The strength of a wisdom-filled warrior is in trusting the vision of the Holy Spirit above anything that opposes it in the natural world. The prophetic voice always confronts the darkness or the illusion of truth. The real truth in the vision of the Lord that He desires to release out of your mouth as a son of God to establish His vision (His Kingdom) on earth. Warriors' eyes see from a heart that holds fast to what the Lord is saying. I pray that the eyes of your heart would be open just like Elisha’s servant who was granted to see the angels of the Lord who outnumbered the demonic army.
Recommended Resources:
Book: David Cuppett, Wisdom Filled Warriors – Awakening a New Breed of Deliverer
Available from Amazon
Book: David Cuppett, The Key of David – Experiencing the Voice of God
Available from Amazon
Book: David Cuppett, Transfigured – The Call of the Horsemen to Awaken the Church
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