May 29, 2024

Spirit Guided Prayer Part 1

Spirit Guided Prayer Part 1

In this gripping part 1 of "Spirit Guided Prayer," host Margie Fleurant shares a deeply personal and transformative experience from a recent prayer event in Brick, New Jersey. Join Margie as she candidly discusses the frustration she felt when attendees, despite extensive teachings on prayer, weren't actively engaging in it.

Margie recounts the pivotal moment when she decided to abandon traditional teaching for a more immersive prayer session. Listen as she describes the powerful shift that occurred when her team and attendees embraced a week-long prayer burden, leading to an extraordinary session filled with intense, spirit-led travail.

Discover what it means to be truly moved by the inner workings of the Holy Spirit, as Margie and her team experience a profound force of prayer that left them physically and emotionally overwhelmed. This episode is a testament to the unpredictable yet impactful nature of faith and prayer.

Tune in to explore the raw and unfiltered journey of connecting with divine purpose through the power of collective prayer. Whether you're a seasoned believer or new to the practice, Margie's story will inspire you to dive deeper into your spiritual journey and embrace the unexpected ways God directs our steps.

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The Purpose Project

Spirit Guided Prayer Part 1


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The effectual fervent prayer of a righteous man avails much God will put the prayer in your heart to pray so that he can answer it.

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It goes into the hearts of the people. Does it return void? It produces results.

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I have a very dear friend of mine, a dear sister of mine with me tonight. I think our relationship probably goes back as far as really being close and intimate, probably about 12 years or so.

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But I actually met her like back in the mid 90s. We met in passing when she came as a traveling minister or visiting minister to a church in Raway, New Jersey that I was an elder of way back then.

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And we just met in passing but didn't really connect. But about 12 years ago, I think we actually connected. And through the years we've become much closer. This is Prophet Margie Flora.

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Now, I know a lot of you that watch me on Facebook and on YouTube, you know Margie. She's been with me many times over the last several years.

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But for some of you on Kingdom First, you don't know her. Maybe if you were at the recent convergence that we had in Houston, Texas, you may have met her because she ended up leading intercessory prayer before some of the sessions while we were in Houston.

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So my dear sister, for those that may not know you, would you be so kind as to introduce yourself and talk a little bit about your background and your ministry before we jump into our discussion tonight.

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Well, thank you, Michael for having me. Hello everybody.

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For those of you that are new, it's nice to meet you all. I am a traveling itinerant speaker God sent me full time to these coast in 1981 to teach on prayer.

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But I did teach on other things as well. I'm an author and my most recent book if you don't mind is contend, Stewarding the Hearts and Destiny's of our Children in Prayer. And it's a book on how to pray for your children.

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It's packed with scriptures and verses and stories and I talk about the three dimensions of prayer. I talk about prayer alerts, spirit led prayer. It's just, it's really one of my most favorite books that I've written I have others called Focus,

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I want to develop the habit of prayer, and so on and so forth you can find out more about my books on I have an Instagram account, margie flurant Facebook account, Margie flurant ministries.

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And I'm excited I'm excited about the season that we're in. And I'm thrilled to be here with you tonight and I look forward to the content of what we've decided we're going to share about.

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Awesome, awesome. Now, sis, I've known you again for quite a while, and I have been in your meetings I've been in your K IU events, and I've partnered with you and worked with you.

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And you're one of the best teachers that I know in this era on prayer. And when I listen to you. A lot of times it's like listening to dad Hagan, I know you receive much of his prayer mantle, and his prayer heart and it's like listening to him.

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I listen to you teach, but through the years that I've known you here of recent. I'm watching something new. That's happening within your ministry. And I'm seeing some new things that are emerging within your ministry that you've not done before, even in teaching on prayer and in leading prayer that you've

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not done before. So what I want you to do is do a little bit of kind of what you've been doing with prayer, and then move into this new phenomenon there. There's our dear friend Renee.

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And then it popped out with two hearts. Yeah, and then you can, I want you to transition into this new phenomenon that God is doing with you, which is the spirit guided prayer and how you're leading prayer in this new way.

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And when I came to the East Coast God, God spoke to me and said I want you to teach my people in this region on prayer because people had not did not know anything about prayer.

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And he said my house will be called a house of prayer and I'm calling you to bring that particular message to the light so that was in in 1980 and after we did some teaching the Lord spoke to me and gave me a scripture out of Zachariah.

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And I'm going to go ahead and read it because when I found this tonight I was, it was brought back so many memories this was our, our scripture that we use for what I was doing and that was United prayer meetings is what we called them.

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We would gather churches in the region, like Chicago or York, Pennsylvania, or Sayerville, New Jersey, just different regions. We would gather the churches together and the pastors, I would teach, and then we would pray, and the vision that was jump started off of this scripture in Zachariah 820.

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The, the says the Lord people shall come inhabitants of many cities, the inhabitants of one city shall say to another saying, let us continue to go and pray before the Lord, and seek the Lord of hosts, I myself will go.

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The peoples and strong nations shall come and seek the Lord of hosts in Jerusalem. And we know this is talking about Jerusalem, but this was a Ramah word to me, and the Ramah word was I want you to call pastors and leaders and churches together from the different areas of different

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cities within that one particular area and call them together and lead corporate prayer. And you know how it is Michael when you, when you're not a pastor, you're traveling minister, you have a lot of relationships with a lot of leaders and they come to trust you and they're not threatened and they know you're going to do the right

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by by them and you're going to teach the Bible and not some kind of crazy theology. And so we did that for a while and it to be honest it was fun, and people absolutely entered in and it was good.

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And then we, I stopped that for a while and I went into another in another vein, and then after a while the Lord brought back that vision again. And he said to me, I want you to gather churches and intercessors into a neutral place, gather them together for the purpose of corporate

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prayer, strengthening in the word of God and relationship building. And so I did that. I don't even know how many years we did it I did it. And the teaching, Michael was powerful. We actually have a kingdom intercessors united website that we've continued to hold on to.

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And I mean the teaching was really, really powerful. But when it came to the prayer part, people would fizzle out.

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Oh, how well I remember.

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And you know, I just, I got to be honest, it kind of frustrated me because I thought, this is what I thought I thought they should know better I just taught on prayer just taught on praying in the spirit I just taught on prayer for the nation and what it'll produce it just taught on using your

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prayer. They got to just do it, and people weren't doing it. And so I continued in that until the very last meeting we had and you were there.

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We had a prayer event. It was in brick New Jersey, and we picked up on a prayer burden that my team had already been feeling a week prior to that KU event.

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And we went into that KU event. We started, we did something different instead of teaching I said I'm not teaching, not doing it because by then I was getting all.

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I don't know.

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I was getting frustrated. So I'm like, I'm not teaching we're going to pray that's what we're going to do we're going to pray. So we kind of did something a little different because you know how it is.

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And when you start out God gives you a vision, a man plans as ways, but the Lord directs the steps. So you take that step of faith you have a vision, you see what God wants to do but you got to figure it out.

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So that very last KU event we had, we all had a prayer burden for about a week. And when we went into that particular meeting and you were there.

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And we were praying and praying and tongues, and we were weighed down. And we were like entering into what I call the inner workings of the Holy Spirit, you were entering in.

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There was a force of prayer and I can remember stopping and looking at everybody going, What are we praying about. And we didn't know.

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It was, it was actually heavy travail. I was actually amazed because I was doubled over, you know, in travail. And the next thing I know there's a microphone in my hand, because I've literally hit me so heavy inside, and I was groaning into the microphone.

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You know, a lot of people don't even know what travail is. But you mean, it was very intense. And I know in retrospect now. I remember it was, it was March. It was the beginning of March.

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And it was what the it was right before the pandemic.

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What are we before. Yeah. And I think that's probably what we were prevailing about and groaning about was about what was about to be released on the nation and the world.

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Right. But we didn't know it at that time.

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But you facilitated that. And you allowed for that travail to come forth. I think that's the first time in a public meeting that I've ever seen a leader give somebody a mic.

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And it was actually prevailing in the spirit, because most of the time people want to like, just, just, just, you know, go in the back room somewhere, and you actually kind of brought it front and center.

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Right, because we were in the spirit. We were we were yielding over to the inner workings of the Holy Spirit, it was from the inside out. And we needed to give voice to that that that kind of praying needed to have expression.

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You know, we honestly, I told you this we didn't we did not release that particular prayer event because that would have been too much for the public in general.

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But that was a powerful meeting so then the pandemic hit. And then we went into like this all this isolation.

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And then last year, I started to, the only way I could describe it is I felt like I was flat lined. We released a book, I was still teaching, still preaching, we were anointed doing Facebook live, all kinds of things with a lot of a lot of fruit,

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you know, on the outside, but on the inside, and you know what I mean, I felt flat lined, and I felt like God was wanting to do a new thing and I didn't know what it was. So I had a friend of mine come come to me and he pastors, a church and he's got three campuses.

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And he said, I want to know if you would be open to doing prayer events at my church once a month. And to be honest, I thought to myself, I just don't know that I could do that again.

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It's just a lot of work. It's hard getting people to pray. It's, it's, it's, it's tiring.

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Okay. And I didn't know if I wanted to do it. So I went ahead and on a Monday I spent the entire day with God, and how do you do that you pray in tongues, you worship, you look you read your Bible praying tongues pray I spent the entire day with God.

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And I said, Lord, you know, what do you want me to do. And I ended up calling a friend of mine, some of you may know her she's one of my best friends, Mary Alice is love and if you don't know who she is Google her, and she's got an amazing book on prayer and other other things.

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So I called Mary Alice, it just felt in my heart, call Mary Alice, and I hadn't spoken to her in a while, and I called Mary Alice and I said, I told her what the pastor wanted me to do. And I said, I'll do it.

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I said, but I don't even know where to begin. I don't even know if I want to do this, because it's, it's, it's, it's been so frustrating.

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Long story short, she really spoke into my life for like 45 minutes, and she said to me you've got to get the spirit of prayer on the whole body, the whole church, not just the five intercessors that are there as a matter of fact, most churches didn't have any intercessors.

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In general, any place I ever went, they didn't have intercessors people stopped praying, Michael, he people stopped praying they were discouraged. And here we pioneered, we did all this work, did all this teaching, and I was really grieved about it.

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So Mary Alice says we have to have a different mindset. We have to have the mindset that we're going to, that that we're going to get the spirit of prayer on the whole house on the whole church on the whole ministry.

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It's not going to be you're going to go in and raise up 10 intercessors. No, the intercessor is that body. It's and this is what we decided to call it. It's like book of acts prayer.

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They all prayed together. They all prayed at once. Everybody had the spirit of prayer wasn't just a few people. And it wasn't just a department.

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Right. It was everyone, everyone had that spirit of prayer. And so she really changed my thought process and change the way I looked at leading corporate United Prayer.

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I went into one of the first meetings in January, and that very first meeting, I shared the vision, I taught only maybe 12 minutes, because I do have to teach a little bit I can't just not teach you got to teach and demonstrate.

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And that's what the Lord said to me, I've called you to demonstrate prayer. I don't want you. And that's one thing that Mary Alice said she says you got to demonstrate it.

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She goes, Oh, what do you mean? She goes, you, you got to just demonstrate show them how. So when they get tired, you go, come on, you're getting tired. Let's stir ourselves up.

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Or if they're, if they're sensing a burden, I explained to them what you have right now is a burden and that's why there's a heaviness.

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Don't give into that. That's the spirit of prayer, the spirit of grace and supplication yield over to it.

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So when I went into these meetings at this particular church, I just taught for a few minutes, and then led these individuals and by the way the pastor was is there, his wife is there and the entire staff.

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We started out with about 40 people 4050 people.

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And I led them into prayer. And that's when this new new thing started. And I have to tell you honest to God, I was so happy, because I needed the help of the Holy Spirit.

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I didn't need to be working it. I didn't need to be laboring. I needed help. And the Holy Spirit is the helper, the comforter, the strengthener, the guide.

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And as I was leading them into prayer, I, I suddenly started to operate as a seer. And I've operated as a seer like when I'm preaching, just a little bit here a little bit there, I'll see something and I'll tell what I'll tell them what I see.

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But this was different. This was, I'm leading prayer, and now I'm operating as a seer, and I'm telling them what I'm seeing. And let's pray into that.

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And one of the first things that happened in that guided prayer, I call it Book of Acts prayer, was, I said to them, I forget, I didn't have to look at my notes, what the first, the purpose of the very first meeting was, the second I know is praying for the

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the prodigals, the first one, oh, the first one we decided to let the Holy Spirit give us the theme. And I remember it was praying through the body of Christ. So we got that theme from him immediately. And then when we were in that place of prayer and praying all of a sudden, I saw, I saw the Lord.

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I saw him. I, his face was fuzzy. It wasn't like he came to me like in an open vision, but I knew it was the Lord. He was, he was, he was right there. And I saw him coming in into the room, like a king.

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And we prayed and we worshiped, and then it switched. And then I saw him as the prince of peace. Don't ask me how I know, but you know how you just know when you're operating.

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And I said, if you need peace, you know, when you, when you pray, you become what you behold. So let's behold the prince of peace. And let's look into his face. And let's just honor him and worship him.

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And so we did that for a while. And then we prayed into the body of Christ.

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And then we had us. I had a, I was asked to speak at love and unity, not speak by ask, I was asked to lead prayer. And that's when it really got intense, because, and I wasn't expecting that to happen.

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I wasn't expecting, you know, I just wasn't expecting it to happen. I thought, All right, well, what's the worst, worst case scenario, right?

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And he's praying times.

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He's praying times for 30 minutes, right? Which, you know, I don't have to do anything. And so I just sat and I was at peace and I was at rest.

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And we started to pray, we entered into worship and tongues. And then, and then I started to see again.

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And then I saw the body of Christ. And I saw the body of Christ running.

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See, I could feel the Holy Ghost.

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And they were running like in a race. And they were running down the road and running, running, running, like, like runners would run in a marathon.

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And they were running, running, running. So I said to the those in attendance, they said, This is what I'm saying, we're they're running the race. These are believers.

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And then the scripture says,

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We should lay aside every weight and the sin that would so easily be set us and let us what run the race that set before us looking onto Jesus, the author and the finisher of our faith. I said, So let's pray for these runners.

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I said, Let's pray for these runners. And I literally Michael could see them running, running, running. And then I saw some of them fall to the wayside.

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So I said to, to the end of those that were in attendance. I said, There's several falling to the wayside. We're almost 15 one Galatians six to let's pray for them. Let's lift them up with the idea of completely removing that which is hindering them off of them.

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And so we started to pray for those that were running, and then we're falling to the wayside. And we prayed and we prayed and we prayed in tongues, because when you don't know how to pray, then you pray in the Holy Ghost.

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And then I saw the runners and they were running and running and running, we prayed into that prayed into that, prayed into it so we got a release kept praying and praying and praying.

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And then it shifted. And then it shifted into, I saw the runners, and I looked at your page, you just had somebody on your on your, I guess you interviewed someone who was talking about passing the torch, or the baton.

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It's coming up. I'm going to do her, her program on Fridays, two weeks in a row, I think it's the eighth and whatever seven days after that is I think. But yeah, we're going to talk about passing the baton and I'm going to be her guest.

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And so, Kim, up in Canada, wonderful. So we are praying for the runners. We were praying for the body that was running, laying aside the weights, those that were falling to the wayside, then it shifted, and it shifted gears.

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Then I saw the runners with the baton in their hands, except the baton wasn't like a normal baton. I have a baton in my office downstairs. It wasn't like a normal baton. It was a baton, but it was a fiery baton.

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It was just like a torch. So it was on fire. And I saw the runners passing the baton, and the Lord said, the Lord said, these runners are those that have run the race, and have been faithful and true and more matured, and now they're passing the baton to the next

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So then we prayed into that.

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And it was so easy, because there was such an anointing there, that it was the spirit of prayer that had come upon all of us. It wasn't like we were working it, and we were tired, we were bored.

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It was just a vibrant, real manifestation of the spirit of prayer, and we were able to express it, because man is God's avenue into the earth. So unless we express it, unless we give voice to that which God wants to do, God can't do what he wants to do.

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So I'm hearing you talk about this, and I'm hearing this phrase, partnering with the spirit.

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And what happened in Houston was, as you were leading the prayer, that the spirit of God was prompting you by what you saw, and what you declared, and when you said, all right, let's pray into this.

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And we know the Romans 826 and 27, when we don't know how to pray as we ought, which is often, we don't know how to pray as we ought. One of my daughters reached out to me the other night, and she asked me to pray, and I said, what's going on?

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And she told me, and I'm like, well, honey, I don't know how to pray for that. I'm going to have to pray in the spirit, because I can't think of chapter and verse for this.

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And, you know, often we don't know how to pray as we, but the spirit himself, he grabs hold together with us.

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And he helps us when we are incapable in ourselves to pray like we should. And he's guiding you, you're facilitating now.

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Yeah, it's different.

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Instead of just instructing in prayer like you did in the KIU events, and then you would lead prayer, and you would start praying, you would have a handful that would pray with you, and you'd have 100 people standing there watching you.

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Right. I'm not into that. I'm not into watching.

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And this is different what I'm watching God do. You're now facilitating by what you're seeing, what you're declaring, but because that spirit of prayer, I hear you call it grace and supplication.

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Spirit of grace and supplication.

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I heard you say that once. I'm sure I've heard you say it at least 100 times here recently. But that seems to be what God's doing is he's leading the body into that. And as we yield to the Holy Ghost, we literally become partners together with him.

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And so it's really a whole new way of praying.

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It used to be we would, we would, you know, we'd have our piece of paper and our pen, and we would write our prayer list, and then go through and go check, check, check. This is totally different. This is a whole new way to pray.

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Well, especially in corporate prayer, when you have the whole body there together. Here's another thing that the spirit of God just reminded me of when I was in the particular that particular church I'm actually going to be there tomorrow night leading, leading guided prayer book of axe bears like I said we're calling it.

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I saw, I saw the job that that region, we're in that church, but the church represents the region, correct. And I saw a door, and I saw the door and I told everyone right now I'm seeing a door, and I saw the door, and I said and it's cracked open just about like this much.

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And then I quoted a few scripture gods that I've set before you an open door and no man can shut it Paul said, a great door and effectional has been open there are many hindrances. And then I saw four spirits.

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Got it.

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Standing in front of that door, trying to keep us from entering in.

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Okay. So I said I see four spirits and I was in the so in the spirit that I didn't. I wasn't intimidated or looking around, everyone was with me. They were with me.

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There was a hat that spirit of people call it the weighty presence of God was on the, all the people.

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And there's four spirits is trying to keep us from entering into that door, we're going to pray into that. So we took, I took, we took authority and I had them repeat certain things after me, took authority over those spirits and then we prayed in the Holy ghost, prayed in the Holy ghost, prayed in the Holy ghost,

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and it got heavy. I said, that's your contending with the adversary now. So that's why you feel that heaviness, and you feel struggle. This is not the time to draw back. This is a time to press in.

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And those of you that have heard me minister before, you've heard me read about the Don Allen's book, seven days with the witch. And one of the things that she revealed about the kingdom of darkness is that when believers prayed in tongues, prayed in the Holy ghost, we were demolishing

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their plans and their purposes. They didn't understand how but they knew that we had a power, and they did not like it when we prayed in tongues.

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So when I saw those four spirits standing in front of that door, we use the name of Jesus we took authority like we normally would right and then prayer meeting whatever.

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And then, but I saw them. I saw them leave. Eventually, they had to get that there are many a great door and effectual has been open but there's many adversaries, those four adversaries were pushed to the side.

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Why, because prayer opens up the door for God to work, because the effectual fervent prayer of a righteous man avails much, because we have all power and authority on this earth to bind into loose.

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We are the body of Christ. He's given us power to tread on serpents and scorpions and over all the power of the devil. So when we release the expression of prayer, the enemy has to go.

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So then that door, that door, that door, it was, I told them it was still a jar, but we didn't have those hindrances.

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And then interesting, the very next week, that particular church body, the pastor said, something's definitely shifted, something's definitely changed.

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We're, we have entered into something that we all and you know this have prayed for for 35 years. Now we all know that in the, in the, in the, in the world today, we are in some kind of renewal or awakening or revival.

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But I believe it's all the prayers. And finally, we've come to the alignment and now it's breakthrough.

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Thank you so much for tuning in to today's podcast. It has been such a joy sharing this time with you for more inspiration and resources on today's topic. Please visit our website at