and so forth. Suddenly, God just began to give me ideas, plans, purposes.

00:42:15,120 --> 00:42:23,280
I had a fresh anointing. Everything changed. It seemed like overnight. But it came from all those

00:42:23,280 --> 00:42:27,360
months of praying, because this is the thing. When you pray in tongues, you pray in the Spirit

00:42:27,360 --> 00:42:34,960
about a decision, or whatever. Eventually, when you get to that place, a breakthrough, and so on,

00:42:34,960 --> 00:42:39,840
I don't know how the whole thing works, but he will cause your thoughts to become agreeable

00:42:39,840 --> 00:42:51,360
with his thoughts, and then your plans will succeed. When you pray in tongues, there's no

00:42:51,360 --> 00:42:59,120
pride involved, no reason, no selfish ambition. It is a pure language that originates from the

00:42:59,120 --> 00:43:05,440
heart of God back to the heart of God, and he accomplishes his will in the earth, or on the

00:43:05,440 --> 00:43:10,480
behalf of another in your life when you release it. Then Bill Hammond said, and I'm going to read

00:43:10,480 --> 00:43:15,760
you something, and we're going to close. Bill Hammond said, those who have been born of the

00:43:15,760 --> 00:43:21,760
Spirit and baptized with the Spirit receive a prayer language. This gives the believer a

00:43:21,760 --> 00:43:30,000
private communication line direct to God's throne. It's like having one's only personal,

00:43:30,000 --> 00:43:40,560
private cell phone to heaven. When you pray in tongues, you are praying God's solutions to

00:43:40,560 --> 00:43:50,000
problems. You are praying God's answers to questions. I have a question about this,

00:43:50,000 --> 00:43:56,720
praying the Holy Ghost. Please don't get mad at me for saying this, but praying the Holy Ghost,

00:43:56,720 --> 00:44:02,880
a lot. The Apostle Paul said, I think my God, I speak in tongues more than you all. Listen,

00:44:02,880 --> 00:44:08,320
he wrote two thirds of the New Testament. He was such a powerful man of God that he had so much

00:44:08,320 --> 00:44:13,040
revelation. Brother Hagin said, he's found that in his life and ministry, the more he prays in

00:44:13,040 --> 00:44:20,400
tongues, the more he saw manifestations of the Holy Ghost. I don't understand all the secrets and

00:44:20,400 --> 00:44:25,280
the mysteries of the things of the kingdom, but I do know this. If the Holy Spirit, when he was

00:44:25,280 --> 00:44:29,680
poured out, the first thing that manifested was tongues, I think we need, isn't there such a

00:44:29,680 --> 00:44:37,280
thing as the law of first mention? We need to take heed. I'm going to close with this. A friend of

00:44:37,280 --> 00:44:50,560
mine wrote this book, Don Allen, and he got Angelique saved. Angelique was like John Ramirez.

00:44:50,560 --> 00:44:54,720
Remember we talked about John Ramirez last time I was here? She was like John Ramirez. She was

00:44:54,720 --> 00:45:04,640
pretty high level in the dark side. Can I just tell you, it's out there. I've encountered it in my

00:45:04,640 --> 00:45:12,160
own meetings. I've encountered it in my city. They're out there. They're out there. Let's not put

00:45:12,160 --> 00:45:16,320
our head in the sand. See, this is the thing. We have everything that we need. The Bible says we

00:45:16,320 --> 00:45:22,560
have divine equipment given to us by God to overcome and pull down stronghold.

00:45:24,560 --> 00:45:30,720
Oh, let's just go to church and let's just find out how we can be successful. Really?

00:45:30,720 --> 00:45:39,600
How about success in the mind of God? In the mind of God, true success is not measured in earthly

00:45:39,600 --> 00:45:46,080
realms. It's measured in heavenly realms. My daughter who's in Bible school and just graduated,

00:45:46,080 --> 00:45:49,200
she was like, I just feel like I'm not doing anything. She set up this whole thing for her

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church and province. I go, Dendinia, you can't measure yourself against the natural. How many

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people got saved and I love my city? That's what God looks at. So Angelique got saved under Don

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Allen's ministry and they were with her. And this is what Angelique said. And she, you know,

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like Ramirez, she's exposing the dark side. Rather, have no fellowship with the unfruitful works of

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darkness. What does the scripture say? Rather, expose them. So here she's exposing some things

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that they know about us. She said, Angelique later explained to us that they, witches know all too

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well the power of the Holy Spirit and tongues. She explained that when Christians speak in tongues,

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there are always supernatural results. The enemy fears you. He fears the church praying in the Holy

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Ghost because it demolishes his strategies. It aborts his plans. You're speaking for God,

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my spirit by the Holy Spirit. It's a prayer according to Revelation 5.8 that goes up before the throne

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room and it produces results. There are always supernatural results cause and effect. Just as

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their spells produce results, she said that when Christians speak in tongues, they, that they, witches,

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do not know what to do with that. They don't understand how to combat that. She said, we know

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all the languages of the world, but we just can't figure that one out. And so we don't know how to

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come against someone who is baptized in the Holy Spirit, who speaks in tongues. And then she said,

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that's why I have to have it. It's the only way to combat evil forces. I'm not going to stop.

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I'm not quitting. I'm going to keep moving. We're going to keep preaching. We're going to keep

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plowing. We're going to keep going through every door that God has for us. Come hell, high water,

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sink, swim. We have each other. We have one another. We prefer one another. Your pastor even sometimes

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corrects me. I'm good with that. We got to keep moving. There is ground to be gained. There are

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things to accomplish. God has a plan for your life. He has a plan for this church. He has a plan for

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the universal church. Let's stand. Thank you for listening to the Purpose Project podcast.

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