March 2, 2022

The Gift of Intercession

The Gift of Intercession
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The Purpose Project

God is calling the church to intercession. There is a cry. There is a call that is going out. The interesting thing about the Holy Spirit is that He always leads us, guides us, and directs us. I have felt for a while now that a revival, unlike any that we have seen in the past, is coming. And I know those of you, as members of the Body of Christ, are part of this revival. You’re going to experience a revival in your personal prayer time. So, I’m excited that we’re right on course, that Jesus is the head of the church, that the gates of hell are not prevailing against the church, and specifically the prayer movement. The enemy has desire to sift the prayer movement, to take us out, to keep us from praying, but Jesus Christ, the great intercessor who is on the inside of us, has been interceding for us that our faith fail not, that we continue steadfast, unmovable, always abounding in the labor in the work of prayer because our labors are not in vain.   God is igniting the prayer movement around the world, calling His church to greater levels of consecration in intercession and travail. It is no surprise that the enemy of our souls would fight back, seeking to sideline us with discouragement and passivity. Read Full Article HERE.