June 21, 2022

Salt Covenant and the Habitation Prophecy

Salt Covenant and the Habitation Prophecy
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The School of The Holy Spirit

Jesus is known as the Branch who builds His house. In this episode we explore the connection between the prophecy of Jesus as the Branch and the language the Branch equips believers with to intercede and unveil sons and daughters of God. He uses a key process to make you supernatural. This promise is to all who receive and rely upon the Holy Spirit who intercedes for you! Zechariah 12:10 And I will pour on the house of David and on the inhabitants of Jerusalem the Spirit of grace and supplication; then they will look on Me whom they pierced.



Topic Notes

Salt covenant, God’s covenant with David 2 Samuel 7:9-17, Amos 9:11, Isaiah 22:22, Isaiah 2:3, The Law comes out of zion, The Branch of David, Zechariah 6:12-14, The Branch, The language of the Branch, Rod of Jesse, Zechariah 12:10, supplication, tongues, intercession, Isaiah 28:19, Malachi 3:9, Isaiah 61:6-8, builder of the temple, unveil, Romans 8:19, klepto, apocalypto, Mark 9:7, Lego


Recommended Resources:

 Book: David Cuppett, Wisdom Filled Warriors – Awakening a New Breed of Deliverer

Available from Amazon




Book: David Cuppett, The Key of David – Experiencing the Voice of God

Available from Amazon


Book: David Cuppett, Transfigured – The Call of the Horsemen to Awaken the Church https://www.amazon.com/dp/B08YHZT2Z8/ref=tmm_pap_swatch_0?_encoding=UTF8&qid=1615385602&sr=8-1


If you would like to support David in future missions to India, Pakistan, Native American Reservations and other places in the World, please use the following links:



Use donate button on website – 5stoneswinistries.org https://www.5stonesministries.org/donate


Venmo: https://venmo.com/code?user_id=2890392118755328519&created=1641932108.889632&printed=1


Host Information
David Cuppett is the founder of 5 Stones Ministries having the assignment given through the vision of the Lord, to equip believers in the fullness of the Holy Spirit. David works with various churches to help lead the body into a deeper experience with the Holy Spirit and has focused the last five years on his calling to India where over 5,000 pastors have been baptized in the Holy Spirit and over 150,000 Indian people have experienced the transforming power of the Spirit of Prophesy. For more information regarding David’s ministry, his recent book titled “The Key of David, Experiencing the Voice of God” documents the amazing call to India and the equipping of the pastors and church leaders, as well as the spiritual awakening of the unsaved.  The book can be obtained on Amazon or the ministry website; https://www.5stonesministries.org/


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Facebook: David Cuppett