May 31, 2022

Warrior Eyes

Warrior Eyes
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The School of The Holy Spirit

Seeing through the eyes of Christ is the main goal of the equipping of the Holy Spirit. With vision (His vision), better known as spiritual discernment you will not simply see as a mere man, instead you will see through the eyes of your heart equipped in Holy Spirit Power. The Holy Spirit is the one who reveals and only those in relationship are granted to discern His view of what is lurking behind the scenes. This discernment reveals that demonic powers do exist and are responsible for much sickness, disease, mental illness, fear and spiritual blindness. To see like Christ, receiving the spirit of wisdom and revelation, reveals the enemy that you are called to fight against as a wisdom filled warrior. Join us as David walks us through many deliverance experiences and embrace the call upon your life; Thou Shall Cast Out Devils (Mark 16:17).

Recommended Resources:

 Book: David Cuppett, Wisdom Filled Warriors – Awakening a New Breed of Deliverer

Available from Amazon

Book: David Cuppett, The Key of David – Experiencing the Voice of God

Available from Amazon


Book: David Cuppett, Transfigured – The Call of the Horsemen to Awaken the Church


If you would like to support David in future missions to India, Pakistan, Native American Reservations and other places in the World, please use the following links:
