March 22, 2022

Visions and Dreams that Birth Life

Visions and Dreams that Birth Life
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The School of The Holy Spirit

Satan is afraid of what you are about to become! Satan fears a person hearing the true prophetic voice of God because it destroys demonic strongholds and reorders people lives according to the plan of Jesus Christ. In this episode, David uses a dream from the Lord to reveal how profound the war is between Christ and the anti-Christ. You are caught in the middle of this war and Jesus is coming to unveil your destiny. No matter where you are at in life, the prophetic voice of the Lord walks into the valley of dry bones and calls the dead to life! 


Recommended Resources:

 Book: David Cuppett, Wisdom Filled Warriors – Awakening a New Breed of Deliverer

Available from Amazon

Book: David Cuppett, The Key of David – Experiencing the Voice of God

Available from Amazon


Book: David Cuppett, Transfigured – The Call of the Horsemen to Awaken the Church


If you would like to support David in future missions to India, Pakistan, Native American Reservations and other places in the World, please use the following links:
